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FOUR BULLETS LEFT, beamed the Shadowcop.

"You taking a chance, Murdoch?" asked the Beetle.

"Well, I guess so," she answered.

Somebody was gonna get killed, hurt, or arrested.

Maybe it was me. Most probably it was me.

Some things just seem bound.

This is how we lost Desdemona, and found the Thing. Yes, time to tell it.

Sister and brother flying down through a feather's embraces. Into the Voodoo world. To land softly in a garden of bliss, walled in by ancient stones, surrounded by colours and perfume, a jungle of flowers. Bright yellow birds were singing bright yellow songs, from the trees that were growing, visibly, even whilst we walked. Deep in the countryside, an English garden…

"It's lovely, Scribble!" announced Desdemona. And indeed it was; everything you could wish for. Desdemona took my hand, and then my mouth, filling me up with kisses. The garden was playing with our senses, making them into a tapestry. The flowers were pollen-heavy, and so was I. I took Desdemona into my arms, letting her fall, gently, to the floor of petals, me following her down, into the petals.

Her cunt was pressed against my cock, and the world was beautiful.

I've done this already, I thought, maybe this is the Haunting? Maybe I'm inside the Vurt just now? But I dismissed that thought real easy, so I couldn't have been, could I?

Could I?

Then I slipped inside of her, the sister, feeling the walled garden close in to caress my penis, until the sap rose to the top, and the garden was flooded. The air was heavy with pollen; the whole world was copying itself, over and over, through the act of sex. And we were enfolded in the system, sucking where the bee sucks.

We were being watched.

I rolled off Desdemona's slick body, onto the ground, feeling the earth clutching at me, like it wanted to feel my seed. I was sinking, and a hooded figure was standing some five feet away, watching, just watching.

I lifted myself up, just to get a better look, only to find myself sinking into the figure's gaze. Like being eaten.

The figure was draped in purple robes, head to foot, hooded, so that only the eyes showed. Yellow eyes. Twin suns, glistening with knowledge. "Your names, please?" the figure said. It was a woman's voice. I nudged at Des, and she sat up, straight away, no fear. There was no fear involved.

"My name is Desdemona," she said.

"My name is Scribble," I said. It was the most natural thing, no problems.

"Thank you," said the figure. "Welcome to English Voodoo. Do you know why you're here?"

"We do not," I answered. I could not lie.

"You have come for knowledge," the figure said. "There will be pleasure. Because knowledge is sexy. There will also be pain. Because knowledge is torture. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes," answered Des. "We understand."

Did we?

"Good. Join us." The figure said this, moving her arms, to indicate the garden. Other figures were appearing, moving in from the distance, like images growing on a photographic plate, taking on life. They were all hooded and covered the same, head to foot, so that you could not distinguish between them. Only the yellow eyes peering out from beneath the dark cowls. Desdemona and I stood up then, to be on the same level with the figures. "We are the keepers of the garden," they said, all at the same time, but I was just getting the messages, no words, just thoughts. What are these creatures?

Birds were twittering in the trees, and one of the gardeners called out in a small bird-like whistle. A yellow bird, a canary, flew down into his hands. He stroked it carefully, until the bird was happy. Then he gently plucked a feather out of its plumage. It was a yellow feather, and he held it up for all to see. It was a small and gentle golden feather, kissed by the English sun. It really got to me. Looked like a dream. The figure opened his hand to let the bird fly free. Then he raised the yellow feather to his lips, darkened by the hood. He sucked it in, and then was gone, sinking into the earth, into a hole that opened up, and then closed again, as the figure disappeared beneath the soil. Flowers bloomed again over the space, growing in super motion. The golden feather was left there, floating in the air, free of all restraints. The next figure plucked it from the air, stroked it in, then was gone, sinking. The feather floating. The next figure took it up, stroked it. Gone. The next figure took the feather. Stroked it. Gone. The feather still floating. And so on, until only the initial figure remained.

"Where are they going?" Desdemona asked.

"To the past, the bad past, in search of knowledge," the figure answered. She had the feather in her hands, and she was offering it to Des. "Why don't you try it?" the figure said.

Desdemona hesitated for a second, and then took the yellow feather into her hands. She held it against her lips. "What will it do?" she asked.

"The past is waiting," the figure answered. "You can go there, and change it. That way knowledge lies."

Desdemona placed the feather between her lips.

"Des…" My voice calling to her, in the garden. "It might be dangerous…"

"Yes, it is," said the figure. "It's a Yellow feather."

"It's a Yellow feather, Scribb!" Des replied. "Haven't you always wanted to take one of those?"

"Yes, but…"

"How many chances do you get?" my sister asked.

"Not many."

"You get one chance," she said. "And this is ours. Let's do it."


"It is not for the weak," the figure said, but the sister already had the feather between her lips. Desdemona turned to face me.

"I want to go there, Scribble," she said. "I want you to come with me. Will you come?"

"Please don't go, Des."

Did no good.

Desdemona pushed the golden feather in deep, to the limits. Her eyes flashed yellow, just the once, and then the ground was opening up beneath her feet, and weeds were pulling at her, yellow weeds, spiked with thorns. Desdemona was screaming; "Scribble!!!!" But what could I do? The tendrils were wrapping themselves around my sister's limbs, drawing blood from a hundred places, as the spikes pierced her skin. This wasn't the easy passage the other figures had achieved; they hadn't gone down screaming. It was going wrong, the day was going wrong!

What could I do?

The sister was being pulled down by the yellow weeds; creepers and thorns clutching tight on her body, dragging her down to the world beneath the soil.

"Knowledge is torture," the figure said. "Didn't I tell you that?"

I was running towards Desdemona, trying my best to reach her.

The flowers won.

They dragged her down into the soil, until only her hair was left, her beautiful hair, and then even that was gone, strangled by the weeds, until only the weeds were left, the blonde flowers. They grew over where she had buried herself, smothering the space in a second.

The figure had the feather in her hands, and she was offering it to me.

"Go fuck yourself!"

My words.

"Very well," the figure said. "You are too weak. Maybe one day…" And with that she pushed the feather into her own mouth. Her eyes flashing more golden than the sun on a hot day, and I was alone, in the garden, the English garden.

The feather floated for a moment, and then started to fall. I reached out for it.

I reached out for it.

A yellow bird flew down, a blur of speed, caught the feather in her beak, and then was gone, flying back to feather some nest.

And who will feather my nest, now?

The garden was empty.

I stayed there for two, three hours, I don't know. A long time.

And then I jerked out.

How can I forgive myself? Why did Desdemona leave me? All the hours I have spent wondering this. What had I done wrong? Wasn't I enough for her? What else did she want?

Some things are just bound.

This was how we lost Desdemona. And how I came to wake up, smothered by a Thing from Vurt, some heavy shit.