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24. I. Plessis, Etude sur les textes concernant Ishtar — Astarte (Paris 1921), p. 250.

25. A. Parrot, La tour de Babel (Neuchatel 1953).

26. Sir Frederick Kenyon, The Bible and Archaeology (London 1940), pp. I22ff.

27. Genesis 38: 8 — 10.

28. Leviticus 18 and 20.

29. Adolphe Lods, Israel des origines au milieu du VIII siecle (Paris 1932), p. 227.

30. Time (New York, 5 April 1954), p. 96.

31. Atharva Veda, 18, 3, 1.

32. R. W. Frazer, ‘Sati’ in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (London 1920), Vol. XI, p. 207.

33. P. Masson — Oursel, H. de Willman — Grabowska,Philipp Stem, Vlnde antique et la civilisation indienne (Paris 1933), p. 84. Edward Thompson, Suttee (London 1928).

34. C. R. Majumdar, H. C. Raychandhuri, Kalinkar Datta, An Advanced History of India, Part I: Ancient India (London 1949), p. 197.

35. M. RostovtzefF, History of the Ancient World (Oxford 1927), Vol. 1, p. 287.

36. George Thompson, Studies in Ancient Greek Society. The Prehistoric Aegean (London 1948).

37. Homer, Odyssey, XI, 489. Hesiod, Works and Days, 376, 405.

38. Gustave Glotz, Histoire grecque (Paris 1938), Vol. I, p. 368.

39. L. Beauchet, Histoire du droit prive de la republique athenienne (Paris 1897), Vol. I, pp. 398fF., Vol. Ill, pp. 465#.

39a. Ugo Enrico Paoli, Die Frau im alten Hellas (Bern 1955), p. 73.

39b. Sir Arthur Pickard — Cambridge, The Dramatic Festivals of Athens (Oxford 1953), PP — 268–270.

40. Plato, Republic, Book V.

41. Plato, Laws, Book VIII.

42. Aristotle, Natural History, IX, 1. Politics, I, 2.

43. Erik Nordenskiold, The History of Biology (New York 1928), pp. 41–43.

44. Plutarch, Pericles, 24.

45. O. Navarra, ‘Meretrices’ in the Dictionnaire des Antiquites grecques et romaines, ed. Ch. Daremberg and Edm. Saglio (Paris 1904), Vol. Ill, pp. 1823–1938.

46. Strabo, VIII, 6, 20.

47. Plato, Symposium, XVI.

48. Ulrich von Wilamowitz — Moellendorf, Platon (Berlin 1919), Vol. I, 44, Werner Jaeger, Paideia (New York 1945), Vol. Ilclass="underline" The Conflict of Cultural Ideals in the Age of Plato.

49. Hans Neumann, Sittenspiegel (Salzburg 1952), p. 57.

50. Cicero, De Inventione, I, 24, 55.

51. Ettore Pais, Histoire romaine des origines a Vachevement de la conquete (Paris, 1940), pp. 86ff.

52. Ludwig Friedlander, Darstellungen am der Sittengeschichte Roms (10th Ed., Leipzig 1921–1926), Vol. I, pp. 267ft.

53. Plutarch, Cato min.t 25.

54. Justinian, Institutions, de adoptione I, Tit. XI, para. 9.

55. Publius Ovidius Naso, Amores, 4th Elegy.

56. Martin Schanz, Geschichte der romischen Literatur (4th ed., Miinchen 1935), 2nd part, pp. 207.

57. Oscar Forel, Vaccord des sexes (Paris 1953), p. 274.

58. Tacitus, Annales, XV, 44.

59. Marcel Simon, Les premiers chritiens (Paris 1952), p. 19.

60. St. Matthew 19: 3 — 12.

61. Mischna, Gittin, IX, 10.

62. Ettore Pais, Histoire Romaine, p. 81. — Pauly’s Real — Enzyklopadie der classis — chen Alter tumswissenschajt, Art. ‘Matrimonium’ (Stuttgart 1930), 28th half vol., pp. 2270, 2271.

63. St. Mark 10:11.

64. St. Luke 16:1.

65. I Corinthians 7:10, 11.

66. Declaration by the Archbishop of Canterbury, 11 December 1954.

67. James Hastings, A Dictionary of the Bible, Art. Marriage 9 (Edinburgh 1900), Vol. III, pp. 292E

68. Ephesians, 5: 22–24.

69. St. Matthew 21:32.

70. Gospel according to St. Luke 7: 37.

71. R. P. Sanson, Marie — Madeleine, celle qui a beaucoup aimi (Paris 1934), pp. 74, 84.

72. I Corinthians 7:1.

73. Adolf von Hamack, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte (5 th ed., Tubingen 1931), Vol. Ill, p. 262.

74. Adolf von Hamack, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 12.

75. Eugene Albertini, VEmpire Romain (Paris 1936), p. 36.

76. Koran, Sura IV, 15.

77. Koran, Sura XXIV, 13.

78. Koran, Sura XXIV, 4.

79. Koran, Sura IV, 34.

80. Koran, Sura VI, 152.

81. Arthur Jeffery, ‘Family Life in Islam’ in The Family: Its Function and Destiny, ed. Ruth Nanda Anshen (New York 1949), p. 48.

82. Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, The Meaning of the Glorious Koran (New York 1954), pp. 405–406.

83. Koran, Sura IV, 3.

84. Koran, Sura IV, 171; Sura V, 73.

85. J. Oestrup, ‘Alf laila wa — laila’ in M.Th. Houtsma and others, Encyclopidie de VIslam (Leiden — Paris 1913) Vol. I, pp. 255–259.

86. Les mille et une nuits, contes arabes, 12 vols. (Paris 1704–1717).

87. Der duftende Garten des Scheich Netzaui: Neuman, Sittenspiegel (Salzburg, 1952). p — 30.

88. I Timothy 3: 1–5.

89. Abelard und Heloise, Briefwechsel (Leipzig, n.d.), p. 78.

90. ibid., p. 100.

91. ibid., p. 118.

92. Oscar Forel, L’Accord des Sexes (Paris 1953) pp. 87–88.

93. O. Cartellieri, La Cour des dues de Bourgogne (Paris 1946).

94. Henry Charles Lea, History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (New York 1888), Vol. Ill, pp. 492–549. — W. G. Soldan and U. Heppo, Geschichte der Hexenprozesse (3rd ed., Stuttgart 1912), 2 vols.

95. Heinrich Edw. Jacob, SechtausendJahre Brot (Hamburg 1954), p. 152.

96. Augustin Fleche, L’Europe Occidentale de 888 a 1125 (Paris 1930), p. 649.

97. Joseph Bedier, Alfred Jeauroy and F. Picaret, ‘Histoire des Lettres’ in G. Hanotaux’, Histoire de la Nation Frangaise, Vol. XII (Paris 1952), p. 136.

98. Marcelin Defoumeaux, La vie quotidienne au temps de Jeanne d'Arc (Paris 1952), p. 136.

99. Robert BrifFault, The Mothers (London 1927), Vol. HI, p. 216.

100. George F. Fort, History of Medical Economy during the Middle Ages (1883), pp. 336–347. — Victor Robinson, The Story of Medicine (New York 1943), pp. 213–215.

101. Le Livre du chevalier de la Tour Landry pour V enseignement de ses files (late fourteenth century, reissued by A. Montaignon, Paris 1854).

102. P. G. Dublin, La vie de VAretin (Paris 1937), p. 46.

103. Ulrich Thieme and Fred P. Willis, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kunstler (Leipzig 1921), Vol. XTV, pp. 215–219.

104. Les Sonnets luxurieux de Me. Pierre Aretin traduits en frangais et illustres d'apres les compositions de Jules Romain (Paris 1947).

105. Vesalius, De humani corporis fabrica libri septem (Basle 1543).

106. Manni, Istoria del Decamerone (Florence 1742).

107. Arturo Castiglione, Storia della Medicina (Verona 1948), Vol. I, pp. 396–397’

108. Ivan Bloch, Der Ursprung der Syphilis (Jena 1911).

109. Karl SudhofF, Der Ursprung der Syphilis (Leipzig 1913).

110. Earliest Printed Literature on Syphilis, ed. Karl SudhofF. Monumenta medica, Vol. HI (Florence 1925).

111. Victor Robinson, The Story of Medicine (New York 1943), p. 274.

112. Ovid, Metamorphoses, VI, 145–312.

113. Philipp Melanchthon, Loci communes rerum theologicarum (1521).

114. H. Hauser and A. Renaudet, Les debuts de I’Age moderne (Paris 1946), P — 363.

115. Ernest Lavisse and Alfred Rambaud, Les guerres de Religion (2nd ed., Paris 1905), p. 17.

116. Andr6 Michel, Histoire de VArt (Paris 1913), Vol. V, part 2, pp. 5i3ff.

117. Marcel Brion, Michel — Ange (Paris 1939), p. 324.

118. A. Farinelli, Don Giovanni. Note critiche (Turin 1896).

119. Memoires de Messire Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur de Brantome, contenant les vies des dames illustres de Frange de son temps (Leiden 1665).

120. Brantome, Vies des dames galantes. Discours premier sur les dames qui font Vamour et leurs maris corns, ed. Rene — Louis Doyon (Paris n.d.) pp. 157–168.