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My phone ringing had me whipping back to my desk to see a call from Z. “What’d ya got?”

“We got a trace. It’s faint like the phone is losing juice so we gotta go quick.”

“Where?” I already had my keys, heading to the truck.

“It’s off of rural US-50 … called Schlink Road. There’s only two houses on that road, and we have it pinned to the second.”

“I’m out.” Rushing to the truck, phone to my ear, I fired it up, peeling out as fast as I could, grabbing my GPS and plugging in the vague address.


“What?” I’d forgotten to hang up on Z.

“All the guys are heading out there. We’re parking out and walking. I told them all you will be there and are one of us. Put your vest on.”

Touched he actually did this, I said, “Thanks. Will do.” Hanging up the phone, I followed the crazy lady on the GPS’s instructions to a tee, coming up on Schlink Road. The entire area was black as I expected, being out in the middle of nowhere.

As I drove down the winding road, I took in everything trying to make sure I knew the area a bit. I hated going into a situation blind, but that wasn’t going to stop me here.

Several cop cars, including Z’s, lined the road. I pulled behind his and grabbed my Georgia State Police vest and gun.

Walking slowly, I nodded to the cops I saw on the way. If they didn’t know for sure that I was on the team, they sure did now. Whatever.

Following the path of the road, in the distance was a small house with lights flashing on in several of the rooms. Two cars were parked in the driveway causing the cop in me to believe there were two of them.

Hearing a loud scream come from the house, I began sprinting as fast I could to the door.


Oh.My.God. I attempted to open my eyes, but my head felt groggy, and I realized he’d drugged me. Instantly, I realized why as I assessed the situation. My eyes were focused on the ceiling, and my entire body was spread eagle lying on the bed. Trying to move my arms and legs, I came to the realization quick that they were tied up tight.

Looking down my body, all of my clothes, except for my bra, were off me. “Glad you woke up. We’re gonna get to the fun part,” his nasally voice said.

I turned my head to the right to see him standing there with only his khaki shorts on. His nose covered in a bandage. In his hand was a long purple dildo, and I immediately knew what he had planned. I should, I wrote it.

“Remember the scene from Stripped ‘n’ Teased, where Sarah was strapped just like this while Dustin pleasured her?” I nodded as my body trembled with fear. “We’re gonna play, just like they did.”

“No. I don’t want this.”

“Yes you do. Don’t lie to me. I hate liars,” he growled.

“I really don’t want to do this. When I write, it’s whatever pops in my head, it doesn’t mean that I actually want to do those things,” I pleaded.

“You write them because they’re what you want … and I’m gonna give them to you.” His eyes connected with mine, sending another slithering shrill down my spine.

“Please,” I begged.

“The only please I will accept are the pleas for more … and you will be begging for more.” He smirked.

“No!” I screamed as loud as I possibly could, not knowing if anyone would be able to hear me, but I had to try. He quickly covered my mouth.

“Savannah, we are out in the middle of nowhere. If you want to scream, go ahead, but no one will hear you, and you’ll just hurt my ears and piss me off.”

He slowly released his hand, and while I knew I couldn’t believe anything he said to me, I somehow believed that he was telling me the truth so I refrained from screaming. He slowly moved down to the end of the bed as he stood at my feet.

I braced myself for what was about to happen. If he raped me, I’d still be alive, and I could still get out. Not saying the thought didn’t scare the shit out of me, but it was better than thinking the other way.

He began to stroke my feet with his hands creeping up my body. I felt nothing but repulsion as his smooth hands snaked up my body. His mouth began giving me wet kisses on my inner thigh. I clenched my pussy as tightly as I could, thinking in my mind that I could just shut it and make this asshole stop.

It was the only control that I had. I turned my head to the side and began praying that Deke would find me and get me out of here.

As his mouth connected with my pussy, I jumped. “Please don’t.”

Ignoring me completely, he began to lick and nip, but it did nothing for me. All of his painstaking ministrations were useless on me. As his finger slipped inside, he began working me in earnest. My body was horribly dry, making his fingers a very painful reminder of its location, his nails actually scratching the inside of my walls. “You taste wonderful. I’ve waited so long to taste you, Savannah,” he murmured in my leg.

His fingers pulled out, and I heard the distinctive buzzing sound of the dildo I saw in his hand earlier. “Now, I’m gonna make you come with this. Don’t fight it. You know you want to.”

With my head turned, he didn’t see the lone tear that fell from my eye hitting the pillow below my face. I love you, Deke.

The dildo began moving in and out of my pussy. He stuck it so far in it hit my insides hard, causing me to flinch. Taking it out, he rubbed it over my clit, and then put it back inside … over and over again. My body was having none of this. It was in the same mindset as me, we didn’t want this. I hated to admit, though, if he kept moving the dildo over my clit, I was afraid my body would change its mind.

“Damnit Savannah! Come!” he growled at me, seriously angry.

I knew there was no way to come. I didn’t want to, and so far, my body was cooperating. He pulled the dildo out of me. “Savannah!” he yelled. I moved my face to look at his.

“You will enjoy this. You will come when I tell you to. Do you hear me?” I lay there motionless, knowing I’d never give him the right answer.

Being so out of it, I didn’t see his hand rise, but felt the fire burn through my cheek along with a few stars from the blow he just projected on my face. Turning my head to the side, I refused to let another tear fall; I held it in with everything I had.

“You know you brought that slap on yourself. You’re supposed to enjoy this. That asshole you’re dating won’t give you what I can, but no worries you’ll never see him again,” he barked as he climbed to the end of the bed.

“Jake!” a very familiar baritone voice bellowed from behind the door, but seemed pretty far away.

“Fuck,” he whispered.

I didn’t think twice. I screamed … and screamed … and screamed. He ran around to my head, trying to cover my mouth, but I kept thrashing my head back and forth, making it difficult on him as I screamed my heart out.

“Shut the fuck up! Now!” His angry words did not stop me. I saw this as my only chance and kept my screams coming out.

The door burst open, and who I saw standing at the door made me stop. “Dad?” I questioned, but immediately swung into action. “Dad, get me out of here now.”

Dad’s face looked confused. “Savannah?” He stared at my naked body in utter shock. “Jake, what’s going on here?”

“What does it look like? I’m taking care of your little problem.” He moved to the end of the bed, getting closer to the door. Confusion seeped into me, his problem?

“Dad! Get me out of here!” I yelled again.

“Savannah, shut up! Whose idea do you think this was?” Jake crossed his arms over his puny chest and stared at Dad.

“This was not what I wanted. I asked you to scare her a bit so she stopped writing that smut. I didn’t ask you to lay her out naked.” Hearing my dad’s voice, the anger inside of me made my body shake. I felt as if I was having an out of body experience, because what he just said was so fucked up on so many levels I didn’t know where to start.