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Missiles arched from the Vindicatorand smashed into the Hermes'sright side, exploding into brilliant orange fireballs. Before the Hermescould recover, the blue whiplash of Justin's PPC scourged the newly opened wound. What little armor the missiles had spared, the particle beam evaporated into a metal steam.

Justin cleared a channel to his opponent. "Wolfson, your flamer's leaking. Bail out now."

"Can't. Got a 100,000 credit bond against surrender. You ain't getting that from me."

"Dammit, you idiot! I don't want it. Get out!"

"Go to hell, you Capellan bastard!" Suddenly, Wolfson jerked his Mech upright and charged.

Justin's Vindicatorducked. His laser sawed yet more armor from the Hermes'sright thigh. It struck like a neon-scarlet viper. The fire snapped and crackled in Justin's ears, but did nothing to mask the screams and applause of the spectators.

The Vindicatorsquatted over the pilot. Within his cockpit, Justin reached out his right hand to dial his directional mike in at Wolfson.

"The next time you call me bastard, little man, you'd better win, because otherwise I'll kill you. . . ."






Michael A. Stackpole


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To Liz, for absolutely everything and then some.. ..


ComStar First Circuit Compound

Hilton Head Island, North America, Terra

1 June 3022


Myndo Waterly, the Precentor of Dieron, tried to slip into the Primus's chambers silently. So fluid was her gait that she made it all the way to the golden star symbol inlaid in the floor without so much as a whisper of her silken robes to announce her approach. Taking a deep breath, she stopped there and let the hood of her red robe slip back from her fair hair. In the half-second she allowed herself to recall the starting point of her argument, the Primus utterly shattered her strategy.

Standing stock-still and with his back to her, the voice of Primus Julian Tiepolo suddenly rang out. "The Peace of Blake be with you, Precentor Dieron."

How could he know I was here?Myndo thought, momentarily shaken. The man is unnatural."And His wisdom with you, Primus." Though she fought it, a nervous tremor undercut the boldness of Myndo's riposte. She swallowed and waited as the tall, cadaverously thin leader of ComStar turned slowly to face her. He had been looking out through one of the high oval windows of the chamber, which let in enough of the bright afternoon sun to illuminate the room. His aquiline nose and piercing brown eyes had always made Myndo think of a hawk, but today she reacted differently to his gaunt boniness and bald head. He's more a vulture,she thought. Keeping his hands tucked into the broad sleeves of his dun-colored robe, Tiepolo slowly descended the short stairway leading from the window to the main area of his private audience chamber.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. "You rebuke me with your greeting, Precentor. I know better than to spar with you, for you soon become impatient of such games." Tiepolo's gaze flickered toward the wall behind her, where a massive star-chart was splashed from floor to ceiling. "How you, with so little tolerance for word play, are able to deal with the Draconis Combine never ceases to amaze me."

Myndo Waterly stiffened and met the Primus's dark gaze with the fierceness of her own. "More than words and honor, House Kurita respects action and wisdom."

Tiepolo pursed his lips and nodded his head slowly. "Again you chasten me." He let his right hand drift back and point toward the window. "As you are not down below witnessing the signing of the treaty between Hanse Davion and Katrina Steiner, shall I assume that is the matter you wish to discuss?"

She nodded curtly. "You've issued orders for me to leave for Dieron immediately. Is this just to be rid of me because I differ with you concerning this alliance?"

"Precentor Dieron, you have made your concerns very clear in the communications you've sent me and during the First Circuit sessions we both attended here on Terra."

Myndo raised herself up to her full height. "You say that as though you have actually listenedto my arguments and even given them due consideration."

"So I have, Precentor."

"No, Primus, you know that is not true, and now you send me away because I disagree with you." She stabbed a finger at the window. "Down there in the courtyard, Hanse Davion and Katrina Steiner are being allowed to sign a treaty that will forever destroy the balance of power in the Successor States. With Davion's Federated Suns and Steiner's Lyran Commonwealth tied so closely together, we of ComStar lose all hope of maintaining stability. That piece of paper will destroy everything we've worked toward."

Primus Julian Tiepolo tapped his right index finger against his narrow chin. "Will it? You suggest that the treaty will destroy the balance of power between the five Great Houses, but I doubt that. Wolf's Dragoons will switch from the service of the Lyran Commonwealth to your own House Kurita."

"Ha!" Myndo Waterly's barked laugh echoed through the domed wooden chamber like a gunshot. "How dare you use information I supplied you as a means to refute my argument!"