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"I need to stop here and pick up something quickly. Come with?"

We walked over to the side door of the Aston Martin dealership, and in front of the door was a white Aston Martin with a gigantic red bow tied to the roof. I stopped walking, and he placed his hands on my waist and whispered in my ear, "Congratulations on becoming a woman."

I turned around and stared at him. "What. The. Fuck?"

Finnley burst out laughing.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Aren't I always?" He pulled the key from his pocket and held it out in his palm. When I reached for the key, he pulled me in close to him. "You needed this. Don't act like you didn't. Don't you Americans love your holidays? Why not celebrate losing your virginity?"

I took a step back from him and shook my head. "You're absolutely ridiculous."

"Remember what I said when you drove V? Respect her. Treat her nicely. Control her and she will rock your world. This is my gift to you, Little V."

"I've got my own Aston. Wow." I wrapped my arms around Finn. He leaned down and kissed me so soft and sweet that I thought I might completely lose myself in his embrace. I bit his bottom lip while he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Later," he whispered, then grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car.

"Let's take her for a ride, shall we?"

I placed the key in the ignition, and she purred with satisfaction. A smile spread across my face. Finnley's hand found its way to my thigh, and he smiled too.

"Automatic? No stick?" I asked.

"I thought this would be more comfortable for you."

"I just… I can't believe this is mine."

"I'll give you anything in the world if it will make you happy, Miss Downs."

"I'm sorry, where is Finnley Felton? And what have you done with him?"

The smile stuck to my face, and I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of happiness.

"Should I be fucking offended?"

"Much better," I said. Now, that was the Finnley I loved.

The car took corners and handled like I expected her to. The wind, my emotions, and the rumble of the engine carried me down the street. Houses passed by us, and I zipped between cars while I changed lanes. The open freeway called my name. I accelerated to ninety miles per hour, and rolled over mile five. I could have driven this car to Texas and back, but I took the exit and looped back onto the freeway heading toward the dealership.

"I still can't believe you did this for me."

"Why not? The Honda is quite embarrassing. That car is not you."

"And this one is?"

"It's bitchy, fierce, and sexy."

I reached over and interlocked my fingers with his. Finnley's thumb trailed over mine. How could I be so lucky to have him like this, sweet and intimate? It may not be love, but this 'like' I could get used to.

"It all seems like too much."

"Oh, I've deducted the amount from the balance I owe you for fucking your socks off. Actually, I think we're even now."

He gently massaged my neck as we pulled into the dealership. Finnley walked around to the driver's side. I rolled down the window, and he leaned in, bringing his face close to mine.

"You and Little V were made for each other."

"Are we?"

"That's still to be determined."

He took his time tracing my bottom lip with his thumb then turned and walked away. Sometimes I didn't know Finnley, and other times I knew exactly who he was. Sugar and spice, confidence and beauty, all mixed into a single man. He should be illegal.

V pulled out of the drive, and I zoomed past him, allowing him to eat my dust. At the light, I looked over as he revved his engine. Of course he would beat me, he always did.

Once back at the townhouse, I placed my keys on the counter. A few minutes later, Finnley entered. How the hell did I beat him here?

"Did you take the scenic route, or did I drive too fast for you?" I leaned against the kitchen counter and smiled.

"You shouldn't fuck me with your eyes. I've already warned you about that."

"I'm pretty sure I can do whatever I want." I walked toward him, unbuttoned his suit jacket, and loosened his tie. "You are not the boss of me anymore."

He wrapped my hair around his fingers and roughly tugged my head back so that I would look up into his eyes. "I will always be the boss of you, Miss Downs."

I loved it when he called me that. Finn's lips collided with mine, and I reached to unbutton his pants.

He yanked my hair even harder. "I'm not your dildo, Miss Downs."

Sweet satisfaction covered my face as I inhaled.

He loosened his hold on me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I've got an appointment at the office in the next thirty minutes. Shouldn't be long. Meet me in an hour?"

"I cannot believe you're denying me."

"Sooner or later you'll learn that I do whatever I want, whenever I want."

I crossed my arms and gave him my best 'go to hell' look. What a tease. He adjusted his pants, looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and then drew me closer.

"You look cute when you pout."

"Go to hell."

"Only if you're going with me. I've got someone interested in your car."


"Yeah, drive it to the office so I can park V in the garage when I visit."

"Will do, Sir."

He nibbled on my earlobe, then whispered, "Will you ever stop driving me crazy?"

I pulled away from him, studied his plump bottom lip, and looked into his eyes. "Not happening, ever."

When Finnley kissed me goodbye, I didn't want him to leave. I loved this side of him. His warmth, soft touches, and hands on my waist… I wanted to stay that way with him. But he left me in the kitchen wanting, needing, desperately aching for more of him.

I waited thirty minutes, put the fire engine red lingerie on under my clothes and grabbed the keys to the Honda. Little V called me with her sexy-ass curves and shiny rims. The Aston and I were going to have a good time; I already knew that.

The Honda purred with excitement. Truthfully, there was a lot of sentiment that would be going with the car, like the fact that it was my graduation present from my parents. But it was just a vehicle, and I couldn't keep it forever. Someone else would be happy driving it. It wasn't me, not anymore. The old Jennifer died with my parents. She became nothing more than a memory when I moved to Vegas. I'm not that person anymore. I was the planner who didn't have a plan, and the thought of that was exhilarating.

After waiting in traffic by the Strip, I parked the car in the fire lane by the entrance to The Elite. There was no way Finnley would have me towed, or maybe he would just to fuck with me. He did things like that.

I took one last look at the bubbling tint and the small stain on the floorboard in the backseat, then I sucked in a deep breath, said my silent goodbye, and walked inside of the building.

Mindlessly, I pushed fifteen and made my way to Finn's office. I grinned at the thought of all-business Mr. Felton. While that man still existed, I had discovered and unlocked another part of him.

The secretary wasn't at her circular desk when I passed, so I made my way to the golden plaque with the big curly F's. Before I opened the door, I listened for movement inside. Silence. The goal would be to wait by the window in my bra and panties for his return. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he caught sight of me. Naughty Jennifer would come out and play.

I smiled and opened the door.

Inside, I saw Jesse in front of his desk… topless. Finnley stood with Jesse's open blouse in his fists. When his eyes met mine, his jaw tightened. Then Jesse turned her head and the most sadistically sickening grin covered her face. My breath hitched. I slammed the office door shut and ran to the elevator.