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Александр Поздняков

War story

This is a story about a war that happened in 3000.

One day in a space zone some officers saw a strange object that was coming to earth. It was from a distant world. This space zone belonged to Nasa, and they immediately reported to the president. USA sent a letter to Russia to work together. They also saw this strange object.

The earth also had friends. the earth has decided to send them a space letter. They agreed to help. the strange object was only 1 light year from earth. But the distance between earth’s friends was bigger so earth needs to protect themselves for 24yours.all the country’s prepared for the assault.

The president’s decided that all people will need to go under water in the Atlantic Ocean. Everything was ready.

The strange object was near Jupiter’s atmosphere. The scientists didn’t understand why are they doing this? In two hours, the object became a group of small space shuttles a size of a 5-floor building there were also a size of 12 floor building.

They passed the moon’s orbit and started firing at earth. But earth’s weapons didn’t have range, so we were blinded. They destroyed our space forces and they landed on earth they opened their ship and people saw aliens with 4 arms and 4 legs.

Night… The aliens destroyed New York, Washington and Miami. Nobody knows what to do. They destroyed 600 million lives. Now all the forces are going to North America to fight the aliens.

One person had a idea his name was Misha. He was a general of a team the name of the team was death watch. But the team had a problem they can’t contact the captain because the aliens will jam the transmission. So, they went back to Europe. (There was there commander-in-chief) When they came into the office of the chief he was super angry and shouted:,, what are you doing here?”

Misha answered: ,,we have an idea how to buy us some time!”

,,I don’t need ideas I am the chief, and you will do as I say!!! And now help all other team’s fast!!!”-The chief shouted.

Misha said:,, yes, okay.”

,,That better be true!”– Said the chief angrily!

When they went into their transport Misha said:,, my plan is: we say on the radio to the other team to help the team that is coming from the north but there isn’t any team on the north so they will go on the north and we can come from the back on them.”

,,Good plan”– said another team member.

Misha said:,, Now someone please say to the monsters (it’s another team).,,I will say”– said Evan.

,,Okay let’s put our plan into action”-said Misha.

So, they putted their plan into action. When the alien chief heard this, he said:,, hmm…. let’s go there immediately!”

But the adviser said: ,, and if this a trap? We can’t waist time their help will arrive soon.”

,,Shoosh!!! I am the greatest alien we will go there but you interested me in your idea so we will live a spy group”– said the alien captain.

One hour latter.,,Yes!!!”– Said Misha. Some minutes later the chief called and said:,, come back immediately to our base!!!”

,,Okay “-said Misha. The transmission ended.

,,Everyone I am so sorry now we will pay for everything we did without command” – said Misha.

,,Don’t worry we are in this together”– said Alex. (He was one off the team members)

They arrived in the chief’s office. The chief shouted angrily: ,, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! You disobeyed my command!, said where the army to go! , you tricked the aliens ! I will uuuuu…he he died? Everyone was shocked. Then someone shouted alien!!! Then he was about to kill us all but then our friends came. (who they called). Misha said just in time!

we are always on time said ail .(it was the commander of the friends) Now lets finish this nonsense .we Misha agreed .

In this story was also another character it was a bird that accidently got on the friends ship that landed on earth.

The 2 teams where thinking of another plan. In a hour they recharged their rockets and fired into the aliens ship .And no one then attacked earth again .

But the rocket had different coordinates, so it didn’t blow the aliens ship. the bird accidentally

sat on the fire button on the aliens ship and blew it and only the bird remembered this story .

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