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‘So give,’ said Blackstone.

‘I saw him,’ he said.

‘Saw who?’ asked Annie.

‘The bloke who killed Bill Quinn and that foreign reporter.’

‘You know about Mihkel Lepikson?’

‘Course. Woz knew he was up at Garskill Farm. Flinders had a bloke on the inside keeping an eye out for things like that. They’ve tried it before. The reporter was just too good to be true. Always asking questions. Making friends with the others. Always off to the telephone box. That’s what they said. Flinders came down for a chat with Woz, who gets on the blower to Rebane. Flinders is another cunt, by the way. I can tell you things about him would make your hair curl.’

‘Hang on a minute,’ said Annie. ‘Slow down. Are you telling me that Warren Corrigan gave the order for the deaths of Bill Quinn and Mihkel Lepikson?’

‘Not him, no. Not directly. He was what you might call a station on the way, but it went through him, if you see what I mean. He supplied the crossbow, I can tell you that. Had me go and get it, actually. But he was doing it on orders.’

‘Whose orders?’

‘Bloke called Joosep Rebane, or something like that. Not sure how you pronounce it or spell it. Russian or something.’

Annie made a note of the name, though she was also far from sure about the spelling. ‘And who’s this Joosep Rebane when he’s at home?’

‘The boss. Kingpin. He says jump, Woz asks how high. Like I said, he’s Russian Mafia or something, but he’s behind all these migrant labour schemes, the phony agencies, bonding them with debt, all that stuff. It’s also a front for drugs. That was going to be the next big thing. Woz was gearing up for it. Flinders and Woz both worked for Rebane, when it came right down to it. They didn’t see him very often — he liked to keep a low profile and was paranoid about secrecy and security — but I can tell you, they were shit scared of him. He had a reputation as a bit of a wild man, which I think he liked to cultivate. You know, like in those Mafia movies. Horse’s head under the bedclothes. Kind of bloke who’ll be asking about your dear old mother one moment, and laying into you with an axe the next. I must say, he gave me the willies.’

‘Did you meet him?’ Annie asked.

‘Only twice. At the pub. Back way, of course. Car waiting, dark windows.’

‘Can you describe him?’

‘Youngish bloke, about thirty, maybe a bit over. Tall, good-looking. I suppose the girls would find him attractive, if you know what I mean. Wears nice expensive suits, Armani, Hugo Boss, that sort of thing, hair always cut perfectly. Dark brown. Brown eyes. More like black. Charming on the surface, but there was something in his eyes that told you you wouldn’t want to upset him.’

Annie took out the sketch of the man Krystyna had described, hoping to God that nothing had happened to her. ‘Recognise him?’ she asked.

‘He’s the one Woz gave the crossbow to. He’s done a couple of jobs for him before.’

‘What’s his name?’

‘Robert Tamm.’


‘I don’t know. He had one of those sort of Russian accents, too, but it might have been Bulgarian or Slovakian for all I know. I can’t tell one of those buggers from another.’

‘Do you know where he lives?’

‘Aye. Glasgow. He came down on the train and picked up a rental car. But he’s not Scottish. No way. I could spot a Jock accent a mile off.’

‘Arnold Briggs,’ said Annie. ‘OK, let’s get back to Mr Big. You say you met this Joosep Rebane on two occasions. When was the most recent?’

‘About six months ago.’

‘Do you know what the meeting was about?’

‘No. Woz sent me out to the main bar.’

‘But he was hardly a frequent visitor.’

‘No. I should imagine this was one of the far-flung outposts of his empire. He communicated by phone and through the agents mostly. Untraceable mobiles, of course.’

‘So what were these recent developments you want to tell us about, whatever resulted in death warrants for Bill Quinn and Mihkel Lepikson? I assume this Robert Tamm worked for Joosep Rebane?’

‘That’s right, far as I could tell. Enforcer. Hit man. What have you. Did his dirty work.’

‘So you acquired the crossbow that Warren Corrigan gave Robert Tamm, on the orders of this Joosep Rebane, to kill Quinn? And the same man tortured and drowned Lepikson?’

Curly swallowed. ‘Yes. But it sounds bad if you put it like that. I didn’t know what he was going to use the crossbow for, did I?’

‘A spot of grouse hunting, perhaps?’ said Blackstone.

Curly looked towards the solicitors again, who both seemed fascinated by the discussion. ‘See what I mean about me wanting some guarantees here?’

‘You’ve got all the guarantees you’re getting,’ said Annie. ‘Go on.’

Curly sighed. ‘See, Joosep Rebane always let on that he had a cop in his pocket, had something on him. Bill Quinn. But when Bill Quinn’s wife died, Rebane started to get worried. Woz got more phone calls from him. Rebane asked him to keep an eye on Quinn, then... well, you know what happened.’

‘Did you know why he was worried?’ Annie asked.

‘Not at the time, no. We didn’t know what Rebane had on DI Quinn.’

‘And now?’

‘Well, I’ve only really been able to work it out while I’ve been in here, but remember I mentioned that things started to go pear-shaped around the time Bill Quinn’s wife died?’


‘Well, it must have meant that Rebane didn’t have anything on him any more. Stands to reason. So I reckon it was probably a woman. That was the only thing that made sense, really. Why Rebane would get worried and all. If Quinn didn’t have a wife, then he didn’t have to worry about Rebane telling her he’d been playing away from home, did he? And he obviously had videos or photos or some sort of proof. Again, it stands to reason.’

‘You’re not as thick as you look, are you, Curly?’ said Annie.

‘Gareth. And no, I’m not.’

‘Are you telling me that Bill Quinn was bent?’ said Blackstone. ‘Alan mentioned the possibility, but I...’ He shook his head.

‘I’m telling you that I think Quinn was being blackmailed by this Joosep Rebane to go easy on Woz,’ said Curly. ‘I’m not saying Quinn liked it, but he had no choice. He was in a position to warn Woz about raids, and anything else that might act against his interests. But something put the heebie-jeebies up them all around the time Quinn’s wife died. Not immediately, like, but over a couple of weeks. If you think about it, and if Quinn was being blackmailed, then he couldn’t just suddenly go to his boss and say, guess what, guv, I’ve been passing information on to Woz Corrigan and doing my best to keep him out of jail this past while. Could he? Anyway, when they found out that this reporter had infiltrated the migrant group, and that Quinn knew him, it was double trouble. They figured Quinn had put the reporter on to the operation in the first place, to give him a good story like, but that the real story was going to be what Joosep had been up to. Apparently Quinn and the reporter had been buddies for years. Quinn was looking for a back door to spill the beans without getting any comeback, and the reporter was it. The way Woz explained it to me was that if Quinn could find a way to use the reporter to get his story out, then Rebane and Woz and Rod Flinders wouldn’t be safe any more. So they both had to go.’