"I don't know what you mean, Sir," Bayerly said. He kept his eyes straight ahead, his middle fingers correctly aligned with the crease in his uniform pants.
"We'll start with you, mister," Marusko said. "You violated the Rules of Engagement for your mission on at least three points. You went below the hard deck, you crossed the border into Burma… and don't give me that hot-pursuit shit. And you engaged in close combat with unknown forces in everything but the shooting. God damn it, you were this close…" He held up thumb and forefinger a fraction of an inch apart. "This close to getting into a shooting match with those people. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Sir, we… I mean, our orders indicated we were to fly cover for our That allies. I understood that to mean protecting them from hostile aircraft.
I had to go below ten thousand feet to position myself in case I had to engage. Sir."
"Mmm. And your little joy-ride into the Shan District of Burma?"
"I was on the bandit's tail, Sir. I… uh… was escorting him to the border. And with the other bandit on my six, I couldn't get clear without exposing myself to possible hostile fire."
"Bull," Marusko snapped. "You were gambling that you could get a shot off if the bandit on your tail launched." He looked hard at Tombstone. "And you. What's your excuse, Magruder? You went below the hard deck, engaged in violation of standing ROES, and came within a few feet of scattering a very expensive aircraft across the mountains in a midair collision with a foreign national."
"There's not a whole lot to say about it, CAG," Tombstone said slowly.
"It was pretty tight up there. I thought Commander Bayerly might need assistance. The bandit didn't react when I got a lock on him. Shaving him off was the only way I could think of to do it without opening fire."
"And if that bandit had pulled something as stupid as your stunt, you wouldn't be here right now. And your uncle would be trying to explain the loss of you and forty million of the taxpayers' dollars to CINCPAC and the Pentagon and the CNO and for all I know the goddamned White House too."
Marusko stared at him a moment longer, then at Bayerly. When he spoke again, it was with quiet deliberation. "You gentlemen are expected to practice your career calling aboard this vessel in a professional and workmanlike manner. I needn't remind either of you that the Navy has invested a great deal of time, effort, and money in those careers, and it expects you to take them seriously. We're not out here to play games, but to carry out our orders precisely as they are given to us. We do not play tag with unidentified aircraft. We do not let ourselves get suckered across international boundaries. And we do not engage in aerial games of chicken that could result in toasty international incidents! Do I make myself clear?"
Their response was a lopsided chorus. "Clear, Sir."
"Yes, Sir."
"The two of you are fine aviators with excellent records, both squadron commanders entrusted with grave and far-reaching responsibilities. You, Magruder, should have known better. I think your uncle would expect better of you. I know damn well that I do! Understood?"
"Yes, Sir."
Marusko slumped back into his chair, toying with a pen scooped off his desk. He could tell he'd touched a raw nerve with Tombstone. He'd probably gone too far there, he decided, with the crack about the guy's uncle. "I understand your motivations, Magruder. You saw a buddy in trouble and went to bail him out. If this were combat, I'd have to commend you for quick thinking." He slammed the pen down on the desktop before him. "But damn it, this wasn't combat today. Your orders were to support Royal That Air Force operations over the Nam Mae Taeng."
"Begging the CAG's pardon," Tombstone said, the words clipped and tight.
"But what the hell does support mean if we can't engage the enemy?"
"It means, in this case, that you were up there to show the flag, to demonstrate U.S. support for the That government… not fight their damned war for them!"
Marusko sighed. In all probability, everyone from the admiral clear up to the President would love to see this whole thing covered over. That simply wasn't possible, though. The incident had been seen by too many people, from the pilot of the surviving That aircraft to radar operators on board the circling Hawkeye and the Aegis cruiser Vicksburg. And God knew how many others had been watching, across the border in Burma, or even farther north, in the People's Republic of China. It was getting increasingly difficult to keep such things private anymore.
"Okay," he continued at last. "Like I said, Magruder, I understand what made you do it. This time we'll leave it at an ass-chewing. Next time-" He made a sour face, "You had better make goddamn sure there isn't another time.
Get me?"
"Yes, sir."
"Interpreting your orders to suit yourself is a damned raggedy-assed sea lawyer's stunt. Pull it again and your ass is mine. Got it?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Get the hell out of here."
"Aye aye, sir."
"Bayerly, you stand fast."
Tombstone wheeled and hurried out the door. Bayerly remained standing at attention. Marusko considered the man for another moment. He had on the desk before him the report from VF-97's LSO. He wasn't concerned about the bolters ― every aviator ran up a string of those at one time or another ― but the no-grade mark was serious. Bayerly had endangered himself and his shipmates by that juvenile dive for the deck, and that couldn't be allowed to pass unpunished.
"Bayerly," Marusko said slowly. "You and me have a problem. If it was just the ROES, I'd kick you out of this office like I just did Tombstone. But your little trick up on the roof this afternoon worries me. You dived for the deck… and you came damned close to wiping yourself out, along with your RIO and half the guys on duty up there." He waited for a response. "Well?
Anything to say?"
"No, sir. I guess… I guess it was a bad call on my part, CAG."
"A bad call. How about bad judgment?"
"Yes, sir."
Marusko studied the big aviator for a moment. "Son, you've been moody as hell for weeks now. Ever since Wonsan, in fact. Am I right?"
"If you say so, CAG."
"Want to talk about it?"
"Nothing to talk about, sir." He shrugged. "I screwed up today, that's all."
Marusko shook his head. "I'm taking you off flight duty, Made It.
You're in hack until I tell you otherwise."
Bayerly looked stricken. "But, CAG-"
"Save it." He tapped the reports on his desk. "You're grounded, pending further investigation."
"Yes, sir." Bayerly's face was emotionless once more.
"Aye, aye, sir." Bayerly spun smartly and departed.
Marusko stared at the closed door for a long moment after Bayerly had left. He didn't like doing what he'd been forced to do, but there was no alternative that he could see. Bayerly's attitude had verged on sullenness ― since Wonsan. That was always a bad sign, and when an aviator's emotions began affecting his performance, it was only a matter of time before there was an accident.
In the meantime, Marusko had to figure out how he was going to word his report. He didn't want to see Bayerly's career endangered, but the guy was skating close to having his flight status jerked for good. Sometimes, Marusko did not like his job.
Tombstone was waiting with Kid and Dixie in the passageway outside the CAG department suite. They turned when Bayerly stepped out of CAG's office.
He looked pale.
"What happened?" Tombstone asked.
"Yeah, Made It. We heard some shouting."
"Nothing." Bayerly rubbed his mustache with a stubby finger, and frowned. "Listen, Magruder. I can get on just fine without your covering for me." He pressed past Tombstone in the narrow corridor. "Get out of my way!"