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assassination of Stolypin 3, 29, 36, 37 Kiev Okhrana 37 Kimens, Colonel R. E. 197 Kireev, General Alexander 13, 45 Knox, General Alfred 209, 211, 212, 213 Kobilinsky, Colonel 165, 167 Kochurov, Father Ioann 249 Kokovtsov, Vladimir 36, 47 Kolchak, Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich 176, 177, 216, 229, 237

naval career 208-9

restoration of discipline after mutiny 101 naval mission to United States 209 war and navy minister, PA-RG 202, 211 Council of Ministers meeting after the

Omsk coup 203 'supreme ruler' 7, 200, 204, 214, 215 proclamation (18 November 1918) 204, 213-14 military success 214 longest military retreat in modern

history 221 on trial 209, 213, 214 killed 214 Kollontai, Alexandra 276 Komuch (Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly) 217 All-Russian Constituent Assembly

reconstituted as 7, 158, 206 as the All Russian Provisional

Government 7 evolves into the PA-RG and the

Directory 206 replaced by dictatorship of Kolchak 7 Konoplyova, Lidia 187 Korea 22

see also North Korea Korf, Baroness 165 Kornilov, General Lavr 107, 167, 207 becomes head of armed forces 110-111 Kerensky retracts pledges to him 111 series of misunderstandings between him and Kerensky 5, 109, 112-22, 161, 288, 289

and the Provisional Government 110, 111, 113, 115, 118-22, 125 dismissed by Kerensky 5, 118-19 arrested 5, 120

escapes prison and co-founds Volunteer

Army 120 death 120, 121

exonerated by a commission 121 ability to crush the October Bolshevik coup 121 Kornilov movement 127, 130 Korolev house, Perm 174

Kosygin, Alexei 263

Kovno province, Russia (present-day

Kaunas, Lithuania) 33, 35 Kozlov, Frol 263

Kremlin, Moscow 106, 179, 180, 185, 187, 190, 191, 267 Krestinsky, Nikolai 232 Krivoshein, Alexander 62 Kronstadt 126 Kronstadt naval garrison sailors in April Days' riots 99 and putsch attempt (July 1917) 104, 105 uprising (1921) 8, 240, 242, 278 and struggle to take Moscow 267 Krupskaia, Nadezhda (wife of Lenin) 91,

93, 106

Krylenko, Nikolai 131

Krymov, General Alexander 113, 114, 120

Kuban region 221

kulaks 219, 220, 221, 225-8, 230, 231, 234,

242, 247

Kulyabko, Colonel; N. N. 37 Kurdish refugees 100 Kurlov, Pyotr 37, 47 Kursky, Justice Dmitry 186 Kyshtym 172

labour camps 181, 197 labour force

working conditions 144 militarisation of 222, 223, 230, 233 dwindling urban labour force 229 struggle for greater recognition in the labour process 266 Lake Baikal 221 land issue

gentry landowning 13, 14 Stolypin's reforms 29, 34, 40-41, 42 and first Duma 146 Land Settlement Commissions 34 Larin, Yuri 231-2 Latsis, Martin 195 Latvia 15, 23, 24, 201, 202 Le Page, G. W. 101

League of the Militant Godless 254 Lean, David 101n Lebedian (Tambov province) 234 Lebensraum 108 Left Communists 270, 271, 282 Left Opposition 270 Left SRs 136-7, 269 Lenin, Vladimir 30, 52, 262 perceptions of 1

arrested in Vienna as an enemy alien

(1914) 91

denounces Stolypin 30 in Zurich 91, 92, 93 attends peace congresses 92 German support 4, 93, 106, 109, 289,


return to Russia from exile in his 'sealed

train' 4, 25, 91, 93, 289, 300 and the Provisional Government 4, 93, 98-9, 106 revolutionary programme (April

Theses') 93-4 anti-war stance 94, 95, 97, 100, 101, 107 and putsch attempt (July 1917) 104, 105, 160

goes back into exile 5, 104, 105, 106, 109, 127-8, 289 campaigns for an immediate uprising 128-9

surreptitious return to Petrograd 5, 123, 141, 288 on civil war 128, 134, 135 convenes secret meeting of the Central

Committee 130 wants pre-emptive seizure of power

before the Soviet Congress 131-5, 137 bullies Bolshevik leadership into

immediate insurrection 5, 124, 289 Bolshevik coup d'etat 5, 11, 136 Mensheviks and SRs play into his hands


ulterior motive of the insurrection 140 and November 1917 elections 6, 156 and the National Assembly 160 and Left Opposition 270 a victorious Germany may have

tolerated his rule 27 and the Romanov family 175 assassination attempt 6-7, 178, 179-80,

184, 185, 186, 188-92, 195-9, 290 significance of his survival 185-6 the Lenin myth 186 fanaticism in Red Terror 195, 197-8 breaks his promises 196-7 confident speech on the republic's future (1919) 221-2 and Larin's proposals 232 and tax-in-kind 240, 241 on crushing religious resistance 253 first incapacitating stroke 254 and Left Socialist Revolutionaries 268-9 and bureaucracy as a social problem 274 and trade unions 277, 280 early death (1924) 7, 185, 242 his role 288-90 legacy 290-92 memorials to 284 model of state capitalism 271 the state he created 292-3 succeeded by Stalin 7 'On Compromises' 128 'Socialism and Religion' 251 Socialism and War 92 The State and Revolution 273 Lenin in 1918 (film) 179-80 Lenin in October (film) 180 Leningrad 298

see also Petrograd; St Petersburg 'Leningrad' principles 264 Leninism 102, 281, 282, 283, 291, 299

monist 263, 280 Leninist democratic centralism 275 Leninists 277 Lettish garrison 189 Libava (Liepaja), Latvia 202 liberalism 1, 121, 264 liberals

and the promise of a constitution 13 and Stolypin 44 fall of (May 1917) 100

see also Constitutional Democrats Lithuania 201 Livadia 68

local government 35, 42, 143, 264 Lockhart, Robert Bruce 188-90, 191-2, 194

Memoirs of a British Agent 188 Lockhart, Robin 191 Lomonosov, Professor Yury 89-90 Louis XVI, King of France 3 165 Lubyanka prison, Moscow 186, 189, 192 Lunacharsky, Anatoly 252-3 Lutheranism 260 Luxemburg, Rosa 270, 281 Lvov, Prince Georgy 68, 71, 79, 81-5, 151 Lvov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 114-19, 290


Machiavelli, Niccolo 253, 290 Mackenzie, Frederick Arthur 249 Malaya Vishera 72 Malenkov, Georgy 263 Malkov, Pavel Dmitrievich 190-91 Manchester Guardian 97 Mandela, Nelson 291 Mao Zedong 291

Maria Feodorovna, Dowager Empress 166 Maria Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess 170, 171 Marie Antoinette 165 Marie Palace, St Isaac's Square, Petrograd

70, 71

Markov, Sergei 65, 168 Martov, Julius 138, 140 Marx, Karl 129, 269, 281, 282, 299

The Civil War in France 274 Marxism 281, 282, 288, 299, 300 Marxism/Leninism 291 Marxists 92, 266, 267 Matveev, Alexei 83, 84, 85, 87 Mejan, Louis 256

Mensheviks 92, 94, 127, 128, 130, 134-40,

159, 160, 231, 267, 276 Merkel, Angela 31

Meshchersky, Prince Vladimir 60, 63 Michael Alexandrovich, Grand Duke a popular war hero 67

proposed regent for Alexis 67, 68, 71,


emergency conference 70, 71 proposes Lvov as premier 71 Nicholas ignores his proposals 72 Nicholas tries to pass the crown to him 4, 77-8, 87, 152, 164

abdication 79-90 celebration of his succession 80 and the Constituent Assembly 86-9, 152 murdered 174 middle classes 12, 22, 158, 194, 196 Middle East 22, 216, 292 Middle Volga region 205, 226 Middlesex Regiment 207, 212 Mikhailov, I. A. 212, 213 Mikhelson (Hammer and Sickle) engineering factory, Moscow (now Vladimir Ilyich Electromechanical Plant) 179, 184 Military Revolutionary Committee

(MRC) 124-5, 127, 136, 139 Militsa, Princess 50

Milyukov, Pavel 79, 80-81, 82, 89, 90, 95, 97-100, 107, 120, 163 'Ministry of National Confidence' 148 Mogilev 66, 67, 69, 72, 73, 74, 79, 90, 113,

117, 149

Molotov, Vyacheslav 197 Monarchist Congress, 4th (1907) 43 monarchy 12, 16, 25 autocratic 66

constitutional 66, 67, 75, 87 Habsburg 24 and Rasputin's murder 65 and Stolypin's reforms 38, 46 monasteries, dissolution of 250 'Mongol Yoke' 142 monism, Bolshevik 266 Montenegro 54

king of 50 Moscow

and the succession of Michael 80 Romanov crown jewels hidden in Kremlin armoury 106

social and political resistance to

Bolsheviks 267 Bolsheviks take control 6, 126 becomes the capital 6 Red Guards fight Kerensky's forces 139 Yakolev's train taking the tsar to Moscow 170