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Instead of thinking, I just danced. I probably looked like a total slut, but whatever. Most of the people here had no clue who I even was, not that I should care. It felt liberating to grind and rub all over this hottie. I could feel his erection hard on my ass, and it made me want to give him some more.

Gripping his hips with my hands, I began to move my ass up and down his body, dropping low and continuing to grind along the way. I could smell Gunner on me, and I tried to only think of him and not Deke, but it was hard.

Gunner’s strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me even tighter to him. His lips and goatee were scraping my neck, and I felt my knees want to give out. The problem was, I wasn’t with Gunner … In my mind, it was Deke. How fucked up was that. Turning to him, I leaned into his ear. “I’m gonna take a break. Thanks.” I grabbed Kinsley and Sawyer and led them to the bar.

“Whatever they want, I’m buying.” Gunner’s voice stopped me. I didn’t even see him follow us.

“Thanks, but that’s okay.” I smiled sweetly. I didn’t want anything more from this guy than to dance.

“Nope, I’m buying.” Gunner’s strong, powerful voice almost scared me. It was controlled and domineering, but I kinda loved it.

I smiled into his green eyes. I swore those eyes didn’t look right, but I thought it was the alcohol talking. “Thanks.”

“No problem. You dance like that, you deserve a drink.” His wink and smirk were unbelievably sexy. Too bad my damn mind was on that irritating SOB from last night.

“Damn, he’s hot,” Kinsley said in my ear.

“Yea. He is.” I smiled back, not wanting to give my true thoughts away.

“Stop it!” Kinsley’s abrupt voice caught me off guard.

“What?” I asked, staring at her.

“You need to let him go and have fun.”

“It’s only been a day. I can’t erase five years like that.” Snapping my finger, I thought it helped get my point across.

“I didn’t say marry the guy, but just have fun.”

I knew she was right. It wasn’t like I’d been saving myself for the all-powerful Deke Sullivan all these years. But Kinsley’s right. I needed to get over this shit.

Downing my drink and pulling Gunner’s arm, I said, “Let’s dance,” and dragged him to the middle of the floor. If nothing else, it would feel real nice having his rock hard body pressed up against mine. Maybe he could help me forget.

The loud pulse of the music caused my body to move. Even as sweat poured off my body, I didn’t stop. I didn’t think. I just did. The strong arms and hands that were around me were guiding me in a subtle way, and I let him.

Gunner turned me around to face him, his growing erection now pushing into my belly. It’d been way too long since I’d had sex and I couldn’t help but think what it would be like with this man.

In one swift move, Gunner reached for the back of my head, thread his fingers through my hair, and crushed his lips down on mine. Shocked, I didn’t kiss him back, but he kept trying to coax me into it. It reminded me too much of last night.

Abruptly, I pushed Gunner away. “Gotta go.”

Pushing past him, I headed straight for the girls. “We gotta go.” The look on their faces told me they were not ready, but I didn’t have time for this. “I’m leaving. If you want to come, fine, but I’m going out to catch a cab.”

Walking through the crush of people, I instantly felt the walls closing in on me—my insides twisted and my knees wanted to give way. I needed air. Pushing through the doors, I propped myself up on the wall, bending at the waist and trying to get myself pulled together.

These damn anxiety attacks hadn’t gotten any better. The medicine, the therapy, nothing helped. The damnedest things set them off, and there really was no rhyme or reason to them.

After a couple minutes, I was finally able to catch my breath, and I pulled myself up. “Shit!” I jumped.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya ... again,” Gunner’s voice powered through the fog.

“I didn’t even hear you come up,” I said, clutching my chest.

“I didn’t want to bother you. Looked like you needed a minute.”

“Thanks. I’m good now. You can go back in.” I couldn’t be around him anymore. His smell was just too damn much.

“I just wanna make sure you get in the cab okay. Then I’ll leave ya alone.” Hearing the sincerity in his voice made me wish I could get the hell over Deke, but I needed time.

“Thanks. Sorry about in there.”

“No big deal. I thought you were feeling it, and I wanted to kiss those beautiful lips.” He smirked.

Clearing my throat, I knew I had to let this one go. “Look Gunner, you’re hot, and you definitely turn me on, but I’m not looking for that right now.”

“It’s the guy I smell like, huh?” His eyes focused on the parking lot, appearing to be in deep thought.

“I shouldn’t have told you that. I just could have sworn you were him when you brushed up against me. It’s not right to compare.”

“It’s fine. I was just looking for a good time.” His drawl seemed to get a bit deeper.

“Sorry, but that’s not me. I’ll dance, but anything else isn’t going to happen.”

“Well, whoever it is that smells like me needs to get his head out of his ass and not let you go.”

Turning, I smiled. “Thanks for that, but it was over before it even started. It was my own fault. Not that I really had a choice.” I focused on my feet. I didn’t know this guy, and here I was telling him shit about me that he didn’t need to know.

“We all have choices, Vann. Some are made for us and others are our own. If it’s something you really want, don’t give up.”

“Funny. For five years I held onto my hope, but in one night it was crushed. I’m a big girl, though. I’ll be fine.”

“You waited five years for this asshole?” he asked, surprised.

“Yeah. See, I had to leave town, not by choice, mind you, but it messed everything up. It’s my fault, but having to choose family over everything else is what had to happen.”

“Do you regret your choice?” Gunner’s tone sounded like he was a million miles away and not standing right next to me.

“Ahhh … tricky question. Yes and no. Yes, because of what I lost and what could have been. Not saying it would have been anything; we were both young.” Walking over to the bench seat, Gunner followed and sat next to me. “It’s hard to miss someone so much and everyday feel like a part of you is breaking and dying off.” After no response from him, I continued, “No, because I needed to grow up. I needed to learn how to handle my family and make something of myself.”

“And you figured it would all work out if you saw him again?”

Crossing my legs, I turned toward him. “Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. I’d been waiting so long to see him face-to-face that I had all these scenarios in my head of how it would play out, but nothing like what happened.”

“Maybe he was just as shocked as you were.” Gunner’s voice was a low whisper, and I could barely make out the words.

“Maybe, but he said goodbye, something I didn’t let him do before, and I could see in his eyes that he meant it.” Turning back toward the lot, I added, “I just didn’t expect it to suck so badly.”

“Well, he’s an ass for letting you walk away.”

“Thanks, but it’s a two way street, and it wasn’t meant to be. I’ll be fine. I’m really sorry about tonight. You’re a really nice guy, but it’s just too weird.” I turned to look at him. “You know, if you cut and lightened your hair, shaved off your goatee, and had blue eyes, I swear you could be his twin. I thought at first I was imagining it, but sitting this close, I can really see it.”

“Well, if I were him, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to let you walk away.”