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The pointer flicked to the smaller docking bay on the far side of Styx. "The ISF troops who entered through this bay on Chilevel are assigned to neutralize the command center. Those coming down from Rojilevel expect to isolate the Silver Eagleand to extract the prisoner."

Tarukito nodded sagely as rough laughter rumbled from the shadowed audience. "I know you intend no disrespect to our brethren in the ISF, but you will agree that neutralization of such a large base is not a matter to be left to a handful of jump troopers."

Tarukito turned again to the diagram and used the pointer to summon back the first model. "Our objective is to capture the Silver Eagle,not just a single person. Toward this end, we will drop toward the hangar opening." Indicating a location on the planetoid's surface just north of the hangar mouth, Tarukito added, "The Shoriwill land here and wait for our return. Hai, Tai-i,what is your question?"

The pointer's white dot quivered on the cooling vest that Tai-iKagetora Asai wore. "Sumimasen,Tarukito-san. I wish to know the estimates of the 'Mech strength we will face." No fear rang through the warrior's words; his question was merely a request for relevent information.

Tarukito nodded solemnly. "A good question. To the best of our knowledge, and according to the reports we continue to intercept from the ISF troops on site, there are no 'Mechs in enemy hands on the planetoid. The Pantherswe will take in should be more than enough to handle anything we must face." He smiled and turned toward where both Yorinaga and Narimasa sat. "Tai-saKurita-sama and Chu-saAsano will both unlimber their 'Mechs—a Warhammerand a Crusader—and use jump packs to drop into the base with us."

Another Tai-i,Norihide Kiso, stood up behind Kagetora. "Forgive me, Tarukito-san, but I must ask this. Why are we being dropped in if the ISF has already secured the base? It has been rumored that their twelve-hour headstart came about through a delay in the ISF channels transmitting the alert to us. Will we not lose face to appear after they have accomplished our mission?"

Tarukito stared at Norihide for a second, but Chu-saNari-masa Asano usurped any answer he might have given. Narimasa walked around the table to a point where the green and blue computer-construct could illuminate him. Though he smiled easily, it put no one at ease. "This rumor you have heard is not wholly true," he began. "Yes, there was some delay in transmitting the message to Nashira. This ensured that the ISF contingent from Dieron got first pass at this target. Is it not right that they have this honor? Did not their organization pierce the veil of deception that told us of the base's location and also the identity of the person we seek? Could we shame them by demanding the right to capture the prize they had located?"

Narimasa shook his head slowly and Tarukito felt shame for his resentment against the ISF forces. Narimasa laughed lightly. "Of course, we all chafed beneath the gaze of the Taishi—not because we are anything less than utterly devoted to the Dragon, but because the Taishidid not think us worthy of the responsibility we had assumed. We must not let our feelings about the late Shinzei Abe color our thinking about the rest of the ISF."

Narimasa waved a hand at the holograph. "You must recall that the Coordinator himself ordered us into battle. He could not tell Subhash Indrahar that he believed the ISF could not conquer the base, could he? There would have been a loss of face. No, he merely suggested that we should have our chance to help the ISF take the base."

Narimasa turned and nodded toward Yorinaga. "Nor could Yorinaga-sama allow our arrival to shame the ISF. If we arrived too quickly, we could have robbed them of their victory. With this thought in mind, Yorinaga-sama delayed our departure from Nashira by two hours, just so the ISF would have ample opportunity to win this battle on their own."

Tarukito turned to hide the smile beginning to tug at his mouth. By the time Narimasa had returned to his seat beside Yorinaga, Tarukito had regained control of himself. He faced the assembled soldiers of the Genyoshaand directed their attention to the base's model.

"Sho-saNobuyori Kinoshita and I will lead the main assault. In addition to our lances, we will have Tai-iKagetora Asai's lance and Tai-iNorihide Kiso's lance. Tai-iMasanori Shoni and his lance will have the honor of entering the base through the small bay on Chilevel. In this way, we may trap the defenders between our superior forces and crush them."

With hands on hips, Tarukito surveyed his audience from one side to the other before adding a final cautionary note. "We must take care to avoid over-confidence, however, for this assault may not be as simple as it seems. Keep in mind that the planetoid's gravity will be only one-ninth that of Nashira. Never forget that the stupid man is his own greatest enemy, for he defeats himself." Then Tarukito used the pointer to bring up the lights in the room. "You are dismissed. Report to your 'Mechs and prepare for a full combat drop."

As the crowd dispersed, a courier fought through the tide of bodies and presented a slip of yellow paper to Yorinaga. The Genyoshacommander read it carefully. Then he dismissed the courier with a solemn bow and reread the message. He passed it to Narimasa as Tarukito approached them.

Narimasa frowned as he read the message. Reluctantly, he handed the paper to Tarukito. "I am sorry, Tarukito-san. Your planning has been flawless."

Tarukito took the slip of paper in trembling fingers. He read it once, and then again. Bile washed up into his throat to choke him, but he forced it down and then willed himself to ignore the fire that had begun to burn in his belly. Damn them. They spoil my assault!

He whirled and stared at the red outline burning on Toriideck. He glanced back down at the message. Is it treason to hope that this message is false? Can they truly be that close to taking the command center?He faced his superiors again. "Do you think it is possible?"

Narimasa and Yorinaga exchanged a look that made both of them seem ancient. Narimasa nodded. "I believe the ISF agents are earnest in their reports."

Tarukito held out the message in one hand. "But do you think they will take the command center within the hour?"

Narimasa shrugged. "Let us go to our 'Mechs. Until we jump in, we'll not learn the answer to that question."



Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine

26 May 3027


Captain von Breunig spun carelessly away from the doorway. The bullet holes in his chest traced an uneven red line from breastbone to his left shoulder. His autorifle flew from nerveless fingers and clattered against the far wall as the Captain smashed hard onto the ferrocrete floor.

Melissa jerked away from his twitching body, but the cable connecting her radio headset with the holograph console snagged. Her head snapped back, and then she, too, stumbled to the floor. The headset ripped free as Melissa fell on her right hip, crying out in pain as the holstered pistol dug sharply into her flesh.