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Tears sprang to my eyes… Here it is, a turn, behind which her unexpected guest disappeared. How unusual and strange it was to see everything from the side, as if a mischievous thought came true and for that story someone made a picture. But where is the inscription "The end"? It will not be? What else will be shown? Subsequent life? Leaving and marriage of the daughter… Then the son healed his life. The death of her husband… She was with him and held his hand when he left. Long, long fourteen years in a quiet, empty house. Does she want to see it? Not. And it seems that the unknown force that has unfolded a whole life in front of her agrees.

Fingers squeezed the glass, she drank the rest of the water in it in one gulp, looked around. The carafe is empty. Scorching thirst receded, it was replaced by an ever-increasing subtle ringing in the ears, the heart suddenly gave an interruption, then another one… The son warned. Let be! She killed herself now, but it was worth it! If she didn’t get up, if she didn’t go to the window, if she didn’t find the strength, she wouldn’t be given her life again, she wouldn’t have been able to see, hear, feel… Exchange it for some more days or even weeks on air mattress? A quiet stubborn whisper — no. No! The heartbeat is getting stronger, faster, the drumming louder in her ears, breathing has gone, she staggered, squeezed her fingers on the sill with all her might. Go back to the bed, press a button, call for help… No! Not. It seemed to her that these words she had shouted directly into the black sky, which was covered with the twinkling patterns of the constellations. The sun had set on the fields and night covered the garden. How hard it is to breathe, how scary… So this moment has come. Now she is ready. But what is it?

Suddenly everything around was lighted up with a bright festive light, everything disappeared in it's invincible radiance — the house, the room… Where is it? What with her? The pain disappeared, the breathing calmed down, the heart… It still pounding, but — exactly, strongly, quickly. She is just worried. Very worried, because now…

“What about singing, Patsy?”

Lord… She shuddered when she heard this romping cry from above, from the gallery. Patsy? Her name is different. This is not her name, so called… Gallery? Where did it come from? Who is this tall, broad-shouldered man leaning toward her, leaning heavily on the railing with his large, loaded hands? He is dressed in a tuxedo, a snow-white shirt is visible, but… It is evident that the man usually use completely different clothes, simple, working. Understanding came — he borrowed it all somewhere or rented to come here. He came to listen to her, look at her. Support and encourage her. She is scared… Why? Is it at her age to afraid of something? How old is she? The thought stumbled, reality and memories mixed up. She looked around… The bright light of searchlights, a lot of people, the glitter of jewels and glasses of theatrical binoculars. She need to say something… Oh… She forgot her cue, forgot the role. What to do? How bad…

— This is no longer a movie, you do not play a role. Everything is now for real. Do not be afraid… You're among friends, forever.

What? Who said this? She turned sharply. And she pressed her hand to her mouth. It does not happen! She called him the Bird because of thin tall figure, the flying gait, the rebellious head of hair and hands. When he worked, they looked like wings and she thought he about to take off. She admired him. But he died. A long time ago. How can he talk to her now? A calm thought has come — now he can. What a kind, encouraging smile he has… So she is also dead? Not. Here she stands in front of everyone, young, strong, joyful again. The senile night gown has disappeared. A white glittering dress is on her and she even want to spin around. Almighty Lord… There in the front row — dad, mom. A sister waving her hand. Teddy. And here is a Friend. She froze for a moment, her eyes darting around, searching. He is not here. So, the time has not come yet. But they will meet, they will surely meet, now she knows! And now…

He approaches her, a little ungainly, just like on the first meeting, like on the first date. He is here — and could not be otherwise. They will not part. Never.

— I'm here, darling.

And everything disappeared, remaining behind the veil of silver shine. Like a curtain fell. The screen outside went out. Silence.

How slowly the glass sparkling in the light of a night-lamp falls… The sound of glass shattered to smithereens. A knock on the door wide open, a shadow on the threshold.

— Mother!

** On April 30, 2013, a son's message was published, according to which the actress died a few days ago. No other details of death and burial were available. According to rumors, the body was cremated, the ashes scattered.

The autobiography of the actress was never published. Told by that magical evening — still remained between her and the Guest. He is alive, he remembers everything and keeps entrusted to him in silence. The time will come — they will meet again.