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Rolling my eyes, I told Grams all about the meeting with dad and meeting Sydney. “Grams, I just don’t know if I can let it go. I mean … I’ve been so mad at him for so long, and when I saw him … nothing came out. None of the anger … nothing.”

“That was probably because Sydney was there, baby girl. You were taught not to show that in front of the little ones. It’s not right.” Grams taught me that, Mom never did, another thing to be grateful for. “Baby girl, you don’t know the circumstances before your daddy ran around. Was it wrong? Yes. But you’re older now, so you gotta let him say his piece and hear him out.”

The whirlwind of emotions swimming through my head was sucking every bit of energy out of me. Suddenly I felt very tired.

“I can see you’re gonna fall asleep on me. I’ll talk to Keith if Zander hasn’t already. You need to get safe, but I need to know where you are no matter what.” Grams wrapped me back in her arms.

My spine stiffened a bit. I blurted, “I’m gonna stay here, Grams. I’m not gonna let some asshole throw me out of my own house.”

“Then you figure out what you need to do—blinds, security, and alarms,” Grams said without the disdain I thought she would have.

I hugged her harder. “I will. Thanks Grams.”

“I love you, baby girl.”

“Love you, too.”

Leaving the bedroom, we headed into the living room where Deke was sprawled out on the couch flipping through channels. Grams made no qualms about marching right up to him. “Son.” Her tone was strong and determined.

Deke turned off the TV and stood in front of Grams. “Yes, ma’am,” he said. Deke towered over her, causing Grams to look up a bit, but she was not intimidated in the least by his size.

Grams’s finger came out as she began waving it at Deke. “You take care of her, you hear me?”

Deke graced us with his beautiful smile. “Yes, ma’am.”

“And I don’t just mean in the bedroom.”

“Grams!” I gasped, not believing that just came out of her mouth.

Deke chuckled, tucking his hands into his pockets. “I’ll do my best. In and out.”

Was I hearing this conversation right? Grams was actually talking to Deke about sex … and Deke was going along with it? God help me.

“Uh huh. You stay with her … here. She doesn’t want to leave, so get a bag together and get over here,” Grams demanded. I stood there, speechless. Didn’t I just tell her that I would talk to Deke about that?

“Yes, ma’am.” Deke turned to me and winked. I opened my mouth to talk, but instantly shut it not knowing what to say.

Grams’s finger continued to wag, “Also, she’s gotta go see her Daddy tomorrow. You’ll make sure she safely gets there and back. Got it?”

Deke shuffled his feet, a smile playing on his lips. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Grams, I’m not a kid,” I groaned.

Grams turned to me, looking me straight in the eye. “You will take care of yourself. And you will let him help you.”

Looking into her beautiful blue eyes, I remembered how much I truly missed this woman. “Yes, ma’am.”

Grams began to step closer to Deke, and I couldn’t blame her, with no shirt on he looked hot with his muscles flexing, but it struck me a bit odd for Grams to be staring. “Son, come here,” Grams said.

Deke did without question, dwarfing her. Grams reached to the key around his neck, and Deke’s face lit up almost as if he was surprised. “Where’d you get this?” Grams’s voice shook as she asked. I didn’t know if it was with hurt or anger.

Deke looked slowly up at me as if looking for answers, but I had no idea where he got the thing. He looked down at Grams.

“I want the truth, son.” Her stern voice caught me off guard, and my eyes flew to her.

“No, ma’am, I wouldn’t lie.” Blowing out a deep breath, his eyes bore into mine, never moving. “I got it when I was in high school, ma’am.”

“Go on,” Grams said as if she knew there was more to the story.

“When Vann left, I was pissed … beyond pissed … and went to her house.”

“You did?” I gasped in surprise.

“Yeah. I looked around the place, but mostly anything personal was gone. I happened to be standing by the dresser when something shiny caught my eye. I reached in the drawer and pulled this key out.” Deke’s hand instantly went to the key and began rubbing it. “I put it on that moment and haven’t taken it off once since.”

“You’ve worn that for five years?” I stared at him in shock.

Deke broke eye contact from me and looked down at the ground, embarrassed. “Yeah.”

Grams cut through the moment. “Do you know what that is, son?”

Deke’s eyes shot up to Grams. “No, ma’am. It was just something to keep Vann close.”

Seeing Deke’s chest begin to rise and fall rapidly, my heart swelled. I wanted to run over to him and jump in his arms, but I stayed put wanting to hear this.

Grams stepped back from Deke, and for the first time, she got really quiet when she spoke. “Vann’s granddaddy gave that to me when he had to leave for the service. I wore it for years ‘til he came home.”

Surprise hit me. “Grams, how do I not recognize this? If it was in my drawer, shouldn’t I know what it is?”

Grams looked at me, her eyes showing a bit of wetness trying to escape. “I never gave it to you. I gave it to your momma. I don’t know why ... no, I take that back, I do. She was going through some old stuff, and I told her it would give her good luck.”

That still didn’t explain anything. “Really. Then how was it in my drawer?”

“Baby girl, I have no idea, but it looks like it’s gotten good use over the years.” Grams’s smile beamed up at Deke. “And don’t you worry, I’m not asking for it back.”

“No disrespect, ma’am,” Deke said clutching the key. “I couldn’t give it back to you if I tried. Sorry.” I stood there in awe, part stunned, part so in love I couldn’t breathe.

Grams came up to me and wrapped her arms around me. “I like him,” she whispered in my ear.

“Me too,” I whispered back.

“I’ve gotta head out. Remember what you said, boy. You protect my girl.” Grams patted Deke on the arm.

Deke eyes drifted to me. “Yes, ma’am. I will.”

And just like a tornado, she’d stirred things up and left silence in her wake.


I couldn’t believe that Grams recognized the key around my neck. I’d worn it for so long that it was a part of me, just like Vann had been since we were kids, but I felt a bit tongue-tied in talking about it. Embarrassed a bit, but damn. When Vann first saw it and didn’t recognize it, I was relieved that I didn’t have to explain, but now the news was out.

I couldn’t help but love Grams. She did all my hard work for me in convincing her. Yes, I wanted Vann at my place, but that was for purely selfish reasons. I wanted her in my bed. I’d never had a woman there. Ever. But I wanted Vann.

“So, you think you’re gonna move in here?”

“Yep,” I said, pulling her into me. Wrapping my arms around her, I loved the way she molded to my body as if she was made for me. Bending down to her lips, I brushed mine softly against hers.

Cutting right to the chase, Vann whispered against my lips, “You’ve been wearing a key for five years to remind yourself of me, huh?”

“It appears so.”

“You weren’t gonna tell me?”

“Didn’t plan on it.”


“You’d think I was a pussy.”

Vann crushed her lips to mine before pulling away all too quickly. “Not a pussy at all big guy. I think it’s the sexiest …” Vann’s lips touched mine again. “… fucking thing …” And again. “I’ve heard …” Vann kissed me hard before pulling away. Damn if I didn’t want to pull her to me, but I needed to let her take the lead … for the moment.