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Marsessa scrambled up onto the platform and took a seat on Dounia’s left. She was a particularly unkempt woman in her mid-forties with a pinkish blotchy face and graying hair. Her big eyes flashed wildly about the room and her mouth was twisted into a crazed grimace. It was no secret that Marsessa was unlike the other villagers; in fact, there was nothing normal about her. To put it simply, she was mad, she had gone mad years ago around the age of twenty. For some reason she was fond of funerals, and whenever a procession wound its way into the cemetery, she was not far behind, wailing and bawling at the top of her voice. She was also notorious for hurling obscenities at passersby and for singing songs, one in particular, her favorite, which she sang over and over: “The bulls are horny as hell. The cows are in heat. It’s spring! It’s spring!”

The villagers tolerated her. She was affectionately known throughout the region as the Madwoman of Hlaby.

Leyzarov tried to appear composed, but anger got the better of him. First a drunk and now a lunatic had found their way onto the platform, and in a matter of minutes had managed to transform the meeting into a circus. Things had got completely out of hand. Desperately he tried to think of ways to boot the two off the presidium, to replace them with suitable and deserving representatives, but then another voice ripped through the Clubhouse:

“My vote goes to Ostap Pavlovich Bubon!”

This time the laughter broke into a roar. Old Bubon, partly senile and half-blind, wasted no time in hobbling up to the front on his cane. He wore loose-fitting trousers patched at the knees and a shabby gray overcoat. His wife, who had been unfaithful to him with the local butcher, had died mysteriously years ago, and immediately after her death, and ever since, he called all women whores and Jezebels. Bubon had been suspected of killing her, but somehow he had slipped past the law.

Leyzarov stood on the platform ready to tear out his hair. He was now certain the meeting was being deliberately sabotaged. The most imbecilic, the most obnoxious people in the region — a madwoman, a drunk, and now a wife-killer — had just been granted the most distinguished seats. Things couldn’t possibly get worse. Desperately, he appealed to the crowd, “Comrades! I’m sure some of you must have other candidates in mind. In the name of democracy, please give me their names.” Swallowing hard, visibly rattled, tugging at his shirt collar to loosen it, he looked anxiously at the faces before him.

At that moment Kokoshin stepped in and tried to help restore order. He waved his arms. “Citizens! Citizens! I give you one last chance. Look around you, I’m sure there are people more worthy to represent you today than the three who presently grace our platform. Please, give us more names.”

But the crowd remained unresponsive. Feeling that the situation was hopeless, he conceded. “Then it’s agreed. The outcome is clear, the people have spoken.” Reluctantly he jotted down the names of those on the presidium in his ledger book, and slipped the book into his pocket. Finally when things appeared to settle down, to everyone’s surprise, another voice shot out from the crowd, “On behalf of the presidium, I vote honorary seats be granted to Stalin and his top advisers!”

The two Party men froze and their mouths dropped open in horror and disbelief. Things had gone from bad to worse; the meeting had now turned into a complete debacle.

Kokoshin leaned over and whispered to his partner, “This is nothing more than a travesty. They’re planning to sit Stalin in line with a group of dimwits! We’ve got to do something.”

Leyzarov agreed. “It’s definitely a conspiracy. Someone’s going to pay, and dearly!”

Before either could think of a response, several young men started dragging chairs onto the platform and placing them on either side of Tovkach and Bubon. One young man in blue-gray trousers, with tousled brown hair, took a framed picture of Stalin down from the wall and with great care set it on the seat of one of the chairs.

The crowd roared and heckled.

Tovkach, Marsessa and Bubon sat happily on the platform, enjoying the best seats in the house. Did they consider themselves dimwits? Certainly not. Tovkach always had enough to eat and drink, and he was too smart to complicate his life with a nagging wife. Ostap Bubon would have whacked his cane over anyone’s head who called him a dimwit. He wasn’t a dimwit; he was smart, because how else would he have landed a seat on the presidium— and next to Stalin!

Kokoshin tried to restore order.

“Attention, people! Attention! The time has now come for me to introduce to you our foremost candidate who will take up the honorable position of Deputy to the Village Soviet. The village Morozovich, in conformity with our existing order, elected a candidate for our electoral neighborhood, the very respected and cultured worker, Dounia Avdeevna Zemlankova. Now, allow me to say a few words about Dounia Avdeevna.

“She is the daughter of a proletarian family and her father, Avdeya Zemlankov, is a well-known, revered laborer. Most of you are aware that old Zemlankov, with his horse and cart, still today hauls furniture, barrels of tar, and beer in and around Pinsk. When the need arises, he also moves the city’s garbage to the dump on Kostibyoushka Hill along the Pina. The proletarian origin of Dounia Avdeevna is indisputable. She is a dedicated worker who herself has labored as a bricklayer for the construction industry and later was a merchant in the Pinsk marketplace where she sold salt herring from her barrels. Now she has taken up the honorable position of schoolteacher in Morozovich, where she is beloved by the children and deeply devoted to her work. Her family is working-class and bears the torch of the revolution. They are the true citizens of our new civilization. A big round of applause for Dounia Avdeevna Zemlankova, our future Deputy of the Village Soviet of B.S.S.R.!”

Although the crowd applauded rapturously, the three undesirables on the platform did not seem to be paying any attention to what was going on around them. Ostap, leaning on his cane, could actually be heard snoring, and Tovkach stared at his hands and played with his fingers. Marsessa was lost in her own world, rocking her body back and forth, mumbling under her breath, constantly repeating herself.

While Kokoshin addressed the crowd, Marsessa’s mumbling grew louder and more pronounced, and before long she began hurling insults at everyone around her. All eyes fell on her. Cornelius, who was sitting in the front row came forward and shouted, “Will you just shut up, woman! You’re disrupting the meeting. You sound like a chicken with its head cut off.” Then under his breath, “Stupid hag.”

Marsessa caught his last words, and went cross-eyed. Springing out of her chair, hissing like a snake, she went at him. “You of all people have the nerve to call me a stupid hag! I’m no hag, and I’m certainly not stupid. The people didn’t choose you to sit up here on the presidium, did they? Look who’s stupid now? Horse thief!” Then turning to look at the picture of Stalin, she smiled and winked. “Hah! I told him off, didn’t I, Joseph Vissarionovich?”

“Enough! Enough!” Leyzarov stamped his foot angrily. “Another outbreak will not be tolerated. If you’re not called upon, you have no right to speak. These are the rules of the house. Now sit down, both of you.”

Cornelius, in defiance of Leyzarov’s orders, swung around to face the crowd. The audience of about two hundred seemed to be expecting him to take the stand and say something important. And he, Cornelius, Village Chairman, appointed by government officials in Moscow, had a lot to say.

“Comrades!” he shouted, “I feel compelled to say a few words. You must be very proud of yourselves. A meeting was called in the dead of winter and you all took the time to be here today. It’s obvious to me that you clearly understand the importance of solidarity and I commend you for that. In just a few short months, in the spring elections, we will officially vote in Dounia Avdeevna as our Deputy of the Village Soviet. She will go to Minsk and talk about our villages and make a good impression on the higher authorities there. Because of her, we will undoubtedly get special treatment. You see what having a smart and dedicated Deputy means! Our lives will become enriched and we will live out our days in happiness and contentment. Come spring, all that will be left for us to do will be to sing and dance and be merry.