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“You have a great deal of incentive to lie to me,” retorted Sebastian. “I need to know your character well before the proposition is put to you. Otherwise I will not know the lie when I hear it.”

“You have taken a chance on me by wasting your days spying on me,” reasoned Rejji. “You have taken a chance on me by purchasing me and my friends. You have taken a chance on me by assuming I would not lead a revolt today and attempt to overrun you in our escape. Take another chance on me. I have never lied to you and will not now. Tell me why I am important to your client and what it means for me.”

Sebastian sat silently for a time and then nodded his head slightly.

“All right,” the merchant sighed. “My client is concerned about Fakara. We have heard rumors of the Jiadin calling together the tribes. Clearly, there is not much in Fakara for them to pillage should they unite. Instead of the tribes fighting one another, we fear a hundred thousand tribesmen crossing the Fortung Mountains and waging war on Khadora. I happened to be at the estate the day you were sold into slavery. Your handling of the situation to remain with your friends was intelligent and showed a certain amount of shrewdness. These are qualities we need.”

Rejji’s mouth hung open in awe as Sebastian continued. “In Khadoratung, I was early for the return to the Pikata estate. I recognized you and decided to learn more about you. You showed a certain adaptability to a foreign experience and did not attempt to flee, but rather learned to adjust. Lastly, your saving of Mistake at the estate not only showed ingenuity, but extreme loyalty to your friends. The loyalty is quite admirable, but could also be a failing to my client’s needs. That is why I designed today’s test. The question was whether you would do what is in your friends’ best interests or would you do what your friends desired.”

“And how would you expect me to know what is in their best interests?” replied Rejji. “I still do not know what lies ahead. What can I do about Fakara and the Jiadin?”

“I expected you to know a trap when you saw one. Answer me three questions and I will decide if I should explain more,” offered Sebastian.

Rejji nodded and Sebastian continued, “How did you know you were in a dead canyon?”

Rejji measured the merchant only momentarily before answering. “Bakhai is an animal talker. The birds told him we were trapped.”

Sebastian’s eyes widened, but he asked, “How does Mistake move so swiftly? Is it magic?”

Rejji frowned and was silent for a moment. “I really don’t know,” he answered. “I had not even thought it might be magical, but I know nothing of magic. I have often wondered myself how she does it.”

“A fair and honest answer,” nodded Sebastian. “If you were free to do whatever you wanted in life, what would you do?”

Rejji took some time to dwell on this question. It was a question he had asked himself many times over the past few weeks.

“At one time,” began Rejji, “I would have said that I wanted to avenge the deaths of my fellow villagers by destroying the Jiadin. I think I have come to realize that I am not capable of doing that. I think if you set us free right now, I would take my friends back to Fakara and attempt to become a merchant.”

“What would you do with your new found wealth?” inquired Sebastian.

Rejji knew that was the fourth question, but he reasoned it was a fair one. “I am not sure,” he answered. “If I amassed great wealth, I imagine I would try to improve the quality of life in Fakara. There is too much misery in my country and, after being exposed to the wealth of Khadora, I know that things can be much better for them. The people of Fakara work much harder than even the slaves of Khadora. I think given a chance, they could create a nation of wealth that would end the misery.”

“If the tribes did not plunder the wealth,” reasoned Sebastian. “Your answers are more than I had hoped for. I think my client may indeed help you achieve your goal.”

“Do you mean he would set us free?” asked Rejji. “I mean the three of us because I cannot envision getting on with my life without Bakhai and Mistake.”

“More than that,” nodded Sebastian. “I think your life is going to take a turn for the better.”

“I have heard that slaves are never set free,” Rejji retorted skeptically. “Who is this client that would break Khadoran custom, and why would he help me?”

“That must remain a secret,” smiled the merchant, “even after you have met him. He does break custom and nobody should know of it. Let us get some sleep and an early start in the morning. I am anxious to present you to him. I will guard the entrance to the canyon tonight. If you hear any noise, shackle all of the prisoners quickly and then don a garment from the bag you so cleverly browsed this afternoon. You are to be my partner, so act the part of a merchant.”

Sebastian rose and headed downstream. Rejji watched him disappear into the woods. Exhilaration raced through Rejji’s veins as he headed back to the campsite. He did not reveal his conversation with Sebastian, but ordered everyone to clean up the campsite and get to sleep. He endured Mistake’s pleas for information with silence, but eventually told her that life was going to be wonderful soon. While nobody understood what had transpired, Rejji’s elation had a soothing effect and the camp settled down to sleep.

The night passed without incident and they left early in the morning. Excitement buzzed through the slaves when they were told they could ride without the shackles, but they must put them on themselves if someone approached the wagon. Rejji rode up front again and Sebastian questioned him all day about life in Fakara. He seemed particularly interested in Rejji’s time with the Zaldoni.

On the afternoon of the third day, they entered an estate and the wagon halted outside a modest mansion. The slaves were told to exit the wagon. Several people approached the wagon and Sebastian disappeared into the mansion.

“Welcome to Fardale, home of the Torak clan,” the woman said to the gathering of slaves, “my name is Kasa and I am the Bursar here. I know your journey has been long and tiring and we have arranged to make you more comfortable. We have baths set up for you and clean clothes. After you are refreshed, we will have a feast in your honor attended by Lord Marak.”

The slaves shook their heads and puzzled frowns adorned many a face, but Kasa continued, “We had not expected any male visitors, but I am sure we can arrange to accommodate you as well. I know you all have questions and I can assure you the questions will be answered at the feast. Relax and enjoy the Torak hospitality. There is nothing for you to fear here.”

Kasa started leading the female slaves into the mansion. Mistake tried to stay with Rejji and Bakhai, but Rejji just smiled and shooed her to go with the other women. Rejji gazed around the compound and noted that while it was not as fancy as the Pikata estate, everyone he saw carried a smile, especially the ones who had noted the arrival of the merchant’s wagon.

A soldier, dressed in black and silver appeared and walked over to Rejji and Bakhai.

“I am Zorkil,” greeted the soldier. “I can take you to a private bath and I will get you some clothes while you remove the trail dirt.”

Rejji and Bakhai followed Zorkil into the mansion. Everyone who passed greeted them and Rejji began to like the Torak estate very much. At the Pikata estate, everyone passed while pretending not to notice you, while here he found the greetings to be pleasant and sincere. Zorkil was kind and helpful and the bathing was accomplished quickly. When they were dressed, Zorkil led them downstairs to a dining hall where the women were already seated and half a dozen people scurried about bringing food to the table. Rejji inhaled the aroma of fresh roasted meat and promptly sat in the first available chair. Bakhai sat next to him and they greedily sampled everything on the table.

A fair number of slaves over indulged and laughs were commonplace when the door opened and a young blond man entered in the black and silver uniform that Zorkil had worn. He walked to the head of the table and smiled as his eyes swept the newcomers. An elderly woman entered and stood by his side.