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“What about the band?”

“That’s just for fun.”

“I didn’t know you played.”

“I played when I was a kid, stopped for quite a while, but after Mom died and you were gone, I needed to do something besides punching everything at the gym. I got out my old guitar and started playing.”

“You looked hot up there.” I smiled remembering the way his muscles flexed as the lights shined down on him. I moved off him to lay my head on the pillow, facing him.

“I did, huh?” He smirked, making my panties wet.

I moved to straddle his hips. Looking down at him, he was still the most gorgeous man I’d ever laid eyes on. His strong face and sparkling blue eyes sucked me in. “Yeah. You did.”

Laying my body down on top of his, I began kissing him. It only took him a second to begin to kiss me back. Our tongues danced back and forth, entwining and caressing. My hands began to roam his beautiful chest, and I needed to explore.

Venturing down, I began kissing, sucking, and nipping his neck and pecs—his body was incredible. Moving my tongue flat along his nipple, I heard him groan. The power I felt from that one noise was amazing and caused me to push forward.

As I moved to the other side, I crossed over the key he had hanging from his neck. “Where’d you get this?”

“God, that feels good,” he groaned. Feeling that power surge again, I went back to work kissing and nipping his body. Finding my way down to his abs, I licked each one individually, paying special attention to his light dusting of a treasure trail down the center.

As my hands went into his waistband, Deke grabbed me under my shoulder hoisting me up. “Ahh …”

“Get up here and kiss me.” Deke entwined his hands in my hair, pulling me to him hard. We kissed and kissed as if our lives depended on it.

Involuntarily, my body began rocking on his. My clit rubbed repeatedly on his hard cock still covered by his jeans. I couldn’t stop moving as my body was lit on the verge of exploding, my need growing.

Breaking away for breath, I said, “I need you, Deke.”

“I need you, too, but I’m not having sex with you.”

My body instantly froze. “What?”

“I want to prove to you that you’re not my plaything … that I’m yours.”

I stared down at him, tears welling in my eyes. “Vann, I want to watch you come.”

I crashed my lips against his, trying to convey to him every emotion that was coursing through my veins, hoping he was feeling it, too. My body started grinding against his again, pulsating through me. Deke’s hands fell to my hips as he helped grind my body on his, taking me further than I could have gone myself.

There was no stopping the lightning crash that flew through my body enveloping me into a world of euphoria. I smashed my body onto Deke’s, laying my head on his chest. His heart was beating so fast like it wanted to jump out and take off.

As my senses came back, I felt Deke’s hard erection between my legs. I started to get up to rectify the problem, but was immediately pulled back down to his body, his arms wrapping around my mine tightly, holding me in place. “What are you doing?”

“Holding you,” he teased.

“I can feel you.”

“Don’t worry about me.”

“I can help relieve it,” I said, stunned he really didn’t want me to help him.

“I know, but not now. Let me hold you.”

“Is this part of the me not being a toy thing?”

“Yep. Lay down.”

Lying back down, I listened as his heartbeat slowed, but his cock was still hard as steel. I didn’t attempt to help him. I rather enjoyed where I was.

A loud banging came from the door. As I sat up, still straddling Deke, the door flew open.

“Savannah Marie!” My Grams’s voice flowed through the room. I immediately jumped off the bed, righting my clothes on my body. Being caught at twenty-two was just about as bad as being caught at seventeen.

“Grams, what are you doing here?” I screeched.

Glancing over at Deke, I wanted to wipe the smile off his face. I didn’t know what the hell he found so damn amusing. Deke lay on my bed, shirt off, legs spread out, but crossed at the ankle. Yes, I was a grown-ass woman, but this was still Grams!

“I had to hear at the store from Grace what happened to you?” The disappointment and anger in Grams’s voice was enough to send me to my knees. I never wanted that.

“I’m sorry, Grams. I’ve been dealing with some stuff,” I said, ashamed.

“I know, but you should have called.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I hung my head.

“Son, can you give us a few minutes?” Grams pinned Deke with her stare.

“Absolutely, ma’am,” he said, climbing off the bed, wrapping his arms around my body and kissing my temple. “I’ll be in the living room,” he whispered in my ear.

Nodding, he turned to walk out the door. My eyes focused on his sculpted back, but noticed another tattoo that I hadn’t seen before. It looked like a puzzle piece that had been carved out of his body exposing muscle underneath, a small drop of blood hanging off the end. I needed to make sure to ask him about it.



“Grams, I’m sorry.” I rushed into her open arms, and she hugged me tightly.

“Why didn’t you tell me this was going on, baby girl?” Grams’s hand rubbed up and down my back rhythmically.

“I didn’t want to worry you,” I whispered.

“Nonsense. We both know your momma ain’t gonna help ya. You need to come to me.” Grams pulled away and stared at me. It was like I was five years old all over again.

“I’m sorry.” Tears I thought were dried up sprung out of my eyes and fell down my cheeks.

“Now. Now. Let’s sit.” Grams led me over to the bed, pulling the comforter up over the sheets. “I don’t want to sit in that.”

“Grams!” I yelled and couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped.

“Truth. Anyway talk.” Grams was always no nonsense, which was why I loved her so much. I let everything spill out of me as if it were something bad I ate, telling her every last detail, barely taking breaths as I went.

Grams wrapped her hands around mine and squeezed tight. “Okay. So what’s next?”

“I don’t know.” I didn’t know anything at the moment. Everything was happening so fast that it was all jumbled. I had a hard time putting words to any of it.

“No clue who this guy is?”

“No. Just fake names. Nothing real.” The tears began falling harder. I never thought having this career would lead to someone actually wanting to hurt me. The few ‘gifts’ were nothing harmful, but having someone actually want to rape me was hard to take.

“Deke gonna stay with you?” Grams asked as if she already knew the answer to the question.

My eyes shot to hers in surprise. “He wants me to stay with him. We haven’t really talked about it any further.”

“It’s good. You go with him. He’ll take care of you.”

“You’re not freaked out to see me with him?” I knew I talked a lot about Deke over the years, but to actually be with him now when I just got home was a little quick to the punch.

“Come on, baby girl. You’ve loved that boy for years. It’s about time he opens his eyes and sees you for the prize you are.”

Grams’s gleam in her eye made me blush. “Thanks Grams.”

“Truth. That’s all I speak. What’s this I hear about your daddy?”

I dropped my face, not wanting her to read my thoughts. “You heard that, too? Damn small town,” I grumbled.

“Yeah I did. Talk.” Grams slapped the back of my hand so I looked up at her.