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"It was your fault, you know. You turned me into a sex-crazed monster," I said dryly.

"No, Ms. Downs, I just unlocked the door."

I didn't want to be there.

His smell, his office, everything about him was smothering.

Making me sick to my stomach and made my head reel. I couldn't be around him. I needed to leave.

We never talked about the day in the dress shop when he pinned me against the wall, or the night at the party when he made me come twice; those things had slid behind us in the dark.

His face went serious as I sat in front of him, and I finally made eye contact. He turned his head and walked to the window, staring out over the city streets. He couldn't look at me either.

"I've tried to forget that day many times. It was stupid of me."

I didn't want him to talk about it.

"It was inappropriate," he continued.

My body stiffened, and I couldn't respond. I didn't want to conjure up the feelings that I had tried to bury over the past few weeks. The ones that had almost vanished with time.

"I'm just glad it's behind us, and you've moved on," I said.

"I am, too. It was for the best. Nancy and I are having such a wonderful time. Did you see the pictures of Colorado?"

I had seen the pictures of their getaway weekend. Jesse passed them around the dinner table one night, hoping to get a rise out of me, I suspected, but didn't.

"Yeah. She's a beautiful woman. Just your type. Are you happy?" I asked him.

"Very. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Like I finally could settle down again and start a new life. It's nice, you know?"

"Yeah. That's great."

Finn continued to look out the window. "Oh look, Charlie just arrived to pick you up. Wouldn't want to keep him waiting. He's on a tight schedule today."

"Right." I grabbed my things and headed to the door.

"Oh. I almost forgot to tell you. Tonight's the night, my dear. You have a special date with Luketon. By his words, Luketon feels that you are both ready to consummate the deal since Paris was temporarily canceled. Are you ready? Do you feel it's time?"

His eyes gleamed, but the shine was no longer for me.

I knew that.

"Yeah. After the last few weeks we've spent together, I think it would be perfect."


Candles covered the small table and a violinist played in the background of Luke's dining room. Silver platters awaited us, and we sat.

"Stuffed shrimp and your favorite, macaroni," Luke said.

I giggled.

"Luke, you are so sophisticated with your fancy macaroni and cheese."

He laughed with me. "Oh, that macaroni is for you, m'lady."

"Wine?" The female servant asked. I nodded my head and thanked her as she poured my favorite cranberry wine.

"You ordered Texas wine. Yum." I smiled before taking a sip.

When we finished dinner, Luke stood and grabbed my hand. The lights lowered, and the violinist played a soft melody that was perfect for dancing. "Would you give me the honor?"

His hands found their way down my body to my waist, and I pulled him close to me. We danced a slow, sensual dance. Our bodies' scents mingled with one another, and I felt punch-drunk happy. His lips lingered on the softness of my neck and the heat of his breath left me wanting more. He spun me around, dipped me in front of the fireplace, and pulled me back up to him. My eyes looked up into his blues, and he smiled.

"Paris in two weeks," he said.

"You're joking, right? I thought it was cancelled."

"I would never joke about bringing you. We are going." He spun me around and back to him.

"You're going to love the lights, the music, the wine, the city. I was offered a project and it may take me a few weeks, and I want you to accompany me. I know I'll be dragging you back to the States before it's over."

"We'll be staying for weeks?"

"Longer, if you want. I received the approval to take you this morning."

Excitement fluttered. I wanted to leave tomorrow.

"So you're a dancer?" I asked.

"I've taken a few lessons, and so have you."

"How did you know?" My lips traced the outside of his, and his breathing increased. Another few spins and a dip and I found myself back in his arms, smiling.

"You've got rhythm," he said.

My hands found themselves pulling off his suit jacket and throwing it on the couch. He lifted an eyebrow, and I couldn't help but think of Finn.

I slipped off my high heels and realized I needed them to halfway stand a chance next to Luke's six-foot-two frame. Following my lead, he removed his shoes and pulled my hair from the tight ponytail. Brown softness fell around my shoulders, and he ran his hand through it.

The violinist continued to play "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong as Luke led me up the stairs.

It was go time.

I smiled at him and took his hand.

A garden tub full of bubble bath awaited us, along with two glasses, and another bottle of wine. Steam filled the bathroom.

"Mr. Brand, if I didn't know better, I would think you were trying to get me drunk."

He pulled me close to him and traced the outside of my jaw with his finger.

"Never. I want you to do this because you want to, Jennifer. Not because you've had the most delicious Texas cranberry wine ever created, or because I paid for you to do so."

My breath hitched in my chest.

"Don't say anything at all. It's the elephant in the room, might as well make it known. I don't want to be here if you don't want to. I don't want to force you."

I walked closer to Luke and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I want to be here. I want to be with you. I want you to be the one."

Luke leaned against the bathroom counter and crossed his arms, waiting for me. As he took off his shirt, I caught sight of another tattoo on the other side of his abdominaclass="underline" a key.

"The key, it's new?"

"Dance for me, and I'll tell you about it."

That, I could do.

I moved my hips in slow figure eights while unzipping the front of my dress. Once it fell to the ground, I stood in cute mesh panties and a bra. This lingerie was for looks only; this set was for Luke, and Luke alone. His arms fell to his side as he took in my body, stomach, and panties. He bit his bottom lip and motioned me to him.

No more dancing. I followed his command.

With gentle hands, he undid my bra and exhaled heavily as he touched my bare breasts.

"You're absolutely amazing."

I closed my eyes as he hooked my panties with his thumb and slid them down.

"Fucking beautiful."

He moved his finger in a circle, and I turned around for him. I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world as Luke took me in. His hands—soft and erotic—rubbed my ass, found their way up my back, and massaged my shoulders. I pushed my ass against the hardness in his pants. The thought of him enjoying me turned me on.

With force, I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. With the same vivacity, I scooted them to the floor and took in the size of him. My eyes went big, and I swallowed.

Luke laughed, and instantly I felt comfortable. His fingers lightly brushed the outside of my shoulders, and he pulled me tight into him. He smelled like winter and spring mixed together, the middle of the two.

"We'll go slow"—he ran his fingers across my lips—"I promise I won't hurt you."

The warm tub awaited us, and we both entered, allowing the bubbles to surround our nakedness. We crisscrossed our legs and took in one another's naked bodies. I slowly leaned back and dipped my head in until my hair soaked up the water.