Done? 195 China 284, 296, 299, 300 Chinese-Eastern Railway 209 Chkeidze, Nikolai 94 'church museums' 248 church valuables, confiscation of 8, 244-61 church-state relations see under Russian
Orthodox Church Churchill, Winston 91, 197 Citizen, The 60 class struggle 135 Clemenceau, Georges 202, 256 coalitionists 262, 263, 268, 269 Code of Laws 84, 85-6, 88-9 Cold War 1, 11, 30, 284 Commercial Hotel, Voloshskaya Kiev 181 Commission of Labour Duty 222 Committee of Members of the Constituent
Assembly see Komuch communism rules one third of the human race 1 stimulates the rise of Nazism 1 and the Cold War 1
put in power by the Russian Revolution 1, 8
authoritarian 281 stagnation and collapse of Soviet Communism 299 Communist Party of the Soviet Union introduction of New Economic Policy 219, 221
and collectivisation of agriculture 221
Seventh Party Congress 271
Eighth Party Congress 273
Eighth Conference (December 1919) 221-2
trade union representation 222
and Middle Volga rebellion (1919) 226
and 'kulage sabotage' 228
Central Committee 229, 232
Politburo 232 Ninth Congress 233 suppression of Tambov insurgency 238 Tenth Congress 240, 241, 278 Thirteenth Conference (1924) 241-2 becomes corrupt, sclerotic and
conservative 293 Gorbachev brings the whole system down 293 Compiegne, France: armistice (11
November 1918) 200-202 concentration camps 193, 198 Constantinople (later Istanbul), Turkey 22, 54, 202
conquest of 95, 96, 97, 108 Constituent Assembly 140 first call for (1881) 144 and 'Bloody Sunday' 144 and the Dumas 145, 146 promised in February Revolution 6, 83 central role anticipated for 152 and Michael 86-9, 152 and the Provisional Government 152-3, 155, 160, 161, 183 loss of popular enthusiasm for 154, 158 Kornilov on 112, 119 and Lenin 129, 144, 156, 183, 289 elections to the Assembly 154-5, 159, 183, 185, 207 opening postponed 156 convened 156-7, 158, 159, 183, 288 disbanded 6, 7, 157-8, 159, 183-4, 213, 269 reconstituted as 'Komuch' 158 if the elections had taken place earlier
Constitutional Democrats (Kadets) 13, 14, 41, 44, 120, 126-7, 128, 140, 155, 156, 194, 203, 210, 212
Cossacks 69, 110, 172, 175, 203 Council of Ministers 61, 81 Council of People's Commissars
(Sovnarkom) 193, 268 counterfactual history 9 countryside impoverishment and discontent 2 hunger in 144, 225, 245 breakdown in food supply 218 decline in agricultural production 218 'taking grain' (grain requisitioning) 218, 219
sustained anti-Soviet insurgencies (1920) 219 thousands killed during rebellions 219 harvest failures and famine 219, 239, 244 New Economic Policy (NEP) 219-20, 221, 231, 241 decriminalising the market 219-20, 241 collectivisation of agriculture 220-21,
230, 243
razverstka 224, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233,
239-40, 241
committees of the poor 225 'Extraordinary Tax' 226 Middle Volga rebellion 226 'kulak' sabotage 220, 228, 234 tax-in-kind system 229, 231, 233, 240, 241, 278
Trotsky's four basic principles for
agricultural policy 229-31 Larin's proposals 231-2 Tambov province rebellion 235-6, 242 'raiding banditry' 236, 238 western Siberia rebellion 237-8 mounting state repressions 238-9 Crimea 80
Crimean War (1853-6) 32, 255 Criminal Code (1922) 247
Article 62 246 Cromie, Captain Francis 188, 189 Curzon, Lord 192
Czechoslovak Legion (later Corps) 170, 172, 174, 175, 176, 187, 205, 206, 207, 217
Dagestan 63
Daily Mirror 103
Daily Telegraph 164
Dardanelles 202
'Dark Forces' 64, 65
Day newspaper 52
Decree on Civil Marriage (1917) 249
Decree on Land (1917) 249
Decree on the Confiscation of Church
Valuables 244 Decree on the Separation of Church and
State and Church and School (1918) 249 deLeninisation 299 democracy 101, 121 spread of democratic ideas 2 bourgeois 6, 155
Russia's move towards Western liberal
democracy 11, 12 within the party 8-9, 272 peasant 42
and the Provisional Government 183
pluralistic 262
and Solzhenitsyn 264
German social democracy 270
and socialism 270
Soviet 272
'party democracy' debate 277 'workers' democracy' 278 inner-party 283 free market 299 liberal 296
Democratic Centralists 262, 272-3, 275, 277 Democratic Conference (14 September
1917) 128, 129 demonstrations preceding the first Duma 3 during the First Balkan War 54 patriotic demonstrations during the
First World War 3 bread shortage (1917) 149 Denikin, General Anton 163, 177, 202, 210, 214, 216, 217, 221 Deutsche Warte 61 Directoire executif 203
Directory see under Provisional All-Russian
Government Doctor Zhivago (film) 101n Don region 202, 221 Dostoevsky, Fyodor 244, 300
The Devils 175 Duma 67, 140, 287, 288, 300 creation of 3, 34, 66, 145-6 short-lived stability follows instigation 3 first Duma dissolved (1906) 13, 146 and Stolypin 41, 44, 146, 147 dissolution of second Duma ('Stolypin's
coup'; 1907) 43, 146 subservient third and fourth Dumas 147 patriotic and anti-German rhetoric 147 dismissed after criticises regime's war
conduct 148 reconvened in November 1916 148 forces resignation of prime minister 149 members protected by guarantees of
parliamentary immunity 149 'temporary committee' 70, 73 Progressive Bloc opts for Lvov as
premier 71 collapse of (28 February 1917) 70, 73,
Provisional Committee 96, 150, 151 Durnovo, Pyotr 46, 60 Dvinov, Boris 276 Dyakonov, A. 186
Dzerzhinsky, 'Iron' Felix 193, 252-3, 284, 285, 298
crashes in 1905 revolution 15 Dumas demand economic reform 3 and 'War Communism' 7 razverstka 7-8 New Economic Policy 8 foreign debt 12, 14-15 Ukraine's vital economic role 20 see also countryside 'educated society' (obshchestvennost) 34 Egypt 21-2
Eighteenth Brumaire 130
Eighth Section of the Commissariat of
Justice 250 Ekaterinburg province 6, 59, 126, 170-75, 208, 223, 229, 237 elections, November 1917 6 electoral law (1907) 41, 43 Engels, Friedrich: Socialism: Utopian and
Scientific 274 Enisei River 214
Erzurum (former Ottoman vilayet) 100 Estonia 23, 24, 202 Eurocommunists 264, 281, 281-2 Evert, General Alexei 76
factory committees 96, 104, 131 factory workers
accident and sickness insurance 42 and putsch attempt ofJuly 1917 104 February Revolution (8-12 March 1917)
107, 159, 167
bread riots 4, 149
a spontaneous uprising 68
death of a police inspector 69
mutiny of Pavlovsk Guards 69
troops join the demonstrators 4, 69, 149
Liteiny Arsenal captured 70
prisoners released 70
Duma shut down 70, 73, 149-51
emergency conference 70, 71
Protopopov resigns 71
Nicholas's response to Grand Duke
Michael's proposals 72 Russia lacks a government 72, 73 Nicholas forced to change his train
journey 72-3 and the Provisional Government 181 Solzhenitsyn's argument 279-80 Fedorov, Professor Sergei 78 Fedyashin, Anton A.: 'Liberals under
Autocracy' 264 Feodorovskoe Concord of Old Believers
Ferguson, Professor Niall 9
Fersen, Count 165 Finland
independence issue 14, 267, 294, 295 and Stolypin 36, 38 popular German intervention 22 Lenin in hiding 104, 105, 106, 127-8, 129 Russian troops in 132n First World War causes of 17-18
Rasputin's efforts to persuade the tsar
against entering the war 3, 57-60 Russian voices for peace 60 Russia's entry (1914) 3 the tsar commands his troops (1915)