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It was Ondak who had explained which powders were needed to create the transmutation of the water. Others in the group had procured the substances from bakeries and restaurants around Callah that were still operating. Ondak had mixed the packets, which, when put into a water supply, would change the color and viscosity of the water without adding anything harmful. The blood-water now flowing from Callah's cisterns and reservoirs might be unpleasant to look at and pour too thickly, but it was perfectly fine to drink.

"Those buggering Felk might have magic on their side," Tyber pronounced as he filled glasses for everyone, "but I'll wager they still carry their superstitions about the gods."

"Oh," Gelshiri suddenly cried out, a light coming into her eyes. "This is supposed to scare the Felk, isn't it?"

Tyber, who had a face of blemished skin and a mouthful of unhealthy teeth, threw an arm around the girl's gaunt shoulders.

"Girl, if you were a creature of more interesting gender, I'd make you fall in love with me. Lift your glasses, my fellows. We drink to the Minstrel."

It was wine that had been poured, not the newly transformed Callahan water. Bryck dutifully took a swallow. Once, he'd taken real pleasure in drinking and in the carousing and camaraderie that went with it.

He hadn't divulged his name to the members of the Broken Circle. He hadn't even given them the alias he had lived under when he first arrived in Callah. And so he had become the Minstrel. That was fine. There was an anonymity about the sobriquet that he appreciated. After all, he wasn't doing this for glory.

They all continued to congratulate one another, and Bryck did nothing to interfere with their celebrating. As Gelshiri was finishing her glass, she asked, frowning as she concentrated, "If we do scare the Felk, won't we be scaring everybody else, too?"

Again Bryck didn't patronize. "But we can spread the word that this is the work of the Broken Circle. No Callahan need fear the water." It would have been a nice final touch if they could have left the Circle's sigil at each water site. But that would have called attention to them and lessened the chances of success for the operation dramatically. It was too bad Bryck couldn't follow each of them today and brand the slashed circle at each target, using that trick of magic that allowed him to make fire from nothing.

Bryck settled back and sipped quietly at his wine. He had plans for the days ahead. This band had performed successfully. He could have a little confidence in them; they'd earned it. But greater challenges and much greater dangers were ahead.

Tyber, Bryck noted, had a curious charisma about him, particularly since he was such an unsightly fellow. Yet, as Bryck watched, the celebration seemed to slowly gravitate toward him. He laughed and made the others laugh. He had a cheerful air, a winning self-assurance. He was the point of focus, the same position that Bryck had once so naturally and ably held whenever people gathered and the wine flowed.

It was when Tyber grabbed up three empty glasses and started deftly juggling them, as everyone applauded, that Bryck got the idea he'd been waiting for. Afterward, he pulled the man aside and asked, "Tell me, Tyber, do you know any magic?"


Here he comes! Vadya said unnecessarily.

Raven could actually feel her host's excitement. She shared in it. The two of them had developed quite an affinity in a very short time. They shared thoughts easily. Now, they were occasionally sharing emotions, especially when both women were excited about the same thing.

Stepping out into the corridor, moving this new body with sensual ease, Raven glanced casually and "noticed" Lord Abraxis approaching. He was tall, lean, and had exceptionally long fingers.

"My Lord," Raven said, bowing a greeting.

He slowed, frowning, then halted. Next to Matokin, this was the most politically powerful mage in Felk. He was also said to be head of the Internal Security Corps.

"Who are you?" he asked, curtly.

"I am Raven, Lord Abraxis." She fluttered her eyelashes a bit. Vadya had already taught her many of the tricks of this shapely body and how to get the most use of her attractive face.

Surprise showed in the wizard's normally inexpressive eyes. Then he nodded, "Yes, Matokin mentioned he'd had you resurrected. Quite an effort. It was at Weisel's request, I understand?"

"Yes, Lord," Raven said.

"Well, that at least means you've succeeded in getting near him. Good work. When do you return to the field?"

"Soon." She was feeling better almost by the watch, adapting to her new form, and recovering from the physical and psychic shock of being resurrected.

"Good. You realize you're still under the constraints of the assignment Lord Matokin and I gave you?" Abraxis asked pointedly.

"Of course," Raven said. "Lord Matokin has already reminded me."

"That's fine then."

Raven had worn a gauzy gown for this stroll through the Palace corridors, picking a time and place when she knew Abraxis would be passing. The garment offered teasing peeks at her body. She knew just how pleasing a shape it was. She had studied it thoroughly in the mirror in her room, marveling at its perfection. Vadya had been only too happy to point out its many attributes, assuring Raven that she would have a power over men like nothing she had ever experienced before.

Judging by Raven's first experiments with the guards and messengers of this Palace, Vadya hadn't been lying.

"You're very kind to take such an interest in me," Raven said, moving a step closer to Abraxis and speaking in that low purring voice.

Again, reaction showed in Abraxis's apathetic eyes.

"I... that is, Lord Matokin and I... we only want you to perform to the best of your abilities," he said, somewhat haltingly.

"Oh, I'm happy to perform," Raven said, trying not to overplay it. Seduction was new to her, though certainly not to Vadya, who had cheerfully shared her experiences in detail with Raven. They were very exciting tales.

"Well, that's good..." Abraxis's eyes now moved down the front of her gown.

Raven pushed out her firm breasts. She moved even closer and brushed a lissome thigh against him. There was no one else in this stretch of corridor.

"Tell me, Raven," Abraxis said, his voice a little hoarse now. "Whose body were you reborn into? This face looks familiar."

Raven smiled, and it was a smile that was luscious and appealing and natural, very unlike when she had been in that other body, her original fat and awkward body. She found herself gladder by the moment that she was rid of it.

"Lady Vadya was generous enough to receive me into herself," Raven said. She lifted a hand and stroked Abraxis's forearm with her fingers, slowly, provocatively.

This time Abraxis's look of surprise was total.

"Vadya?" he gasped. "Why, she is the most renowned courtesan in all Felk!"

Raven smiled. "Did you ever wonder why she was so famous?"

"I... I have," Abraxis said.

"Then let me show you," Raven said, taking his arm, leading him back toward her room. Inside, Vadya was wild with glee.

* * *

Raven had, at first, been quite shocked when Vadya revealed those details about herself. Why, Raven wondered, had Matokin arranged for her to be resurrected within the body of such a woman? But the question answered itself.

Matokin had no doubt seen the situation as an opportunity to make her, Raven, more appealing to Weisel. It would certainly make spying on him easier.

Raven stretched her supple body the full length of the rumpled bed. Abraxis had excused himself, a bit dazedly, and gone off to what he claimed was an important council meeting.