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Paisley's words echoed in my mind, training and tested. What kind of tests could they give a virgin? I chuckled to myself as I imagined a ridiculous line at a carnival, but for sexual favors. Step right up, Ladies and Gentlemen, the world's biggest virgin will learn how to perform blow jobs. I groaned.

Either way, I had to take this seriously because Paisley's words, although rough around the edges, were true. I would either join the ranks or wait until my savings completely depleted. Then I would be forced to go back to Texas. The fact was I would do anything to avoid that. Well almost anything.

The car skidded to a halt, and Charlie opened the door with a blank expression on his face. Paisley and Jesse exited, and I followed their lead. Long, slim legs led the way, and wow, they were like gazelles.

The two goddesses led me into the building. I couldn't help but wonder if Mr. Felton sat in his cozy glass windowed office drinking whiskey with another prospective employee naked in front of his desk. Why did I even given a damn?

As I followed them to the elevator, without saying a word, I tried to memorize every square inch of the fifteen-story building because yesterday was a blur. With a ding, we were inside. There were no friendly conversations exchanged. Instead, we listened to the elevator version of My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. Paisley's cell phone rang, and she pulled it from her handbag and answered.

"Paisley speaking."

So formal, I thought.

"Yes. Yes. Yes, sir. The black pants. Yes, she is wearing them. No, no makeup. To be expected? I suppose. I agree. That's where we are heading now, yes, to look it over. I understand. Ciao."

She pressed end on her phone, and the elevator door opened. I knew the conversation was about me.

The corner office had glass walls exactly like Mr. Felton's, but inside there were different sized plants, a couch, an oak carved desk, and chairs that were arranged to maximize the square footage. I knew it was a woman's space just by the decor.

Paisley placed her handbag on the desk, and then motioned for me to take a seat.

Jesse flicked off her stilettos and propped both feet on the couch, and shooed me away.

"Now, before we get started on your training, there are a few things we need to discuss."

She opened the drawer and pulled out a file folder with my name scribbled across the top. Inside of the folder, a stack of papers, maybe two inches thick, lay neatly clipped together. Paisley removed them from the folder and scooted them my way. I moved my chair closer to the edge of her desk to take a better look.

"What is all of this?" I flipped through the paragraphs of legal jargon.

"This is your NDA and contract of employment," Paisley said.

Jesse groaned.

"Before we teach you anything, you must sign a nondisclosure agreement and read over the contract. Of course, we can provide a lawyer, but the fees will be deducted from your first stipend. If you do not pass training, you will still be responsible for all costs incurred during your legal consultation."


"It does seem like a lot, but everything included is necessary to protect Mr. Felton."


"All of Finn's employees must sign and abide by the contract."

I thumbed through pages of legal words that jumbled together on the paper. The gist included my body being treated as property, strict rules, stricter regulations, and more blah blah fucking blah.

"So basically, you all own me if I pass training? Doesn't all of this seem, I dunno, a bit overboard?"

"To you, maybe, but we find these clauses are necessary to protect you, our clients, and the corporation. The NDA is to ensure the privacy of all parties and protection of any trade secrets that you may learn while being employed. Our contract is nothing short of enlisting for the U.S. Military. It might help if you think about it that way."

I continued to thumb through the pages.

"What about clause 7B-2, client may be released from duties as deemed necessary by management. But then in 6D-4, it states, the contract stands indefinitely until released. Seems to me as if there is hardly any job security."

"Many of our employees have worked here steadily for the past five years. As long as you—"

"What is the turnover rate?"

"No one has ever quit."

"Then how—"

"Mr. Felton has personally fired each employee that didn't cut it," Jesse butted in.

I had almost forgot she was behind me on the couch.

"Are you currently on the pill or shot?" Paisley asked.

"No. I… I don't have sex."

"I'll set up an appointment with the gynecologist next week," she said.

I hated the gynecologist. Just the thought of having someone feel around with cold metal and fingers made me cringe.

I continued to read through articles and amendments until I went cross-eyed. At the end of the five-hundred-something pages, there were two documents with a small X beside a line.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

What if I got old and ugly? What if I wanted to get married or have children? What if I fell in love?

Love, as stated in the contract, between clients and/or other employees is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate termination.

My heart dropped. Love, had yet to find me, and to be honest, Cupid had not shot his arrows in my direction for quite some time. Love was nonexistent, but do I want love? What other emotion is as powerful as that one? Love only happened in fairy tales.

With the final thought, I grabbed the pen and scribbled my Jane Hancock across the line.

"Are you sure you don't want legal advice?" Paisley asked, a little concerned.

I hesitated before signing the last page, and then went for it.

"You only live once, right?" I said.

And that's when Paisley's mouth dropped open.

"No one has ever denied legal advice," she said.

I threw my chips on the table and played the hand that Lady Luck dealt.

Please don't be a bitch, I thought.


"If you say so." Paisley signed her name below mine and Jesse notarized the document, grudgingly.

"We are all set, I suppose," Paisley said before picking up the phone on her desk and dialing a four-digit extension.

"It's done. I'll send her up," she said, and then hung up the phone.

Jesse leaned on the corner of the desk and stared at me, daring me to say something. But I didn't, and neither did she. I wasn't sure why she hated me so much, but I hoped she would get over it. I hated when people disliked me, especially for no reason.

"Jennifer, Mr. Felton would like to see you in his office," Paisley said.

The sound of his name conjured up a strange excitement.

"Do you remember where his office is?"

"Umm… no."

"Jesse, can you bring her? I have to fill out some additional paperwork before we leave for our ten o'clock appointment."

Jesse stood, but didn't wait for me. I was just supposed to follow. As I trailed behind her, I noticed how much prettier she was than me. Her aura, although bitchy, held a certain kind of confidence that probably drove men crazy. What was my aura?

She pushed the up arrow and we waited for the elevator to arrive. Once it opened, we stepped inside, and she pressed the fifteenth floor. As we moved upward, she stopped the elevator in mid-flight and then turned on me. Beauty and fury stared at me, waiting for me to make my move, but I stood my ground and returned the most uninterested look I could manage. I learned from the best after all.