The man looked confused. “When the time is right? How are we to know the time is right?”
Richard wiped a hand back across his face. “I can’t say for sure, but you will know.”
The man clapped his fist to his heart. Richard could tell that the man didn’t understand, but there was no way for Richard to be any more clear. He didn’t even know if he would still be alive when that time came. He could feel what little life he had left slipping away.
“Do you know where the Mother Confessor is?”
The soldier nodded. “They have a heavily defended section of the palace that has limited access and they set it up as a safe zone, of sorts. Not that any place is really safe. But for now the men are able to hold the enemy off from that area.”
“I need you to get a message to her from me.”
“Yes, Lord Rahl?”
“Tell her I love her.”
The man nodded his solemn oath. “It will be done.”
Richard pulled the Grace ring off his finger and put it in the man’s palm. He closed the soldier’s fingers around it.
“Tell her this is the reason.”
“The reason, Lord Rahl?”
Richard nodded. “She will understand.”
“I will personally see to it, Lord Rahl.”
“By the way, do you know if it is day or night?”
The soldier pointed with a thumb back toward the Garden of Life. “I was just in there to check the place. It’s the middle of the night.”
Richard nodded. “Thanks. Now, I need all of you to clear out of here. Get everyone away from the Garden of Life. Sulachan and Hannis Arc will come to claim it at any moment. There is nothing up here to defend that is worth your lives.”
Richard watched for a moment as the soldiers raced away. He turned back to Cassia.
“You’re also going to need to get as far away from here as you can, but first I need you to help me.”
In the light of a few fat candles, Richard leaned against the omen machine. He could hardly stand, but he knew that he had to. At least for a little longer. It would be over soon and then, one way or another, he would not have to stand.
Regula was silent. The machine knew that now was not the time for prophecy.
Now was the time when free will would hold sway.
As he waited in the silence, in the dark hole where so very long ago Regula, a power that belonged in the world of the dead, had been buried, Richard thought instead about Kahlan. He made a conscious decision to use his time, if this was to be his last night of life, to think about what had been the best part of his life: Kahlan. He missed her so much it hurt almost as much as the poison of death gripping him.
He pushed his awareness of the pain of the poison away and instead did his best to picture in his mind the first time he had looked into Kahlan’s green eyes that day in the Hartland woods and the instant connection he had felt.
That seemed like a lifetime ago.
He had known the moment he saw her that his life would never be the same again. Thinking back on that first moment when he had looked into the eyes of his soul mate, it made him smile with the sheer vastness of it. She had been more than he could have ever dreamt his life would be.
She had been seeking help to find the wizard who could name the Seeker so that he could find the last box of Orden. Now, all three of those boxes sat on the cold metal top of Regula not far from his right elbow. The power of Orden and the power of Regula, together, in the world of life. Regula had been sent to the world of life for protection, to keep it away from Sulachan, and now here it was in the very heart of danger.
Richard put it from his mind. If these were to be his last moments of life, he wanted them to be worthwhile. He wanted every possible second of them to be spent in happy memories of Kahlan. He didn’t want his last moments to be filled with bitterness and regrets. He wanted his last thoughts to be of love, not hate.
He smiled as he thought about some of the funny faces she sometimes made at him, the way she sometimes teased him, the way she always made him live up to the best he could be. He thought about the way she believed in him when no one else did. He thought about the way he could be weak with her, and she would give him her strength.
He thought about all that he wanted to do for her, to be for her. The way he felt when he kissed her, when he made love to her.
Many people lived their entire lives together without being together, without actually sharing their lives the way he and Kahlan had. He smiled in the dark as he thought about it.
It was while immersed in those thoughts that he heard a sound from above. Instantly, he switched to listening in the silence until he heard steady, measured footsteps. The ladder creaked when weight was put to it. It could only be Sulachan. Sulachan would recognize the death Richard carried. He would be focused on it the way a mountain lion would be focused on a fawn. The time had come for the spirit king to collect what he claimed as his.
Sulachan would be coming for Richard, there was no doubt of that.
Richard waited in silence for the inevitable.
He saw the shadow flow down and over the stone wedges of the circular stairs as the spirit king descended into Regula’s room. He would at last have what he wanted–Richard and Regula.
When he reached the small alcove at the bottom, Sulachan stopped, smiling with menace, as he looked in at Richard trapped in the small room with no other way out. In the semidarkness, the spirit was a glowing, bluish, otherworldly shell over the desiccated corpse that was the long-dead emperor. Having returned from the world of the dead, the spirit, brought back to life by the blood of fuer grissa ost drauka, seemed to be content with the form it had taken. Life really was precious, even for a dead emperor.
The glowing eyes were focused intently on Richard. “How thoughtful of you to be here, waiting for me, rather than me having to chase you down and pull you out of some dark little hidey-hole.”
“I’m not the kind to run,” Richard said.
“That is why I knew you would be here,” the spirit king said. “I’ve known about you for a very long time, Warheart.”
“What is it you want with me?”
The emperor stepped out of the alcove and into the room toward Richard. “Why, to kill you, of course, so that there will no longer be any chance of you interfering as only you could. You see, unlike my friend”–he gestured back up the stairwell–“Hannis Arc, I don’t make the grave mistake of underestimating you. He plots revenge for years. He seeks to make you suffer. I simply eliminate threats.”
“So you, a man who has returned from the dead, are worried about me?”
Sulachan smiled as he glared with hatred. “You are a man who has also returned from the dead, are you not?”
“Well,” Richard said with a shrug, “it was not nearly the magnitude of the accomplishment you managed.”
“You think not? My dark ones were there, waiting for you. They had you. And yet you escaped their talons and managed to get back to the world of life.” The emperor waved a bony finger. “No, I do not underestimate you, Richard Rahl. Hannis Arc hates you, but I have great respect for you, much the way one respects a poisonous snake. Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to remind you of the poison that is eating away at you and has almost sucked all the remaining juices of life from you.”
“If you know the poison is going to take me soon, then why bother with me? Seems like a lot of unnecessary effort.”
The sinister smile returned. “Because, like I said, I don’t underestimate you. You are dangerous, and the time has come to put you down so the Twilight Count can finish and everything that has been set into motion can finally reach its inevitable conclusion. I have worked far too long to leave anything to chance by letting you live a single extra moment. I don’t need you to witness the fruition of my plans, as Hannis Arc would want. I simply need to eliminate you.”