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Aimable, Bubanza Province, Burundi, 18 April 2010.
Alexis, Bujumbura, Burundi, 20 April 2013.
Béatrice, Bujumbura, 3 May 2011.
Bernard, Bujumbura, Burundi, 21 April 2013.
Caritas International, Goma, North Kivu, DRC, 3 May 2009.
Claire, Bujumbura, Burundi, 9 May 2012.
Déo, Bujumbura, Burundi, 4 May 2011.
Didace, Bujumbura, Burundi, 22 May 2014.
Dionise, Bujumbura, Burundi, 3 May 2011.
Elias, Bukavu, South Kivu, 17 May 2014.
Fabiola, Goma, North Kivu, DRC, 30 April 2009.
Félicien, Bubanza Province, Burundi, 18 April 2010.
FOMULAC Hospital, Doctor, Katana, South Kivu, DRC, 29 April 2012.
Halla Tapio, Psychiatrist, Clinic for Immigrants at the Tampere City Mental Health Services, Finland, 24 February 2016.
International Rescue Committee, Staff, Bujumbura, 21 April 2013.
International Rescue Committee, Staff, Bujumbura, Burundi, 12 May 2012.
International Rescue Committee, Staff, Buvavu, South Kivu, DRC, 24 May 2014.
Jacques, Bujumbura, Burundi, 21 April 2013.
Jean Bosco, Bukavu, South Kivu, 6 May 2009.
Jean-Baptiste, Bujumbura, Burundi, 5 May 2011.
Jean-Claude, Bujumbura, Burundi, 4 May 2011.
Jean-Paul, Goma, North Kivu, DRC, 1 May 2009.
Jim, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 17 February 2006.
Joseph, Bujumbura, Burundi, 19 April 2013.
Kieran, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 5 November 2005.
Laurent, Bukavu, South Kivu, DRC, 17 May 2014.
Léonard, Bukavu, South Kivu, DRC, 17 May 2014.
Néhémie, Goma, North Kivu, DRC, 3 May 2009.
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Panzi Hospital, Doctor, Bukavu, South Kivu, DRC, 30 April 2012.
Pascal, Bujumbura, Burundi, 20 April 2013.
Pat, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 30 March 2006.
René, Bukavu, South Kivu, DRC, 18 May 2014.
Richard, Goma, North Kivu, DRC, 3 May 2009.
Serge, Bubanza Province, Burundi, 18 April 2010.
SERUKA, Director, Bujumbura, Burundi, 25 April 2012.
Vincent, Bukavu, South Kivu, 18 May 2014.
Violette, Bubanza Province, Burundi, 15 April 2011.
Willy, Bukavu, South Kivu, 6 May 2009.
Abu Ghraib, 8–9, 26–27, 29–30, 54, 55–56, 64–65, 69, 73–74, 167
Adhiambo, Onyango Monica, 101
Afghanistan, 9–10, 24–25, 58–59, 70–71, 132–133, 136, 167
African Centre for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, 139
alcohol, 77, 85, 86, 101, 154
Algeria, 24–25, 28–29, 55–56
Alison, Miranda, 18–19
Amnesty International, 26–27
Anderson, Ronald E., 94
anti-terrorism, 6–7, 26, 27–28, 29, 47, 48
Argentina, 24–25
Armenia, 23–24, 28, 32, 68
Askin, Kelly D., 155–156
Association of Concentration Camp Torture Survivors, 138–139
Association of Women – Victims of War, 138–139
asymmetrical conflicts, 17, 53–54
asylum, 7, 8–9, 121–122, 136
Australian Civil-Military Centre, 134–135
Aztec, 22–23
Barker, Gary, 65, 70–71, 73–74
Bassiouni Report, 85
Belgium, 55–56
Belkin, Aaron, 52–53
Berdache, 32–33, 37–38
Bjørnlund, Matthias, 28, 68
bonding, 19–20, 30–31, 52, 66–67, 81, 92–93
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 8–10, 17, 19–20, 24, 27–28, 29, 32, 50, 68, 75–76, 76–77, 91–92, 112–113, 134–135, 137–139, 153–154, 156–158, 160–161