ti tll e page
Alice Clayton
Omnific Publishing
Dall as
P rai s e for W all ll banger:
“Wallbanger is an instant classic, with plenty of laugh out loud moments and riveting characters—highly recommended!”
~ NYT and USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer Probst
“Hilarious, romantic, and compulsively readable, Wallbanger delivers the perfect blend of sex, romance, and baked goods.”
~Ruthie Knox, best-selling author of About Last Night
“Alice Clayton strikes again, seducing me with her real woman sex appeal, unparal eled wit and addicting snark; leaving me laughing, blushing, and craving knock all the paintings off the wall sex of my very own.”
~Brittany Gibbons,
“Caroline Reynolds. Finally a woman who knows her way around a man and a KitchenAid Mixer. She had us at zucchini bread!”
~Curvy Girl Guide
Copyri ght Inform ati on
W all ll banger, Copyri ght © 2012 by A ll i c e Cll ayton
A ll ll Ri ghts Res erved. E xc ept as perm i tted under the U.S . Copyri ght A c t of 1976, no part of thi s publ i c ati on m ay be reproduc ed, di s tri buted, or trans m i tted i n any form or by any m eans , or s tored i n a databas e or retri eval s ys tem , wi thout pri or wri tten perm i s s i on of the publ i s her.
Om ni fi c P ubll i s hi ng
10000 North Central E xpres s way, Dall ll as , T X 75231 ni fi c publ i s hi ng.c om
Fi rs t Om ni fi c eB ook edi ti on, Novem ber 2012
Fi rs t Om ni fi c trade paperbac k edi ti on, Novem ber 2012
T he c harac ters and events i n thi s book are fi c ti ti ous . A ny s i m i ll ari ty to real pers ons , ll i vi ng or dead, i s c oi nc i dental and not i ntended by the author.
Li brary of Congres s Catal ogui ng-i n-P ubll i c ati on Data
Cll ayton, A ll i c e.
W all ll banger / A ll i c e Cll ayton – 1s t ed
IS B N: 978-1-623420-03-1
1. S an Frans i s c o— Fi c ti on. 2. Contem porary Rom anc e— Fi c ti on. 3. Interi or Des i gn— Fi c ti on. 4. Rom anti c Hum or— Fi c ti on. I. T i tll e
Cover Des i gn by Mi c ha S tone and A m y B rokaw
Interi or B ook Des i gn by Coreen Montagna
Dedi c ati on
To my mom, for letting me have coconut on my birthday cake
even though no one else likes it.
To my dad, for reading me Garfield comics
until we laughed so hard we were both crying.
Thank you
Chapter One
“OH, GOD.”
“Oh, God.”
Thump thump.
What the…
“Oh, God, that’s so good!”
I scrambled up out of sleep, confused as I looked around the strange room. Boxes on the floor. Pictures propped against the wall.
My new bedroom, in my new apartment, I reminded myself, placing both hands on the duvet, grounding myself with the luxurious thread count.
Even half asleep, I was aware of my thread count.
“Mmmm…Yeah, baby. Right there. Just like that…Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
Oh boy…
I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and turned to look at the wall behind me, beginning to understand what had woken me up. My hands still stroked the duvet absently, catching the attention of Clive, my wonder cat. Butting his head under my hand, Clive demanded to be soothed. I stroked him as I looked around and oriented myself in my new space.
I’d moved in earlier that day. It was a gorgeous apartment: spacious rooms, wood floors, arched doorways—it even had a fireplace! I had no clue how to actually build a fire, but that was neither here nor there. I was aching to put things on the mantel. As an interior designer, I had a habit of mentally placing things in almost every space, whether it belonged to me or not. It drove my friends a wee bit mad at times, as I was constantly restaging their knickknacks.
I’d spent the day moving in, and after soaking in the incredibly deep, claw-foot tub until well past prune, I settled myself into bed and enjoyed the creaks and squeaks of a new home: light traffic outside, some quiet music, and the comforting click-click of Clive exploring. The click-click came from his hangnail, you see…
My new home, I’d thought contentedly as I slipped into an easy sleep, which is why I was so surprised to be woken at…let’s see…two thirty-seven a.m.
I found myself gazing stupidly at the ceiling, trying to return to a relaxed state, but I was startled again as my headboard moved—banged into the wall was more like it.
Are you kidding me? Then I heard, very distinctly:
“Oh, Simon, that’s so good! Mmm…”
Aw, jeez.
Blinking, I felt more awake now and a little fascinated by what was clearly going on next door. I looked at Clive, he looked at me, and if I wasn’t so tired I’d have been pretty sure he winked. I guess someone should be getting some.
I’d been in a bit of a dry spell for a while. A very long while. Bad, rapid-fire sex and an ill-timed one-night stand had robbed me of my orgasm.
She’d been on vacation for six months now. Six long months.
The beginnings of carpal tunnel were threatening to set in as I tried desperately to get myself off. But O was on seemingly permanent hiatus.
And I don’t mean Oprah.
I pushed the thoughts of my missing O away and curled up on my side. All seemed quiet now, and I began to drift back to sleep, Clive purring contentedly beside me. Then all hell broke loose.
“Yes! Yes! Oh, God… Oh, God!”
A painting I’d propped on the shelf above my bed fell off and rapped me soundly on the head. That’ll teach me to live in San Francisco and not make sure everything is securely mounted. Speaking of mounted…
Rubbing my head and cursing enough to make Clive blush—if cats could blush—I looked back at the wall behind me again. My headboard was literally banging against it as the ruckus continued next door.
“Mmm…yes, baby, yes, yes, yes!” the loudmouth chanted…and concluded with a contented sigh.
Then I heard, for the love of all that’s holy, spanking. You can’t misinterpret the sound of a good spanking, and someone was receiving one next door.
“Oh, God, Simon. Yes. I’ve been a bad girl. Yes, yes!”
Unreal…More spanking, and then the unmistakable sound of a male voice, groaning and sighing.
I got up, moved the entire bed a few inches away from the wall, and huffed back under the duvet, glaring at the wall the whole time.
I fell asleep that night after swearing I would bang back if I heard one more peep. Or groan. Or spank.
Welcome to the neighborhood.
Chapter Two
THE NEXT MORNING, my first official morning in my new place, found me sipping a cup of coffee and munching a leftover donut from yesterday’s moving-in party.
I wasn’t quite as awake as I’d hoped to begin unpackingpalooza, and I silently cursed last night’s antics next door. The girl was plowed, spanked, she came, she slept. The same for Simon. I assumed his name was Simon, as that was what the girl who liked to be spanked kept calling him. And really, if she was making up a name there were hotter ones than Simon to be screaming out in the throes.