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8. Heer and Naumann op cit p448–9.

9. Ibid, Letters Sporrenberg 17.7.41, Egon Kolbenhoff 13.10.42. and other quotations p450.

10. Interviews with Ostfront veterans The World at War Thames TV.

11. Letter 2 Sept 41. KGS p112.

12. ‘Diary of a German Soldier’. 1 Jul p69, 5 Jul. p75 and 15 Aug 41. p96.

13. Sieg Heil! 3 Aug 41. p122.

14. Feldpostbriefe. Nachrichten Regt 501. 9 Jul 41. p73–74.

15. M. Graf von Nayhauss. Zwischen Gehorsam und Gewissen. p144–146.

16. Interview Mein Krieg German TV 1991.

17. ‘The Devil on my Shoulder’. p32.

18. Interview Mein Krieg German TV 1991.

19. Testimony of Survivors. Die Wehrmachts Untersuchungs – Stelle. Alfred M de Zayas p273–276. Interviews Leutnant Franz Kroning, Oberschutze Wilhelm Metziger from Kriegsverbrechen Nach der Akten der Wehrmachts Untersuchungsstelle. Venohr, Vogt and de Zayas. WDR German TV 1983.

20. Kriegstagebuch (KTB) des OKW. Vol II. 1940–41. P. Schramm. Chart p1120–1121.

21. By 1945 it was down to 20–25%. Kurt Böhme Die Deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in Sowjetischer Hand. p49. München 1966. De Zayas p277.

22. De Zayas p277–278 and 280–282.

23. Communication Central Office for Political Propaganda of Soviet 5th Army signed by Maj Gen M. I. Potapov C in C 5th Army. De Zayas p288.

24. De Zayas p289.

25. Report Major Euler. 25 Jul 41. ‘Ich Offizier Armeeoberkommando 6’. Ibid p300.

26. Both interviews from Red Empire Yorkshire TV 1995 production, presented by Dr Robert Conquest.

27. Feldpostbriefe 3 Jul. 41. p73.

28. Ibid 10 Jul 41. p74.

29. Ibid 8 Aug 41. p77.

30. Meldungen. Nr 201. 10 Jul 41. p2505.

‘Kein Kindergarten Krieg’. Prisoners and partisans

1. Under Hitler’s Banner. E. Blandford p127.

2. Figures were 799,919 rising to 3,350,639 (15,179 officers). KTB des OKW. Vol II P. Schramm p.1106.

3. Die Zeit’ German newspaper ‘Forum’. 3 Mar 95.

4. Soldat p211.

5. O. Bartov. ‘Eastern Front 1941–45. German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare’. Charts 13 and 18 p108.

6. Martin van Creveld. Supplying War. p152.

7. Interview. Mein Krieg. Eder and Kufus. German TV 1991.

8. Zeiser op cit p50.

9. Soldat p211.

10. Blandford, E.: Under Hitler’s Banner; Motorbooks, 1995; p31.

11. Soldat p211.

12. Zeiser op cit p50.

13. Blandford op cit p31.

14. Soldat p211.

15. Streit Das Schicksal der verwundeten Sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen from Heer and Naumann op cit p78.

16. Ibid p79 and 80.

17. Interview Mein Krieg German TV 1991.

18. Zeiser op cit p51.

19. Heer and Naumann op cit p327.

20. Bartov, O.: The Eastern Front 1941–45, German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare; Macmillan, 1985; p111.

21. Zeiser op cit p51.

22. Heer and Naumann op cit p328–9.

23. Heer and Naumann Nov 41 op cit p81.

24. Interview Mein Krieg German TV 1991.

25. Zeiser op cit p53.

26. Bartov op cit p116–7.

27. Heer op cit p11, p17 and p28.

28. Bartov op cit p110.

29. Hammer and zur Nieden op cit p127.

30. Heer and Naumann ‘Die 62 Inf Div’ p300–1 and p325.

31. Adamczyk op cit p144.

32. Hammer and zur Nieden 2 Jul 41 op cit p116.

33. Interview Mein Krieg German TV 1991.

34. The Untersturmführer was subsequently killed in action. Steinhoff, Pechel, Showalter op cit p49.

35. Heer and Naumann ‘Korück 582’ op cit p325–7.

36. Interview Der Verdammte Krieg German TV 1991.

37. 24 Sept 41. 5th SS Viking, following a massacre at Karasnaya, Army Group South, from Neumann, P.: The Black March; Bantam, 1958/60; p149.

38. Steinhoff, Pechel, Showalter op cit p202–3.

39. Interview Der Verdammte Krieg. German TV 1991.

40. Neumann op cit p131.

41. Browning, C. R.: Ordinary Men – Reserve Police Bn 101 and the Final Solution in Poland; Harper Perennial, 1992, looks at how ordinary men in Reserve Police Battalion 101 were transformed into active participants of the ‘Final Solution’ in German-occupied Poland.

42. Heer op cit p22 and p37.

43. Knopp op cit p126.

44. Bamm, P.: The Invisible Flag; Faber & Faber Ltd, London, 1956; p44–5.

45. Heer and Naumann op cit p272–3.

46. Interview Die Deutschen im Zweiten Weltkrieg SWF German TV. 1983.

Chapter 11: ‘Kesselschlacht’ – victory without results

Cannae at Kiev

1. Strawson, J.: ‘Kiev 1941’, War Monthly; Marshall Cavendish; Vol 2 p30.

2. Stolfi, R. H. S.: ‘The Greatest Encirclement in History’, RUSI Magazine; Dec 96.

3. Malaparte op cit p61.

4. Ibid p55–7.

5. Ibid p51 and p61.

6. Interview Der Verdammte Krieg ZDF German TV 1991.

7. Knopp op cit p111.

8. Ibid p119.

9. Strawson op cit p28.

10. Halder op cit 28 Aug 41 p519.

11. Haupt, W.: Die Schlachten der Heeresgruppe Süd; p83.

12. Williamson, G.: The blood soaked Soil; Blitz Editions, 1997; p60.

13. Bock op cit 30 Aug p299, 2 Sept p301, 4 Sept p303, 5 Sept p305.

14. ‘With the 97th Infantry Division Personal Account’ Dills op cit p151.

15. Haupt, W.: Die Schlachten der Heeresgruppe Süd; p74. Halder op cit 28 Aug 41 p519 states an average of 50%.

16. Stolfi op cit p64–72.

17. Bock’s op cit 12 Sept 41 p310–1.

18. Becker op cit p26–7.

19. Kuhnert op cit p91.

20. Dills op cit p152.

21. ‘Geschichte der 3. Pz Div’ from Haupt, W.: Die Schlachten der Heeresgruppe Süd; p84.

22. Stolfi op cit p72.

23. Haupt, W.: Die Schlachten der Heeresgruppe Süd; p84 and Knopp op cit p119.

24. Bock op cit 15 Sept 41 p313.

25. Source Hanson, V. D.: ‘Cannae’, Quarterly Journal Military History; Vol 2 No 4 1990 p60.

26. Haupt, W.: Die Schlachten der Heeresgruppe Süd; p84.

27. Russian figures of average daily losses Kiev Strategic Defensive Operation 7 July–26 Sept 41. Quoted from Krivosheev, G. F.: Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the Twentieth Century; chart p114.

28. Guderian op cit p219.

29. KGS Letters 18 Aug and 2 Sept p110–2.

The reduction of the Kiev pocket

1. Bähr op cit p126–7.

2. Interview Der Verdammte Krieg. ZDF German TV 1991.