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"Listen to me. You think you are so pretty and sweet and innocent, but I know better. I can see straight through your little act. You better be on your toes because I already don't like you. And I will do everything I can to make sure you don't make it out of training. So get ready, little virgin girl. Get ready for the time of your fucking life." Her voice was full of vengeance and hate.

I reached over and pressed the button to continue upward.

"Challenge accepted," I said to her through gritted teeth.

Although Jesse towered over me like a giant, I wasn't concerned. What would she do, punch me? Fight me? I fought boys all my life. I wasn't the type of girl that got manicures on Saturdays or dyed my hair. She couldn't handle this, and no matter what she had to say, or what she tried to do, sabotaging my career wouldn't work.

As the elevator opened, she tried to block me from exiting. I gave her my best football player shoulder as I walked passed her, and I heard her scoff at my actions. Without looking back, I knew that I had successfully made a permanent enemy. Fantastic, just what I needed.

Everything looked familiar. The girl at the circular desk, the windows, and the door at the end of the hall with Mr. Felton's name etched across.

I straightened my shirt and pants before I knocked on the door. He instructed me to enter. I inhaled and turned the knob. Mr. Felton sat at his desk, closed the laptop, and then intertwined his fingers together before giving me that boyish grin that made my heart palpitate.

"Ms. Downs." My name sounded velvety coming from his lips.

"Mr. Felton," I retorted.

"I knew you'd make the right choice."

He guided me closer toward the view of the city and I gasped. The casinos, fake world attractions, and buildings filled the streets. The view was even better than the last time I caught a glimpse. Basically, he had front row seats to Sin City.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.

He turned his head and stared at me. Heat coursed through my veins and touched my cheeks.

I tried to focus on the city scene, and the feelings I experienced. I wanted to memorize every single detail of the Strip as it lay below my feet.

"Tell me about you."

I scoffed and shook my head.

He grabbed my wrists, and walked me backward until my ass hit the wall.

"I'm not joking. Now tell me." That accent and messy hair combined with bright green eyes made him deliciously dickish in every sense.

"I wouldn't know where to start."

"Let's start here."

He grabbed both my wrists in one hand and undid the buttons of the black shirt he made me wear, controlling each little button. The fabric got in the way of his view, so he moved it aside taking in every inch of my breasts spilling over the top of the lacy bra.

"Start with your past relationships."

The more I looked at him, the more I asked myself what I was doing. I could have left his office, but I didn't. It seemed it was too late to go back on my contract, too late to run away and never come to this building again. Although I was only into the business a few inches deep, every bit of me was cemented in, locked in legally, and as sick as it was, I liked it.

"I dated a guy for a year or so, and we were pretty serious. I thought maybe we would get married one day, but he wanted to have sex, and I wanted to wait until I was married."

Mr. Felton unbuttoned my pants and unzipped them a few inches, allowing enough room for his hands to slip inside my panties. I wiggled my wrists to stop him but he pinned both of my arms above my head.

"Don't, and continue," he whispered.

"His name was Greg. It was puppy love. He did nice things for me constantly, but then one day it all stopped. Like the fresh flowers had died, and I knew it was over."

While I spoke, his hand inched down my panties. I couldn't move, I couldn't run, and I didn't want to.

"Oh, you're wet. Do you like this, Ms. Downs? Did he ever touch your clit? Like this? "

And he pushed harder on my clit and I sunk into it. "You didn't fucking answer me."

His fingers parted me, and he began to add pressure and swirl in motions that I had never experienced before. Then backed away.

I struggled and fought to speak. "No. He never touched me. Anywhere. I wouldn't let him." My voice was low and wavering.

"Do you feel when I add pressure here between the folds of your labia," he said, and then barely dipped the end of a finger around the outside of my opening. My knees went weak.

"Yes." I struggled to speak. "It feels… really… good."

No one had ever explored my body in such a way, but oh god, I wanted him too. I wanted him to keep going. Every touch, every movement was turning me into clay. Something that he could mold and make into whatever he wanted.

"My little virgin is so wet. I fucking love it. And so do you."

The movements of his hands were bringing me to a place I had never been. My muscles began to tighten, my breathing picked up, and I inhaled deeply. Mr. Felton shook his head and pulled his hand from my panties, leaving my body wanting, begging for more.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Did he ever make you come?"

I shook my head.

"Have you ever had an orgasm?"

I shook my head again.

"Today is your lucky day, isn't it?"

His hot breaths danced up and down my neck and around my ears. His hand slowly inched themselves back in my panties. The rhythmic motions brought me closer to the edge, and I pushed into him, pulling him closer, wanting to tip over and pour out, to experience an orgasm because I could feel the overcoming build taking over every part of me. I moaned.

"Why did you end it?"

I panted and bit my lip with satisfaction. With each word, I had to forcefully breathlessly focus on answering his question.

"I found out. He was cheating on me. With a family friend. He got the girl pregnant."

"Did it anger you?"

I was so close. I think? I could feel it. And I whimpered and thought I would lose my balance. He removed his hand from my panties, yet a-fucking-gain.

"Not yet. You'll come when I let you."

Oh fuck. I wanted to bitch slap that smirk from his beautiful face, grab his hair, and yank it hard.

"Now tell me. Did it anger you?"

"Not as much as you are right now."

"Wrong answer."

He crossed his arms and I released a sigh of desperation, and want, and longing. I needed to feel it. I drank the horny potion, and I needed to get it out. It was making me crazy and unfocused. I had never been so turned on in my life and either he would finish the job, or I would learn how.

"What is your type?"

He laced his fingers through my hair and lightly tugged, forcing me look into his deep green eyes.

"I asked you about your type."

"I don't fucking know, okay?" Frustration didn't fully describe my feelings. He jerked my pants down along with my panties and spread my legs wide as he slammed my ass against the cold wall. Like they were magnetized, his hands found their place on my clit again. Slow, mesmerizing movements, and I promised to tell him anything he wanted to know, but short answers because full conversation was out of the question.

"Tall and handsome."

He murmured, "So what you're say is you want to fuck me, little virgin?"

"Fuck you." I panted. And he released his hand from my wrists, and stuck his finger in my mouth, and I sucked and licked it.

What the hell was I doing?

He moaned with satisfaction as he satisfied me. At that moment, I would have let him slam me against his wooden desk and fuck me senseless. He knew it and so did my body. But I couldn't be wham-bam-thank you-fucked. My virginity was for sale. We both knew that. It was clearly spelled out in the legal document I signed.