THE source of irritation had been removed from Mr Bonner with departure of the expedition. Now he could enjoy its purpose, now that it was becoming history, hence impersonal. To such as Mr Bonner, the life we live is not a part of history; life is too personal, and history is not. So the merchant returned to those personal pleasures, of house and family, business and equipage, and quite considerable bank account. If customers or friends ever alluded to that other matter of exploration for which Mr Bonner had, in fact, been personally responsible, he would smile what was an ethereal smile, for one so hearty, and materialist, and self-willed, and proceed to hold forth, between the chinking of the money in his pocket, on the historical consequences of such an expedition. But thanks be, it no longer directly concerned him. The Crusades were not more remote. No doubt he would have subscribed to a Crusade, just as he would continue, if called upon, to support the expedition, but in hard cash, and not in sufferings of spirit. While approving of any attempt to save the souls of other men, he did appreciate the comfort of his own.
The comforts, both material and spiritual, so conveniently confused in comfortable minds, inspired the merchant’s residence. Of solid stone, this had stood unshaken hitherto. As a house it was not so much magnificent as eminently suitable, and sometimes, by pure chance, even appeared imaginative, in spite of the plethora of formal, shiny shrubs, the laurels, for instance, and the camellias that Uncle had planted in the beginning. The science of horticulture had failed to exorcise the spirit of the place. The wands and fronds of native things intruded still, paperbarks and various gums, of mysterious hot scents, and attentive silences: shadowy trees that, paradoxically, enticed the eyes away from an excess of substance. Moreover, the accents of poetry were constantly creeping in through the throats of doves, and sometimes young ladies might be seen, sampling strawberries from the netted beds, or engaged in needlework in a little latticed summer-house, or playing croquet with the military, but later, in the afternoon, when the hoops made long shadows on the crisp grass.
The Bonners’ garden was a natural setting for young ladies, observers were aware, particularly for the niece, who was of a more solitary nature, and given to dabbling in flowers — in a ladylike manner, of course — when the climate permitted. In the mornings and the evenings she would be seen to cut the spring roses, and lay them in the long, open-ended basket, which the maid would be carrying for that purpose. The maid was almost always at her heels. People said that Miss Trevelyan demanded many little, often unreasonable, services, which was only to be expected of such an imperious young person, and a snob.
She was quite unlike Miss Belle. On those suffocating days when the change would not come, and the feet crushed a scent out of the fallen camphor leaves, Miss Belle would be crying out loud, and fanning herself, and pushing back her hair to be rid of its weight, but would not escape, it was seen by people passing the other side of the wall; Miss Belle remained dripping gold. Or in the grey gales of afternoon, when at last they came, the great round gusts that smote the camphor trees, Miss Belle would catch up her skirt, and run at the wind, and drink it, and feel it inside her dress, and shout, even, until her mother or cousin would hush her. Yes, Miss Belle was the lively one.
So the life of the garden merged with the thoughts of the passers-by. The flickery muslins and the brooding leaves obsessed the more speculative. Indistinct voices would follow them to distant quarters of the town, almost always the voices of ladies, devoted to those pursuits to which ladies do devote themselves, because they must pass the time.
‘Oh dear, I would write a letter,’ Belle might say, ‘if I had not written to everyone.’
She had, too, but she did receive in return many informative letters from other girls.
‘I would not know to whom I might write,’ Laura replied on such an occasion.
They were sitting in the latticed summer-house, from which the wistaria from China hung its buzzing, drunken heads.
‘But there is everyone,’ Belle replied. ‘There is Chattie Wilson, and Lucy Cox, and Nelly McMorran. And everyone.’
‘Or that I would find a subject of sufficient interest.’
‘That is not necessary,’ said Belle. ‘One simply writes.’
Time was heavy, although, in the afternoon, Tom would come.
‘Papa is surprised he has had no word from the expedition,’ Belle rattled, to save herself. ‘He would not expect, of course, civility from Mr Voss, but he did fancy Mr Sanderson might keep him informed, on that stage of the journey at least.’
‘It is early yet,’ suggested Laura, who was sketching the garden from an angle that had only recently occurred to her.
‘Or Mr Palfreyman,’ said Belle. ‘Mr Palfreyman could, and ought to, write.’
She did not look at her cousin.
Laura frowned at the garden.
‘It is not his duty. He is not the leader of the expedition.’
‘Dear Lolly,’ sighed Belle, taking her cousin’s hand as if it had been a cat to cuddle.
‘You are absurd, Belle,’ laughed Laura, to whom perspective was a problem.
‘But you found Mr Palfreyman agreeable. You admitted it yourself. The day the ship sailed.’ For Belle Bonner, her cousin was a fascinating mystery, whether sketching from the summer-house or taking her leave of suspected admirers. ‘Such an amiable man, Mamma considers.’
‘Most amiable,’ Laura agreed.
‘Even Tom feels — because I have asked him — that Mr Palfreyman is so good. Of delicate constitution, perhaps. Still, delicacy of health can make a man considerate of others.’
Laura was entertained.
‘Is that also Tom’s opinion?’
‘No. Mamma’s.’ Belle blushed.
‘Then, poor Mr Palfreyman has been discussed.’
‘Dear Laura, I could be so happy.’ Belle caressed her cousin’s hand.
It was exasperating. She would have forced those she loved to eat of sweets she had not yet tasted.
But Laura laughed. She withdrew her hand, and took the pencil to her sketch, and ploughed it with one long, dark line, almost through the paper.
‘You have spoilt your sketch!’ cried Belle.
‘Yes,’ said Laura. ‘It was an insipid thing.’
She crumpled it up, and dared her dear Belle.
At that season, Laura’s glistening, green laughter was threaded through the days. These were warm, though not yet oppressive, full of the clovey scent of pinks, with harsh whiffs of torn gum-leaves, dissipated by the wind, and married with perfume of roses, in passionate gusts. Heady days. Green was garlanding the windows, the posts of balconies, the knobs of gateways, in celebration.
In celebration of what, others did not know, except that there was something. They were looking at Laura for some sign, as she moved in the garden, in a crush of cool flowers, or appeared suddenly in doorways, in the sound of her skirts, or under trellises, trailing a dappled shadow, or at windows, that she threw open suddenly, her arms flying upward after the sash, to stay suspended there a second, the greenish flesh of those stalks glimmering against vines. All these acts were joyful, without revealing. Her mouth did not so much smile, as wonder.
For Laura herself had not yet grasped the full sense of that season, only that it was fuller than ever before, and that the flesh of roses was becoming personal, as she cut the long, pointed buds, or heavy blooms that would fall by evening. She had to take all, even the big, blowing ones.