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She begged to be talked to like a dirty little whore and have her ass smacked. Jennifer Downs was a naughty girl.

Continuing to kiss her soft skin, I grabbed the little string of her pink panties with my teeth and inched them down. She sat up and tried to remove my suit jacket and unbutton my shirt. Her hands brushed across my stomach as she fidgeted with the button of my pants. They fell to the floor. I removed my shoes, socks, and jacket and stood in my white boxers and shirt.

"We're going to play a game," I whispered into her mouth, letting the emotion in her kiss transfer to me. Her ass slid off the wooden table, and she stood.

"Okay," she said.

"I'll be right back." I thought she might stop breathing.

I went to her bedroom and saw the amazing job Clint did with the decor. The suitcase I had delivered waited for me on the bed. I pulled out a binding rope and blindfold. Tonight we would have fun the way she dreamed of in her fantasies; to be bound, and taken. A smile crossed my face as I thought of her waiting for me downstairs. I wondered what she was thinking.

Tonight, I would control my emotions and give her the man she begged to have. The man that pissed her off and made her wet. The asshole that I inevitably was.

She stared out the double patio doors and looked up at the starry sky. She turned around, completely naked, and looked at me.

I swallowed.

Her eyes found their way down to the blindfold and rope that I tightly grasped in my fist. A smile crossed her face. She fucking loved it.

"Do you want to play?" I swung the rope, and she smiled.

"Yes, Mr. Felton, I want to fucking play."

Her teeth grazed my chin, and I held back a shudder. She drove me wild.

I positioned her body to easily wrap the rope around her wrists. Not too tight, in case she wanted to be released, but tight enough to keep her bound. Softly my fingers glided up the sides of her arms, and I placed the blindfold over her eyes.

"Now," I whispered. Her breasts rose and fell with every breath. "Get on your knees."

She dropped down on the rug, like a fucking statue so smooth and perfect, with her hands behind her back. I stood there and smiled at the beautiful woman that would do anything I demanded. A want and need so painful crept through my body and I had to have her, but not until she begged for me. Not until she demanded I give myself to her, and she would. I knew Jennifer Downs.

"Do you like being bound?"

She nodded her head. I walked behind her and swept my hand along her back. She swallowed.

"What do you want me to do?"

She sat perfectly still for a few moments, and I was worried that she wouldn't answer.

"I asked you a fucking question. Answer it." I gave her every bit of my asshole attitude that she desired.

"Fuck me. Make me come until my body collapses in on itself."

"Hmm." I stood inches in front of her and looked down at her perky-ass breasts and hard nipples, with her legs tucked underneath her.

"I don’t think you can fucking handle me, Miss Downs."

She smiled, and I did the same. Then I pushed it back because I didn't want her to hear an ounce of satisfaction in my voice. "Oh. You're fucking smiling? You must think you can handle me."

"I know that I can. I've done it once, twice, oh wait, three times before. I know how to please you. I could make you beg if I wanted, Mr. Felton."

I inched my boxers down, but left the shirt on my back. I grazed the tip of my dick across her lips, and she pushed herself up onto her knees and opened her mouth. Jennifer licked every part of me, then forced almost all of me into her mouth working her bound body and changing speeds. I ran my fingers through her hair and wanted to look into her eyes but couldn't because of the blindfold. I teetered on the edge, but wouldn't come yet. I was in control tonight, not her.

"Stand up."

So calm and beautiful, she waited for me to tell her what to do next. My hands roamed down to her waist. I rubbed her clit as I grabbed her ass. She moaned as I leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Are you sure you can fucking handle me?"

Her breathing increased, and her legs went weak. I squeezed her ass so hard I thought she might squeal. But she didn't, because she loved a little pain mixed with her pleasure. Her moans increased, and before she came, I removed my hands.

"You'll come when I say, not when you fucking want."

She released a frustrated sigh, but wanted to play. I backed her against the patio doors and pinned her body between the cool glass and me. Her breath caught as the coldness of the door pressed against her body. Not wanting to give her what she desired, I grabbed her nipples between my teeth then added pressure and flicked. Then I kissed my way up her neck until I found her mouth. She moved forward to kiss me, but I pulled away.

Not fucking yet.

Irritation spread across her face. The sexual beast within her wanted free, but I wouldn't allow it. I felt a little evil for teasing the shit out of her, but she deserved it, because every moment I was around her, that was how she made me feeclass="underline" fucking provoked sexually. I loosened the rope on her wrists, moved her arms from behind her back and placed them in front of her, then rebound her.

"Fucking give it to me," she whispered, with demand in her voice.

"I want you to know how you make me feel. How crazy you make me."

"I know already," she said.

"You have no fucking idea," I whispered in her ear, then trailed my lips along the softness of her neck. She tried to reach for me, but I didn't let her. Instead, I slammed her arms above her head, and crushed my lips against hers. I pulled away wanting to undo the blindfold and look into her eyes, desiring to know her feelings, the ones she refused to speak. But her actions spoke louder than words anyway.

I allowing her tongue to dance with mine then poured my emotions into the kiss. A strong desire for her built inside of me. I needed her, all of her, and I didn't know how much longer I could hold out. Maybe I wasn't in control after all.

Almost as if she had read my mind, Jennifer wrapped her bound arms around the back of my neck, and I lifted her in the air. Her legs found their way around my body, and I inserted my dick into her inch by inch. She panted as I pounded her against the glass door.

"Fuck me harder, Finnley. Harder." She kissed me and bit my neck. "Fucking give me everything you've got. Don't hold back."

I pushed myself even deeper into her, deeper than I thought possible. So deep I thought I felt her heart beating with mine. She moaned so loud that I thought all of Vegas would hear.

"Tomorrow when you're so fucking sore you can barely walk, I want you to remember who made you feel that way." I slammed myself into her, letting go of all my inhibitions, wanting to give it to her exactly how she wanted.

"That's all you've got? Harder," she growled and pulled me closer to her with bound arms. So I did. Firecracker.

I didn't know how much more of me I could give her before I came. When I felt the build, Jennifer moaned and quivered under me, buckling and clenching on my dick. Then I was coming inside of her, giving her every drop of me, panting every second of the way.

She slid her sweaty body from mine, and I bent down so she could unhook her arms from behind my neck. I untied the rope around her wrists and removed the blindfold from her eyes. Brown eyes stared into mine. I smiled as I leaned in and kissed her.

"Told you I could fucking handle you, Mr. Felton. The question is, can you handle me?"

That dirty little mouth turned me on, and I held back a smile as I narrowed my eyes on her. If she kept on, I'd make her think twice about that statement.

"Tell me how much you can handle me after tomorrow, when every inch of your insides reminds you of how hard you were fucked tonight."