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Exception to the Pantomime Rule

There is one important exception to the pantomime rule, and as usual it is a rule-governed exception. While waiting to be served at a pub bar counter, you may hear people calling out to the bar staff 'Oi, any chance of a bloody drink sometime this millennium?' or 'Get a move on: I've been stood here since last Thursday!' or committing other blatant breaches of the pantomime rule. You would be advised not to follow their example: the only people permitted to speak in this manner are the established 'regulars' (regular customers of the pub), and the rude remarks are made in the context of the special etiquette governing relations between bar staff and regulars.

The Rules of Ps and Qs

The rules governing the ordering of drinks, however, apply to everyone. First, it is customary in England for just one or at the most two members of a group to go up to the bar to order drinks for the group, and for only one to make the actual payment. (This rule is not merely designed to make life easier for bar staff, or to avoid that English pet hate 'fuss'. It is related to another complex set of rules: the etiquette of round-buying, which will be covered later.) Second, the correct way to order a beer is 'A pint of bitter [or lager], please'. For a half-pint, this is always shortened to 'Half a bitter [or lager], please'.

The 'please' is very important: foreigners or novices will be forgiven mistakes in other elements of the order, but omitting the 'please' is a serious offence. It is also vital to say 'thank-you' (or 'thanks', or 'cheers', or at the very least the non-verbal equivalent - eye contact, nod and smile), when the drinks are handed over, and again when the change is given.

This rule applies not just in pubs, but when ordering or purchasing anything, anywhere in England: in shops, restaurants, trains, buses and hotels, staff expect to be treated politely, and this means saying please and thank-you. The politeness is reciprocaclass="underline" a bartender or shop assistant will say, 'That'll be four pounds fifty, then, please', and will usually say 'Thank you', or an equivalent, when you hand over the money. The generic rule is that every request (by either staff or customer) must end with 'please' and every fulfilment of a request (ditto) requires a 'thank-you'.

During my research on Englishness, I diligently counted all the pleases and thank-yous involved in every purchase I made, and found that, for example, a typical transaction in a newsagent's or corner shop (such as, say, my usual purchase of a bar of chocolate, a newspaper and a packet of cigarettes) usually involves two pleases and three thank-yous (although there is no upper limit on thank-yous, and I have often counted five). The simple purchase of a drink and a packet of crisps in a pub also typically requires two pleases and three thank-yous.

England may be a highly class-conscious society, but these politeness rules suggest that the culture is also, in many ways, remarkably egalitarian - or at least that it is not done to draw attention to status differences. Service staff may often be of a lower social class than their customers (and linguistic class-indicators ensure that where this is the case both parties will be aware of it), but there is a conspicuous lack of servility in their demeanour, and the unwritten rules require that they be treated with courtesy and respect. Like all rules, these are sometimes broken, but when this does occur, it is noticed and frowned upon.

The 'And One for Yourself?' Rule - and the Principles of Polite Egalitarianism

In the special social micro-climate of the pub, I found that the rules of egalitarian courtesy are even more complex, and more strictly observed. For example, it is not customary in English pubs to tip the publican or bar staff who serve you. The usual practice is, instead, to buy them a drink. To give bar staff a tip would be an impolite reminder of their 'service' role, whereas to offer a drink is to treat them as equals. The rules governing the manner in which such drinks must be offered reflect both polite egalitarianism and a peculiarly English squeamishness about money. The prescribed etiquette for offering a drink to the publican or bar staff is to say, 'And one for yourself?' or 'And will you have one yourself?' at the end of your order. The offer must be clearly phrased as a question, not an instruction, and should be made discreetly, not bellowed out in an unseemly public display of generosity.

If one is not ordering drinks, it is still acceptable to ask the bartender or publican 'Will you have a drink?' but the 'And one for yourself?' approach is much preferred, as it implies that the customer and the bartender are having a drink together, that the bartender is being included in the 'round'. I observed that the English also tend to avoid using the word 'buy'. To ask, 'Can I buy you a drink?' would in theory be acceptable, but in practice is rarely heard, as it carries the suggestion that money is involved. The English are perfectly well aware that money is involved, but prefer not to call attention to the fact. We know that the publican and bar staff are providing us with a service in exchange for money - and indeed that the 'And one for yourself?' ritual is a somewhat convoluted and tortuous way of giving them a tip - but it would be indecorous to highlight the pecuniary aspects of this relationship.

And the bar staff collude in this squeamishness. If the 'And one for yourself?' offer is accepted, it is customary for bar staff to say, 'Thanks, I'll have a half [or whatever]' and add the price of their chosen drink to the total cost of the order. They will then state the new total clearly: 'That'll be five pounds twenty, then, please' - thus indirectly letting you know the price of the drink you have just bought them, without actually mentioning the amount (which in any case will not be large, as the unwritten rules require them to choose a relatively inexpensive drink). By stating the revised total, they are also, in a subtle and oblique manner, making the customer aware of their abstemious choice of beverage.

The understanding that this is not a tip but an invitation to 'join' the customer in a drink, is also reinforced by the behaviour of the bar staff when consuming the drink. They will always raise their glass in the customer's direction, and say 'Cheers' or 'Thanks', which is normal practice between friends on receiving a drink as part of a 'round'. When the bar is particularly busy, the staff may not have time to pour or consume the drink immediately. It is quite acceptable in these circumstances for them to accept the 'And one for yourself?' offer, add the price of their drink to the customer's order, and enjoy the drink later when the bar is less crowded. On pouring the drink, however, even several hours later, bar staff will go to some lengths to ensure that they catch the relevant customer's eye and raise the glass in acknowledgement, with a nod and a smile - and a 'cheers' if the customer is within earshot.

It could be argued that, although more egalitarian than conventional tipping, this 'one-way commensality' - giving without receiving in return - is none the less a dominance signal. This argument would have some merit, were it not that the gesture is often reciprocated by publicans and bar staff, who will usually not allow a customer, particularly a regular, to buy them many drinks before attempting to return the favour. There will still, in the final reckoning, be some asymmetry, but such reckonings never occur, and even an occasional reciprocation on the part of the publican or bar staff serves to maintain the impression of a friendly exchange between equals.