in protest 137-8 Trotsky denounces Martov's resolution for a coalition 138 Soviet of People's Commissars
(Sovnarkom) 154, 155, 156, 268, 272 Soviet of Workers and Soldiers Deputies 164
Soviet Union 195, 291 broken up into independent states 295 effective alliance with Nazi Germany 296
failed coup (August 1991) 295 Gorbachev marginalised 295 ideological hostility to Nazi Germany 296
the regime in the 1980s 294 the state Lenin created 292-3
see also Russia; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 'Soviet values' 260 soviets (workers' councils) rise of 4 defined 4 radicalised 4
new Petrograd Soviet during February
Revolution 73-4 influence on Provisional Government 121
leftward move of 128 sovnarkhozy (soviets of the People's
Economy) 231 Sovnarkom see Soviet of People's
Commissars Spain, adoption of an authoritarian regime 12
SRs see Socialist Revolutionary Party Stalin, Joseph 10, 28, 241-3, 292 views of his role 1 atrocities associated with 30, 198 denounces Lenin's 'down with the war' slogan 94
becomes General Secretary of the party
inherits power from Lenin 7 rule of eastern Europe 25 reintroduces razverstka (1928) 8 collectivisation of agriculture 38, 220-21 industrialisation drive (1930s) 20, 38 abandons dream of world revolution 199 and Trotsky 199, 281 concordat with the Church (1943) 257 Great Terror (1930s) 7, 195 and 'greatest Russian' 30, 284, 285 and 'Leningrad' principles 264 Stalinism 7, 8, 158, 282 standard of living 265 starets (Russian Orthodox elder) 58 State Conference (Moscow, 14 August 1917) 112 State Council 35, 42, 43, 46 Stavka, Mogilev 60, 66, 68, 78, 96 Steveni, Captain 211-12
Stock Exchange News 52 Stockholm, Sweden 93, 103, 106 Stolypin, Pyotr 287 governor of Saratov province 33, 34, 41 provincial governor in Grodno 33, 35 in Kovno province 33, 35 appointed minister of internal affairs
33, 45
prime minister of Russia (1906-11) 3,
33, 146
relationship with Nicholas II 33-4, 35, 46-7
economic and social reforms 3, 29, 31-2,
34-5, 37-42, 43, 46, 146, 147 and Jews 29, 37, 45 Great Russian nationalism 29 'wager on the strong' 29, 37 aims to make the state the focus of
national unity 34 and zemstvos 35, 43, 45, 46 and Polish influence 35 and Finland 36, 38
emphasis on Russia's need for peace 39 religious reform 42, 45 alignment with the Nationalists 46 arouses resentment and superstition in
St Petersburg 46 assassination (1911) 3, 29, 36, 47, 147 incompetence of secret police 37 reputation during the Cold War 30 current popular adulation of 30-31 Putin's admiration for him 3, 31 assessment of 43-4 'Stolypin's necktie' 33, 146 Stoppard, Tom: Travesties 91 stranniki (holy pilgrims) 50 strikes preceding first Duma 3 massacre of strikers in Siberia (1912) 147 stopped during the First World War 3 during Red Terror 196, 198 Struve, Peter 121-2, 249 Sturmer, Boris 96 'substitution' (podmena) 273 Suez crisis (1956) 17
Sukhanov, Nikolai 94, 130, 136, 137-8 Sukhomlinov, General Vladimir 36, 39, 62, 181
Supreme Council of the People's Economy
(VSNKh) 231, 232 Sverdlov, Yakov 173, 187, 188, 191, 192 Svobodnaia Rossiya (dreadnought) 102 svyatyni ('sacred objects') 245 Swabians 54 Sykes, Mark 96, 100 Syromiatnikov, Col. A. D. 212, 213 Sysertovsky factory 172
Tambov province 234-8, 240, 242 Tauride Palace, Petrograd 70, 73, 79, 80, 81,
83, 85, 89, 104, 105, 123, 149, 156, 183, 184 tax-in-kind system 229, 231, 233, 240, 241, 278 Tereshchenko, Mikhail 83 Thatcher, Margaret, later Baroness 30 Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets of
the People's Economy 231-2 Tiflis, Georgia 101
Tikhon, Patriarch 245, 246, 250, 253, 254 Tikhvinsky monastery, Ekaterinburg 172-3 Tiumen province, Siberia 168, 237 Tobolsk, Siberia 59, 106, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169
toleration edict (1905) 42
Tolstoy, Count Ivan 44
Tomsk Regional Clinic for the Insane
totalitarianism 282, 293 Trabzon, Turkey 102 trade unions 131, 222, 274, 277, 280 Trans-Caucasus 14, 22, 217 Trepov, A. F. 96
Trinity St Sergius Monastery, Sergiev
Posad 31 Trotsky, Leon 182, 239 a Menshevik 92 and razverstka 8 converts to Lenin's cause 104 arrested after July 1917 putsch attempt 105
effective leader of the Bolsheviks 127 no plans for armed conflict 127 denies rumours in the Petrograd Soviet 132
denounces Martov's resolution for a
coalition 138 demands majority cabinet seats for
Bolsheviks 139-40 on the SRs 159 and the Romanov family 173 if Lenin had died in the Kaplan shooting
and Stalin 199, 281
and world revolution 199
ideas on ending grain requisitioning 220
and militarisation of labour 222
assignment of 3rd Red Army to regional
tasks 223 and razverstka 224
food supply proposals 229-31, 232-3, 237 and market decriminalisation 241 and church valuables 245, 252 joins the radicals 268 and Kronstadt revolt 278 crucial to carrying the Bolshevik project through 289 Trudoviks (Labourers) 41 tsarism
seen as rotten and doomed 1, 11, 287 liberal alternative to 1 and modernising of Russia 1 nationalist demands after fall of 294 Tsaritsyn (Volgograd) 49, 126
Iliodor's hunger strike 43 Tsarskoe Selo 59, 69, 72, 74, 85, 106, 164, 167 Tuileries Palace, Paris 165 Turkey
and the Army of the Caucasus 101 in first Balkan War 54, 56 and Russian war aims 100 Mudros armistice 202 and Black Sea Fleet 208 Turks
and the Trans-Caucasus 22 first Balkan War (1912-13) 54
Rasputin on 55 repatriation of refugees 100 Tyumen, Russia 49, 57
Ufa, southern Urals 170, 214 State Conference 206, 207 Ukraine 22, 180, 195, 217, 296
and Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 7, 19, 201 independence issue 19, 20, 91, 294 vital economic role 20, 27 geopolitical vulnerability 20 internal weaknesses 20 nationalism 20, 21 Ukrainian identity 20, 21 German protection 21 Bolshevik Russia moves back into 26,
and French economic blockade plan 202 France's expedition (December 1918) 216 and Trotsky's proposal 230 'raiding banditry' in 236 so-called 'grain-rich'province 239 and confiscation of church valuables 246 Russia's grab for (2014) 284 Ullman, Richard 212 Ulyanov, Dmitry 182
Union for the Defence of the Constituent
Assembly 156, 157 Union for the Regeneration of Russia
(Soiuz vozrozhdeniia Rossii) 210 Union of Russian People (URP) 35, 44, 47 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
creation of (December 1922) 272 second collapse of Russian power
(1989-91) 19, 30, 284
see also Russia; Soviet Union Union of Writers 258 United States independence 292
brought into First World War 18-19, 23, 95, 108
grain exports competition with Russia 20
possible consequences of remaining
neutral in the war 27 retreats into isolation after the First
World War 24 spearheads famine relief effort 239 dominates world affairs 298 universal male suffrage 13, 88, 146, 153, 183 Upper Isetsky Workers Detachment 172 Urals region 20, 170, 205, 206, 210, 211, 214,
220, 223, 229, 237, 239 Uritsky, Moisei 182, 195 US army 19
USSR Congress of People's Deputies 273
Van (former Ottoman vilayet) 100
Vareikis, I. M. 226, 227
Veniamin, Metropolitan, of Petrograd 246,
247, 252, 254, 255
verkhi (upper tier) 274 verkhovnyipravitel ('supreme ruler') 200, 204
Versailles settlement (1919) 24, 25 Vienna 91
Congress of (1815) 24 Vikzhel (All-Russian Executive Committee
of the Union of Railwaymen) 139, 140 Vinogradov, V. A. 203 Virgin Lands campaign (1953) 38 Vitebsk province 35 Vladimir Ilyich Electromechanical Plant, Moscow (previously Mikhelson (Hammer and Sickle) engineering factory) 179, 184 Vladimirov, Alexander 49 Vladimirovich, Grand Duke Andrei 67 Vladimirovich, Grand Duke Boris 67 Vladimirovich, Grand Duke Kirill 67, 87 Vladivostock 205, 207, 209, 210 Volga region 236, 239, 244 Volga River 205 Volinsky, Artemy 177 Volodarsky, V. (Moisei Markovich