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He watched her look around expectantly and then go through the open double doors leading to the bedroom. Karch closed and locked the door, dropped the card on a little table beneath a mirror in the entranceway and followed her into the bedroom. She was leaning against the bed, her face down on the spread.

"Where's my daddy?"

"I guess we have to wait for him."

She turned and looked up at him with accusing eyes.

"You told me he was here."

"Don't worry. He's around somewhere. We just have to wait for him to come back. I'll make some calls to see if I can find him, okay? In the meantime, this here is the room where you are going to wait. You can get on the bed and go back to sleep or you can watch TV, whatever you want. They have a channel just for cartoons, right? Why don't you check it out?"

He looked at the girl nodding and smiling but she wasn't with the program. She hardly seemed mollified and Karch was just about out of patience. The next move would be to tie the kid up and put her in the shower with a gag in her mouth. He decided to try once more before going to that extreme.

"Tell you what, you hungry? I'll order us up some room service. I'm fucking starved. How about a nice, juicy steak?"

"Gross. And you talk dirty."

"That I do, that I do. All right, no steak. What would you like instead?"


"Spaghetti-Os? You sure about that? They got some great cooks down there. You sure you want Spaghetti-Os?"


"All right, all right, Spaghetti-Os. Tell you what, you watch the TV in here and I'll go call room service."

He took the remote off the top of the TV and turned it on. He handed her the remote and walked out of the room. He then remembered something and came back in and disconnected the phone. She watched silently as he left the room with the phone. Just as he closed the double doors she called out from within.

"And a Coke, too."

He wondered for a moment whether a child that age was allowed to have Coke. He then dismissed the thought because it didn't matter.

"Okay, one Coke coming up."

Karch took the phone cord and wrapped it around the necks of the two doorknobs. He doubted she would try to make a break but it didn't hurt to be thorough. He then walked over to the little desk and picked up the phone. He dialed Grimaldi's direct line again and the casino director answered immediately.

"You're in."

"You turned the elevator cams off, right?"

"And the garage. Just like you asked. Routine maintenance. If you stayed clear of the casino then there's no record of you coming in."

"Okay. What about the stairs?"

"I've got people in every stairwell. And we know she doesn't have a card because Martin got his back. So she can't use the elevators. Just the stairs. You want somebody up there in the penthouse, like in the hallway?"


"You sure she's going to come back with the money? Just for the kid?"

"She's coming, Vincent. I guarantee it."

"With your life, Jack. You understand that?"

Karch didn't answer. Grimaldi was trying to reassert himself but it was too late for that. Karch still had control.

"She says she didn't put Hidalgo down on the bed like that."

"Who says this?"

"Cassie Black. She says she didn't pop him."

"Bullshit. What's she going to say? 'Things went wrong up there and I did it?' No, they never cop to anything, Jack, you know that."

Karch thought about this.

"All right," he finally said. "I guess you're right."

"I know I am. So you're all set up there?"

"Yeah – oh wait, one last thing. I need you to call room service and have them send up a steak. Make it bloody rare. And…"

He looked toward the doors to the bedroom. The low sound of cartoon gunfire was coming from the room.


"And do they have any Spaghetti-Os down there?"

"That canned shit?"

"Kids like it."

"No, Jack, no fucking Spaghetti-Os. This is a four-star kitchen."

"Well, then something close to it. And two Cokes, no ice. Tell them to knock on the door and leave it outside. Tell them I don't have to sign for it. Nobody can see me up here, Vincent. You understand?"

"Perfectly. Anything else?"

"That's it. This will all be over by midnight, Vincent. You'll have the money, everything. Miami will get the Cleo, you'll run the show, and Chicago gets fucked."

"I'll be very grateful, Jack."

"You bet your ass you will be."

He hung up. He then took the cell phone out of his pocket and used it to check his messages. There were a couple of new missing persons referrals but nothing else. Karch knew that one way or another his missing persons days were going to end soon.

When he put the phone back into his inside suit pocket he felt something in there and remembered he had taken Leo Renfro's date book. He took it out and opened it. He had only glanced through it before, at the time hoping there would be a clue to the whereabouts of the money or Cassie Black. Instead, he found the calendar pages filled with penciled notes about astrological conditions. It fascinated him that there were people who made life decisions based upon configurations of the stars and the sun and moon. He felt that it was stupid and what happened to Leo sure proved it.

He now paged through the calendar to see what Leo had written about the future he didn't live to see. He started to smile when he got to a particularly large notation penciled into the block denoting the current date.

"Hey, we got a void moon rising tonight," he said out loud. "Ten-ten till midnight."

He thought maybe there was something valid to all of this. After all, he knew the night was going to be bad luck for somebody. He put the date book down and stood up. He stepped to the corner and opened the curtains, revealing the floor-to-ceiling window. He stood back and appraised the view and the glass. He pinpointed the spot where Max Freeling had hit the glass and crashed through.

He looked over at the bedroom doors. He heard the signature Beep Beep of a Road Runner cartoon and he knew the coyote was on the case.


CASSIE analyzed and reanalyzed everything Karch had said during the cell phone-to-cell phone conversation. She was in Vegas now, parked in the Flamingo garage again. She sat with her hands on the wheel even though the car was stopped in a parking slot. She stared at the wall in front of her and analyzed the conversation once more. At one point Karch had mentioned the scene of the crime. He also said that when she called after arriving he would have someone bring her "up" to him. This meant to Cassie that he was waiting for her in the penthouse of the Cleo. In room 2014 to be exact. The scene of the crime.

But then she overanalyzed things and began to wonder if the clues he had dropped into the phone call had been dropped intentionally. Perhaps Karch knew she had been lying and was on the road just behind him. Perhaps he knew that she would make a move to rescue her daughter. Finally, though, she dismissed this latter possibility. Looking at it from the standpoint of Karch's believing he held all the cards this time, she decided that he had something else in mind when he chose 2014 for their meeting and supposed exchange of money for the girl.

One thing that needed no analyzing was the exchange. Cassie knew as an absolute given that there would be no trade. Whatever Karch had in mind did not include Cassie's leaving Las Vegas with her daughter. She knew that if she went through with this Karch's way that she would be going to her death. Karch was a no-witnesses man. And to him an ex-con hot prowler wasn't worth a second thought. While she was pretty sure that she could and would trade her life for Jodie's, she was also absolutely sure that Karch's no-witnesses ethic would even apply to a five-and-a-half-year-old innocently caught in the crosswinds of her mother's fatal mistakes.