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Kahlan’s concern was evident in her expression. “That means the goddess could see all of that through any of their eyes.”

Richard agreed with a nod. “Getting away on horses without being seen is a problem.”

“Then stop thinking of the problem, and think instead of the solution,” Shale said.

“What would the solution be, then?” Richard asked her.

Shale leaned toward him. “Think. Who do you have with you on this journey?”

The way the sorceress asked the question reminded him of so many gifted people who had taught him valuable lessons.

Richard shrugged, not sure what she meant. “We have the nine of us. Kahlan, me, six Mord-Sith—”

Shale flashed him a cunning smile. “And me.”


The stables were partway across the sprawling city-palace. Once they had horses, then Shale would need to do her part, but before they reached the stables they needed to avoid being seen by people throughout the palace. Being spotted would expose them to the risk that the goddess could also see them and send Glee to attack.

To keep out of sight after leaving the room with the sliph’s well, the nine of them had to make their way through a labyrinth of underground passageways and tunnels that few people other than the Mord-Sith knew about or used, then climb iron ladders in ventilation shafts and a series of ancient, rusty, iron spiral service stairs. They managed to remain unseen the entire journey through the rarely used areas of the palace.

Nyda, in the lead, brought the party to a halt when she reached a small metal access door. She carefully pulled it open just enough to peek out. Once satisfied it was safe, she pulled open the door, letting short, wavy-haired Berdine go through first. The tall, blond Nyda went next. When Richard poked his head through, he saw that they were behind some of the storage buildings. Beyond was a staging area and then a number of buildings with stables. The buildings had roofs to protect them from the open sky above, which revealed fading daylight. The first of the strange, new stars in that sky were just beginning to appear.

Not far away, between the dark shape of the buildings to each side of them, was a large manure pile waiting for eventual use in the many gardens throughout the palace grounds. Besides the food transported in by vendors who brought it up the internal passage, the gardens and greenhouses in the palace were an abundant source of fresh food to feed all the people living in the palace. The manure fed those crops.

That large manure pile served to hide the nine of them, but because of the stink it wasn’t a pleasant place to hide. Richard reminded himself that it wasn’t nearly as bad as the horrific stench of the remains deep down in the foundation area.

“Something smells funny,” Shale said.

Richard turned to her with an incredulous look. “Maybe it has something to do with this big pile of manure right in front of us?”

As Shale leaned out to peer into the distance, the sarcasm didn’t seem to register with her. “No. It’s something else,” she murmured, half to herself.

“Like what?” he asked.

The sorceress’s attention finally returned to him. She shook her head unhappily. “I’m not sure. It’s not something I’ve exactly smelled before, but for some reason I feel like I should know what it is.”

Richard realized she was serious, but it didn’t make any sense and he didn’t want to take the time to discuss the unknowable. Instead, he advanced in a crouch and then leaned out from behind a manure cart to survey the area. He wanted them to be able to get out of the palace and on their way to the Wizard’s Keep without being seen. Anyone who saw them meant that it was possible the goddess could see them, too. If they could get away cleanly, then the journey to the protection of the Keep’s shields and gifted would be that much less hazardous.

In the distance Richard saw soldiers on horseback just returning from patrol, likely around the base of the plateau. Horses were also occasionally used in the palace’s special passageways meant for mounted soldiers, enabling them to quickly get to distant areas or trouble spots. Sometimes they used ramps up through the inside of the plateau that were also used exclusively by troops. Less commonly they used the narrow road that wound around the outside of the plateau.

That was the road they were going to need to use to get down to the Azrith Plain. One of the problems with that was that there was a drawbridge with soldiers stationed at it. Richard was trusting that Shale had some witch woman’s trick to make those soldiers think they were someone else, or even not see them at all. He didn’t care what she did, only that it worked.

Vika pointed at stable workers taking the horses as the tired soldiers dismounted. “Over that way, where the man is lighting the lamps on the outside wall of the stables, is one of the buildings where the fresh horses are kept for men to take out on patrol.”

Kahlan rested a hand on the hilt of the knife sheathed at her belt as she came up in a crouch close to Richard and Vika. As beautiful as Richard thought she looked in the singular dress of the Mother Confessor, she looked just as good to him in her traveling clothes with a knife sheathed at her side. Some of her long hair fell forward over her shoulder as she carefully leaned out to take a look.

“How many fresh horses do you think are in there?” she asked. “Do you think there are enough?”

Vika looked a little surprised by the question. “There are a lot of stables all throughout this one area. There are hundreds and hundreds of horses. I’m not sure of the exact number. With as many horses as I’ve seen here and other areas combined while living and working at the palace under Darken Rahl’s rule there might even be thousands.”

Richard was jarred by her saying “while living and working at the palace under Darken Rahl’s rule.” Before Richard defeated Darken Rahl, as under the tyrants of the House of Rahl before him, the work of a Mord-Sith living at the People’s Palace was the work of torturing people for information or simply because the Lord Rahl wanted them tortured to death as punishment. The Mord-Sith were experts at keeping their captives on the cusp between life and death for prolonged periods of time to extend their agony.

The Mord-Sith didn’t come by that work easily. They themselves were taken captive as young women and broken through years of the same kind of torture they learned to use on others. They became the chattel of evil men—property, weapons those men used for their own ends.

That training eventually drove those women to madness. Richard had once been the captive of an especially ruthless Mord-Sith, Denna, who had introduced him into that hopeless, surreal world of madness.

Vika’s words had brought all those unwelcome memories unexpectedly flooding back to him. As he had done so often, Richard forced those memories from his mind.

“Vika is right,” Berdine said as she snuck up closer behind them. “The palace must have at least a thousand horses in all. For all I know, it’s possible the true number is twice that. And that’s only counting the horses belonging to the First File.”

“Then they shouldn’t miss the dozen and a half we’ll need,” Shale said as she and the rest of the impatient Mord-Sith, ducking low, joined Richard.

Berdine gave her a reproachful look. “You think cavalrymen don’t know every horse? Know how many there are, and which stables house them? They live with those horses. Many sleep in barracks at the rear of the stables so as to be at hand should they be needed on a moment’s notice. They would miss one set of reins, to say nothing of a saddle. One missing horse would be noticed immediately.”