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If, on the other hand, you practice sunning for at least twenty minutes a day, you will find that your eyes adjust much better to the sun. The sun, throughout the years, will become very comfortable for you. You will also find that darkness is easier for you to handle. As your pupils grow wider and your retinal cells become more sensitive, the dark will not appear to be as dark. Best of all, you will enjoy opening your eyes wide in both the strongest and the weakest lights. You will also be happier because the combination of the sun’s rays and the hemoglobin in the blood releases many hormones and neural transmitters, such as serotonin, that lead to a sense of joy. You will probably also have an easier time releasing melatonin at night without taking any vitamins or drugs, simply because of your good sun exposure. The joy of this will lead to many other good things in your life.

If your eyes are sun-sensitive and do not widen enough in the dark, the other mechanisms, even if they’re healthy, may not function to the best of their potential. Most of what the visual system does consists of absorbing light and processing it. Therefore, it’s important that that process be easy and relaxing for the body.

The Dangers of Corrective Lenses

There are three essential dangers from utilizing corrective lenses. If you wear glasses, you tend not to use as much of your external muscles because you depend on a focal point. For this reason, you weaken them throughout the years, which is very bad for your total mechanism.

If you wear contact lenses, your body wants to reject them at first because they are foreign objects. This means you must weaken the immune system in your eyes in order to accept the contacts. This weakens the entire eye over time. Also, the contacts prevent enough oxygen from coming to the eyes, because the contact lenses block it. Even permeable contact lenses are not permeable enough for oxygen.

And whether you wear glasses or contacts, the biggest danger is simply the sense of dependency you create. The more you wear them, the more you need them. You never give your eyes the chance to work out and to regain their sense of strength and natural ability.

At the age of forty-five, seven out of eight people wear corrective lenses. I don’t think we were born to have all this correction. The reason that we have all this correction is that we are creatures of imitation.

There are many millions of brain cells that work only to imitate each other. Monkeys imitate each other, and humans imitate other humans. By practicing vision improvement and being adamant about it, you will be able to affect your vision and the world for the better. This book will change the world completely because many boundaries will break in what we believe our real capacity is. Just imagine how many diseases will be prevented as a result of people working on their eyes.

Now you know how to improve your own vision. You have an eye chart on the wall. Let’s assume that you read the fourth line with great ease, and then you read the fifth, sixth, and seventh with more difficulty. By the eighth, you can’t read anymore. If this is true, you’re standing exactly in the right place. It could be three, five, ten, or twenty feet. As your vision improves, you’ll be able to stand farther away.

Now also determine five or six different objects in your environment that you like to look at. These objects could be flowers from three yards away, or a fence from a yard or two. Changeable items like the clouds in the sky cannot measure your improvement, but steady objects, with steady light at the same time of the day, can. As you improve your vision, you will be able to see more details in these objects.

When you reduce your prescription and first see with a weaker prescription, just be aware of the fact that you will not see as well initially. Normally, you will improve within three weeks. Keep the glasses in your pocket all the time, but try to see well without them as long as it feels effortless. Don’t squint or strain. Just look softly through the fog or fuzziness you have and work on your mind to reduce your frustration.

The most important thing to remember is that how we train ourselves to look is more important, for the time being, than what we see. With time, what we see will be more important. You’re returning to the process of looking. When you were an infant, you didn’t see things well, and you didn’t care, because you did not know that things could be seen any better than how you saw them. As you looked at details, from one to the other, your vision got better. Your macula, the fovea centralis inside it, and even the foveola (which is a smaller spot within the fovea that sees details), started to act well because your mind was interested in what you were looking at. As a result, the connection between the brain and eye became stronger. Slowly, as you started to crawl and walk, the brain developed, and the eyes became stronger, seeing better and better. Normally, childhood vision is much better than adult vision. Many people measure childhood vision as 20/15, which is better than 20/20.

We want to return to that phase. We want to look with great curiosity at all the details the world gives us. Some are nice, and some are ugly, but we always want to look.

A woman who started to lose her vision stated in one of my classes, “I stopped having any interest in looking at things because, in my opinion, the city I live in is ugly.” I could understand why she stopped looking at details, but the more we look consciously at details, the better we see them. There are many people who live in a beautiful city like San Francisco, and still do not look at details. Remember: all details, whether beautiful or not, could be interesting. Remember that when you were an infant, all details were interesting to you.

Looking through your fog could be interesting as well. For example, you can look at the different details in flowers from a distance where you can see the flowers relatively well; then look away, either at a fence, a bush, the sky, or buildings that are farther away, but on which you still see some details. Close your eyes and visualize the contrast between details at a far distance. You can visualize the leaf of a bush and the sky, the fence and the earth, or whatever could have different contrasts. Then look at the objects again, and return to the flowers. Many people will see the flowers better.

Straining your eyes to look far makes you see worse; looking far without strain, with the help of your imagination, and with the help of seeing more and more details, allows you to see better nearby. Nearsighted people need to work on slowly making the point of focus farther away. This means that a nearsighted person who sees really well from 20 centimeters should hope that, after beginning this practice, he or she will see really well from 25 and then 30 centimeters. It is the ability to see farther and farther at a distance, even if it is from a relatively close range, that is going to heal your myopia.

So, the number one thing to remember is, when you put your glasses in your pocket, don’t worry about identifying people’s faces. Announce to all your friends, relatives, and family that you have decided to spend the next four to six months using your glasses as little as possible in order to improve your vision problems. The main thing is to make sure that when you look at the world, you look at it from the eyes with which you were born. Make sure that you blink. Adjust to the world as it is. Enjoy it.

Keep in mind that if your tendency is to wear glasses, you can improve your vision enough that glasses won’t be necessary. In fact, you may end up seeing better without them than you had originally been seeing with them. If you have recovered from a major eye surgery with rehabilitation, instead of just seeing the top of the chart with your glasses, you may see the bottom of the chart with your glasses. If you cannot recover your vision, you may learn how to use the little vision that you have to function as fully as you can with your eyes and body. There is a possibility for rehabilitation in every situation, and we need to believe in our eyes to create such a revolution. This revolution will come from the simple truth that we have inner powers and that this book has helped you to reach them. With diligence, faith, love, and work, we will be able to change ourselves and all who are around us, until this world is a better place.