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Deke wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me close to him. “You know I’m proud of you.” I stared up at him.


“I am. You knew not to let him take you out of there, and you fought like hell. I’m proud of you.”

Feeling the flush on my face, one question stood out that I needed answered. “Why are you here?”

“Because I want to be. I’ve been trying to call you, but you don’t seem to want to answer, so coming by was my only option.” Feeling his strong exhale, he continued, “When Z called me and told me what happened, I couldn’t get here fast enough. I know I fucked up … can we talk about all that later? Just let me be here with you.”

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. “You know I missed you,” I whispered.

“And I’m realizing the same.”

His words made me melt. “You know this conversation isn’t over … right?”

“You’re too stubborn to let it go.”

I smiled. “Damn straight.”

“Are you okay?”

“I don’t know yet.” Deke kissed my forehead and released me. I wore my comfy sweatpants, pulling the bottom of the legs up to my knees and an old t-shirt. Deke went to a bag by the door and pulled out clothes.

“Why do you have a bag?” I thought it a bit odd that he had an extra change of clothes with him.

“I was at the gym when Z called, so I just grabbed my bag and left.” He shrugged, pulling on a pair of shorts and t-shirt. “I’ve gotta ask you a question.”


“You said something about a letter this asshole sent you. Where is it?”

I cringed. “I never got a letter, at least not that I know of. But I’ve been holed up here writing for the past few days and haven’t checked the mail.”

“We need to go check the mail.” Deke interlaced our fingers and began to lead us down to the kitchen. The voices coming through were all mumbled making it difficult to decipher who was who. Entering, all eyes shot to the two of us, making me feel a bit embarrassed.

Z had his arms wrapped around Sawyer, but as soon as she saw me, she broke free and came running right for me. Dropping Deke’s hand, I hugged her. “I’m so sorry, Vann.”

I pulled her so I could see the blank stare in her eyes. “Saw, you didn’t do anything wrong. There’s no reason for you to be sorry.”

“I should have gone back with you.” Sawyer’s eyes closed, but I grabbed her arms so she would have to look me in the eye.

“Then he would have hurt you.”

“He wouldn’t have come near you.” The pain laced in her voice was killing me.

“I’m sure he would have. This guy is not right in the head.”

Tears began to fall down Saw’s face. “I can’t believe someone tried to take you.”

“Me either.” I pulled her to me and hugged her tightly. “I’m okay. You’re okay. Let’s just see about getting this guy before something else happens.”

Saw nodded in my arms and pulled away. Z was right behind her, and Saw didn’t think twice to fall into his arms.

“You okay, Vann?” Z asked while rubbing Saw’s back.

“I really don’t know.” With my emotions and thoughts all over the place, it was the best answer I could give him. I felt Deke come up behind me and wrap his arms around me. I leaned back. As much as I needed him when we were kids, this was making up for it.

Deke cut in, “Where’s the mail?” He looked directly at Sawyer.

“On the island, why?”

“Be right back.” Deke kissed my temple and rushed over to the island, but grabbed a towel from the rack on the stove first. “Saw, you or Kinsley touch any of this?”

“Yeah. We went through it.”

“What’s going on, Deke?” Z cut in.

“The asshole got pissed at Vann because she didn’t respond to a letter. I need to see if it’s here.”

“Deke, how about you let the cops handle it,” Z growled.

Deke looked between all of us. “Damnit,” Z muttered, knowing he’d told me. “Look Vann, I need you to tell me exactly what happened.”

Moving to the island, I saw the mail sprawled everywhere. I knew better than to touch it. Deke was rummaging through it as if he owned the place.

“I’ll tell ya everything.” My eyes stayed focused on Deke.

“Here. This is it.” Deke held up a plain white envelope with the dishtowel wrapped around it. “You got gloves, Z?”

“Yeah.” Z reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of rubber gloves. Deke slipped them on his hands while I stood there nervous as shit about what was inside that little envelope.

Deke carefully opened the letter, and I swear you could’ve heard a pin drop the room got so damn quiet. As he unfolded the pages, I couldn’t stand it anymore. “So?”

Deke read through every word, his face growing tighter and red with anger. “Z.” It aggravated the piss out of me that he wasn’t talking to me.

Z released Sawyer and moved to stand beside Deke. As he read it, his face changed as well. “Would you two read it?” I snapped.

Deke and Z exchanged a look. “Vann, it’s detailed.”

“And the last ones weren’t?” Fury rolled off me. This was happening to me; I had a right to know what the hell it said.

“I’m not reading it out loud. Come here and take a look.” Deke’s voice was deep and rough, sending chills down my spine.

I knew I needed to read it. If I didn’t, it would haunt me.

“Don’t touch it, Vann,” Z bit out.

“I won’t.” Deke spread his legs where he sat on the stool, and I immediately walked between them. I needed to feel his heat—his strength.

My eyes fell to the paper, which was regular lined paper from a spiral notebook, torn out leaving the fray on the sides. The words were written in blue pen and looked like line after line of scribbles.

Gabriella … I mean Savannah,

Yes. I found out your real name: Savannah Marie Kelly. I’ve been searching for you every day since you left me in California. I know you love me, and we’re meant to be together. I’ve told you that before, and you need to listen to me.

I’ve been watching you here in Alabama, and I’m not happy about what I saw. You should be ashamed of yourself … out drinking and dancing with those men. You seem to forget that you are mine … ONLY MINE. None of those assholes will give you what I can.

I’m the only one who will fulfill all your fantasies. Every one of them. Every single word written in your books, I’ll fulfill.

Remember in Desires Above … the tub scene? I will do that for you. I will wash every part of your beautiful body. Then slide my hands between your thighs and play with that beautiful pussy of yours. I’ve seen it in some of the pictures I’ve taken from your window. I know it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to get my mouth on it.

Remember in Seduction Overload … the rope scene? Oh yeah. I’ve had dreams of that one. I’ll tie you up tight ... ‘til you scream, begging me to let you go, but I won’t. Then I’ll fuck the living shit out of you ‘til you can’t move.

Remember in Orgasms For All … the voyeur scene? Oh yeah. I’m all about others watching me fuck you. They would never be able to touch you, though. That’s the one fantasy of yours that I can’t allow. NO ONE WILL EVER TOUCH YOU BUT ME. But I could give two shits who watches. We can even have that asshole you were all over watch us. That would be hot.

Let’s just say I have a list of everything I want to do with you, to you, and for you. Everything will drive you crazy with desire. I guarantee it.