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I watched as the orgasm shot through her. With her head thrown back, she never looked more beautiful than at that moment. I couldn’t help but feel proud that I made her feel that way. I slowly pulled my hand out as I watched Vann try to catch her breath. She was so beautiful. I wanted to kiss her, but her breathing was so ragged.

She eyed me. “Don’t stop.”


Vann began to push her jeans off of her body. My eyes focused on the curls I felt just a few moments earlier. The movies didn’t do this sight. Just when I thought my dick was as hard as it could get, I was wrong.

Vann’s hands went to the front of my jeans as she began unbuttoning them. She pulled them down, along with my boxers, springing my cock free. It felt so good to have it out of confinement.

Vann’s soft hands wrapped around my cock, and I did everything I could not to come in her hand. Her touch was soft yet tight, nothing like when I jacked off in the shower.

Her hand began pumping it up and down. “Vann, I’m gonna blow.”

Vann stopped and stared at me. “I want to do this.”

“Do what?”

“I want to have sex with you.”

Damn. I wanted that more than anything. “I want to, too.” Reaching over to my jeans, I grabbed my wallet and pulled out the condom I kept there just in case this was to ever happen.

Vann watched as I opened the packet. I took the small rubber ring and tried to pull it down, but it wouldn’t go. I kept looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with Vann and show her how much of a tool I was.

I turned the condom over and it instantly rolled down my shaft. I looked up at Vann who was smiling at me. “Good job,” she jabbed.

“Hey, at least I got it.” I smirked, not wanting to show any embarrassment. I pulled Vann to me kissing her while laying her down on the blanket. Rising up, I positioned myself. She was very wet so I hoped it would help get it in.

I slowly began to push inside of her. I lay on top of her with my weight resting on my elbows. Leaning down to kiss her, I felt my dick slowly sliding into her. The pressure was so intense.

I didn’t want to hurt her, but I needed in.

“Vann, this may hurt. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m happy it’s you.” Vann’s megawatt smile stole my heart. I was so in love with this girl.

I closed my eyes, knowing I was going to hurt her; how badly I wasn’t sure, but I was scared to see the look on her face. As I pushed, I heard Vann’s gasp of pain. My eyes flew open meeting hers. I could see tears welling up, and it crushed me that I did that to her.

As I stilled inside of her, I just wanted to get out so maybe that would stop her pain. “I’m so sorry, Vann.”

“Deke. It’s okay. Give me a minute.” I began to pull out. “Stop!” Her voice made me freeze in place. “Don’t stop. Just give me a minute.” She closed her eyes and tried to slowly breathe in and out.

I stayed there, frozen, waiting for something … but had no clue what. For her to say something, for a look in her eye, I had no clue. “Are you okay?” I finally whispered.

Vann’s eyes opened to mine. “Yeah. You need to start moving now.”

I slowly started to move, watching her face for any signs of pain. I kept going and going. She felt so good. I felt the telltale sign that I was about to blow by the tingle in my spine.

“Vann, I’m gonna come.”

Vann looked up at me, “I am, too,” she panted.

Vann began yelling my name and gripping me, pulling me farther into her. I reared back with one more thrust, spilling into the latex.

Trying to catch my breath, I looked into Vann’s smiling face. “I love you,” I said so softly, I didn’t think she heard me.

“I love you, too, Deke.”

“What are you going to do?” Z’s voice snapped me out of one of my best memories.

“I’ll figure it out.”

“Fine,” Z growled. “I’m out.” Z turned, walking out the door.

Someone was trying to hurt Vann. My Vann. There was no way in hell I would allow that to happen.


“You knew?” I half-yelled at Sawyer and Kinsley. How could my best friends not tell me about Z?

“It wasn’t a big deal.” Kinsley rolled her eyes.

“It just would have been nice to know. I don’t like being blindsided by shit.” My voice was laced with anger.

“Sorry,” Sawyer said sheepishly.

“Z wants us all to hang out. Well us, him, and Deke,” I added.

“Really? How do you feel about that?” Kinsley asked skeptically.

“It is what it is. If I’m gonna live here, I need to get over this. Move on.”

Kinsley smiled her beautiful smile. “Atta girl.”

Laying around the living room in our pjs, the three of us sat eating chocolate ice cream, gabbing. I’d missed this. I’d missed them.

* * *

The pounding on the front door had Sawyer, Kinsley, and me groaning and covering our faces. We’d obviously fallen asleep. After who knew how much sex talk last night, we fell asleep in the living room just like old times.

The pounding kept getting worse. “Who is it?” Kinsley croaked.

“Hell if I know. I’ll get it.” Getting up, I wrapped my hair up in a ponytail and wiped my face. Looking out the peephole, I saw Z standing there in a very nice suit.

“It’s Z,” I announced to the girls. I heard Sawyer groan before opening the door.

“Hey. What’s up?” my sleepy self questioned.

“Well, look at you.” His eyes wandered up and down my body. Shit. The tank with no bra and short shorts was giving him quite a show.

“You’re my cousin, knock it off.” I scowled.

“Not by blood.” He winked. “I’m thinking we need to go back to the no-relation thing, and Deke can kiss my ass.”

Rolling my eyes, I said, “Shut up. What do ya need?”

Z peered around me. “You have a slumber party last night and not invite me?”

“Yep and nope.”

“Damn. Hey ladies.” Z gave a small wave while staring at Kinsley and Sawyer.

“Hey Z,” Kinsley croaked right before Sawyer nodded her hello.

“Shit, if you ladies dress in pretty much nothing for bed every night, I’m coming over here early every morning.” He winked at Sawyer who blushed.

“Z, it’s early, what do you need?” I needed to get his mind back to why the hell he was waking us up at the ass crack of dawn.

“I’m actually on official police business. Can I talk to you in private?” His eyes turned serious.

“Sure. Come on in. I need to put some clothes on.”

“Don’t on my account,” he charged back.

“Don’t be a horny jackass. Go sit out on the deck. I’ll be there in a minute.” My head nodded toward the sliding glass doors.

“But I don’t want to miss this view.” His arm gestured at the women lying on the couches.

“Go.” I pushed him out the door and quickly changed.

* * *

“What’s up?” I asked as I walked out on to the deck.

“Thought you could tell me about Gabriella Daniels.”