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And that day would be a memorable one, Dardas thought with keen anticipation.

Of course, it was possible to Far Move a few units into nearly direct contact with the other army right this moment. That might be interesting. Strike the first blow prematurely, even recklessly. Stories of U'delph's annihilation and the way the Felk had appeared from nowhere had doubtlessly circulated southward, inspiring fear. Dardas had made sure a few survivors from that city were set loose just for this purpose.

But Weisel would never agree to it. It was too bold. Weisel desperately wanted to be the heroic, dauntless general, but his basic nature was a cautious one. He would want to study their enemy before committing to anything, and this was, Dardas had to admit, the militarily prudent thing to do.

Besides, Dardas, too, wanted to gain a sense of this other army's leadership. He wanted a feel for his adversary's tactics. He wanted to "know" who he was fighting.

There was a company of wagons on their right, carrying food, supplies, and ordnance. One of those wagons, however, was secretly bearing a different cargo, the wizard Kumbat. He was still bound and gagged, as per Dardas's orders, and was being carefully guarded. Dardas was seeing to it that nothing happened to him. Raven had been instrumental in securing the mage, and Dardas was grateful to her for it.

That pair from the Internal Security Corps, who had arrived when the army was still encamped, had since returned to Felk, empty-handed and none the wiser. They couldn't very well continue their investigations while the army was heading into battle.

Kumbat would ensure Dardas's longevity, freeing him from whatever pressure Matokin might decide to exert on him. Actually, no longer needing to rely on the Felk emperor for those rejuvenation spells freed Dardas utterly. He could now do what he would, and Matokin could do nothing to threaten him.

Though this had already occurred to him, Dardas hadn't considered it so directly and fully. The realization filled him with a satisfied glow that was as powerful as Weisel's anxiety.

You seem pleased, Weisel observed.

Dardas clamped down on his emotions. Only the most potent could bleed over like that into his host's consciousness.

I am looking forward to the battle, Dardas said, quite honestly.

You don't... feel fear? Weisel asked a bit shyly.

Dardas didn't, but said, Of course I feel fear. But it is a valuable fear. It is one that will keep you sharp, alert. One that will, contrarily, bolster your courage.

Weisel let out a barely audible sigh. That's a real army out there. It's not some pitiful little village we're going to simply run over on our way to our next victory.

It's time this army faced a real challenge, Dardas said.

Why do you say that? Weisel asked suspiciously.

Dardas couldn't contain it any longer. General Weisel, an army exists for specific purposes. It is the instrument through which a political entity, like your Felk Empire, can exert itself upon its rivals. An army can serve the will of any number of causes, whether they are worthy or monstrous. But that army, those soldiers, have purposes of their own. They have been trained relentlessly to perform in combat. If they are denied that opportunity too long it leads to serious trouble. Every fighter here, even those who would consider themselves the most craven, or the most inexperienced, longs in his or her heart to fight. They are starved for the taste of blood, for the chance to prove themselves in the greatest, truest sense. They need to battle an enemy. And now, finally, their moment is coming!

Dardas's tirade seemed to echo in the mental air a moment. He wondered if he had gone too far. It might be that Weisel simply couldn't understand the code of battle and the righteousness of a soldier's bloodlust.

Weisel drew himself up straighter in the saddle. He set his jaw and firmed his features.

General Dardas, I will not disappoint these good soldiers.

For that moment, Dardas almost respected the Felk lord.

* * *

The companies halted briefly and individually for their meals. Only the vanguard units stayed in steady motion, eating and taking water as they continued their advance toward the enemy army. Thus, the Felk military moved throughout the day.

Weisel received his reports, and Dardas studied them through his eyes. Slowly, the enemy was taking shape. That was indeed a sizable force out there. Its organization was growing more apparent as well. It was arrayed into separate companies, just as this Felk military was.

The map accompanying the report showed the clear delineations. Weisel pulled his horse to a brief stop as he concentrated on the map.

What do you propose we do, General Dardas?

Weisel was deferring to him. It was beginning already. Dardas was pleased.

We should continue the advance, he said. There is still a watch or so of good daylight.

We should attack them at night? Weisel asked, dubiously.

I don't think so. I don't think the other commander would want to either. We'll get a good look at each other, maybe make a few feints, just to test one another.

How do you know what that other army's commander will do? Weisel asked.

It's the militarily sensible thing to do, General Weisel. Dardas didn't add that already, from this relatively meager intelligence, he was gleaning a sense of how this enemy operated. In his time, two hundred and fifty years ago, he had possessed the uncanny talent for deciphering a foe's predilections and skills, and then of course working against that foe's weaknesses.

He would do the same with this enemy. But he would not crush this army, not completely. So long now he had waited for an enemy, some force to counter this Felk one, to justify this magnificent host of fighters and wizards. He wanted perpetual warfare. He couldn't have that if he had no enemies.

Dardas continued to hope that this opposite army had a commander of some skill directing it.

As the day wore on, the incoming reports became more detailed. By now Dardas could actually see the enemy through Weisel's eyes, straddling the flat horizon, filling the other end of the wide prairie. That army's numbers were impressive, though not quite equal to these Felk troops. Still, if this enemy had the talent for combat it would be a very respectable fight.

It was now clear, according to the scouts' observations, that this was indeed an agglomerated force. These troops wore widely varying uniforms, when they wore them at all. The forward companies appeared well armed. They bore swords, spears, pikes, crossbows; there were archers and cavalry and all the traditional components of a military.

Dardas wondered who had assembled it all. Surely there had to be one driving force behind it, some individual who had rallied these sundry armies, large and small. Then again, maybe the mass need had brought them all together, the intractable awareness that the Felk were coming to conquer these lands and that these people of the southern Isthmus had better do something if they wanted to prevent that.

The soldiers of that army would be defending their homes. That would make them fierce.

Dardas grinned.

What—Weisel started, sharply surprised.