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He pushed onto me one last time and then let his face hover over mine as he focused on my mouth. He bit his bottom lip and all I wanted to do was suck on it. Warm breath danced on my face, and I reached up to kiss his mouth, but he pulled away and slid off of the table.

"I think you're ready. I'll inform the bidders that you'll officially consummate the deal, and the bid inquires will be placed for your virginity. Could happen as early as next Friday. Also, pack your bags. You'll be taking a trip with Luketon tomorrow and won't return for a few days."

After buttoning the perfectly white shirt, he adjusted himself, and then left the room. I balled my fists and swallowed the anger back.

All I wanted was Finnley Felton, and all he wanted was customer satisfaction.

Looks like I was fucked either way.


Lowering my dress, I picked up everything from the floor and tried to rearrange it exactly how it was before.

As I walked to the kitchen to grab a towel, Lori entered through the front door, and saw the spilled water across the wooden floor.

"What happened here, clumsy?"

"That's exactly what it was. Clumsy, clumsy, stupid ass me."

We laughed, and I cleaned up the mess. I couldn't tell her, but I wanted to. Some details were left better for me to deal with on my own. Together, we took the stairs two at a time, and before I made it to my room, I asked Lori if she wanted to help me pack because I would be going on vacation with Luketon. I jabbed about how excited I was, loudly because I wanted Mr. Felton to hear every fucking word I said.

As I closed the door, she gave me one of those be-quiet looks, and I explained to her that I knew already, that Mr. Felton told me when I got home.

"He did? Good. Do you know where you're going yet?"

"Nope. No clue. But I will be happy for a vacation."

She started pulling things from my closet and dresser drawers, and we had pieces of clothing for each type of weather packed. Bathing suits to sexy lingerie, even winter socks and sweaters. I would be gone for two days, so having a variety of things that all fit into a suitcase worked.

"What if he wants to have sex tomorrow?" I asked her. Worried that I wouldn't do it right.

"It doesn't work like that. When the management team thinks you're ready to give your virginity, they'll send out the inquiry letters to bidders. They must return a sealed envelope, and the one with the highest bid wins you."

"It will happen next Friday. Felton told me today."

"So quickly? What's changed?"

"Not sure. Maybe it's all the porn magazines he found in my room?"

She knew I was joking. It was something I joked about often. We laughed; she rolled her eyes, and then went about her business.

After dinner, I sat by the heated pool with my feet dangling in the steamy water. All the other girls were gone, which seemed to be the norm lately. The water dragged between my toes as I read a novel about witches and magic love potions. I laid back on the rock surface and continued to read. I only had a few more chapters left.

As I turned the next page, I saw Mr. Felton standing above me.

"You shouldn't be out here while it's this windy. You might get a cold."

"Why do you care?"

His eyes narrowed in on me. "Because it's my job."

I closed the book and tried to walk away. Mr. Felton grabbed my arm, the one without the book and pulled me toward him.

"Why are you leaving so quickly?"

"It's bedtime. I need to be rested for my trip tomorrow."

"You're a horrible liar."

"So are you."

He tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth, and then let it fall back into place. A small gesture, but one that said I had hit the nail on the head.

"I'm ready to get this over with. That's all. I feel…"

"Go on. Finish."

"I have too much sexual tension built up inside of me. You're driving me crazy. I want to experience sex and get it over with. It's a fucking burden."

He stared at me and didn't say a word.

"I've said too much. Etiquette training didn't work, did it?"

"Saying too much with clients and being truthful with me are completely different."

I sighed and tried to walk away.

"Come here." The demand in his tone made me cower.

He moved my hair over my shoulders and tucked the loose pieces behind my ears. The wind blew, causing hair to become disheveled and out of place. He stared into my eyes as if he were searching for the answer to a question. I stared back. Little pieces of his greens mixed with browns creating the perfect representation of autumn. I envied those eyes, that color, the ones that seemed to stand out in the night.

"I'm sorry about your wife," I said.

"Who told you?"

"The internet," I said making sure not to tell on Lori. His face went dark, and then he composed himself.

"Oh, yes. Must have gotten days' worth of reads from that. What else did you learn?"

"Your birthday, past girlfriends, your age, net worth, you know, everything all the rumor sites possibly could post about the hottest fucking CEO under the age of thirty, as one webpage put it. Did you know you have your own fan page? I wanted to warn them about how much of an asshole you were, and how half of those things weren't true but—"

Mr. Felton's lips were kissing my collarbone, trailing up my neck, and nibbling on my earlobe.

"Sometimes you should really learn to shut the fuck up," he whispered.

I reached down and grabbed his cock from the outside of his pants. He groaned. He was hard, ready for me.

I placed my lips on the outside of his ear, and my breath caught when his hands found their way up my shirt, pinching my nipples.

"You should learn to take your own advice," I mumbled.

And then his lips were on my mouth, and we were lost in each other's taste. His lips, so soft, nibbled on my bottom lip, and then his tongue wrestled with mine. I should have been surprised, but a part of me wasn't. My body instantly responded to his touches, sweet kisses on my neck, and fingers through my hair.

"You're still an asshole," I whispered into his mouth. His kisses deepened, and the amount of want and longing in them took my breath away. We were taking steps back until we both fell into the pool fully clothed.

I bust out laughing

He roughly undressed me, removed my shirt and bra, pants and panties. We were in the water, and he was taking off his shirt. Our bodies completely wet in the warmness. He pushed me against the side and smiled.

My body wanted him. Needed him. He put his arms on the edge of the pool, pinning me against the cement wall. The water felt so good, and his mouth was roving over mine again. My lips ached with intense kisses, and he continued to watch my body respond, listen to me moan, and allow me to grab his soaking wet hair in my fists.

"What are you doing to me?" he asked.

I wanted it. I wanted him. I couldn't answer.

His hands were on my breast, were on my sex, were running through my hair, and I was unzipping his wet pants, hoping that we would go further, wanting to go further. Lust was ablaze, and it would burn the whole world down if we let it.

"You're making me feel… fucking amazing," I whispered.

He pulled his soaking wet pants up and told me no with his eyes. But then guided his fingers between me. I pushed into him, letting my hips guide me. Letting the passion lead the way, he barely dipped his finger inside of me, continuing to pleasure until the feeling of sweet release built. He trailed himself up my body, over my breasts until his finger was in my mouth. I sucked, and his eyes lit up with lust.