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“All Fakarans are no more like this, than all Khadorans are like you,” Rejji retorted. “Your compliment is well received though. The people of Ghala have concocted a feast in honor of your arrival. It is with your own food, but I trust the local flavor of preparing it will delight you.”

“Let us not keep them waiting then,” chuckled Lord Marak. “I hope your people have had more sense than us and eaten something during the day.”

Rejji led Lord Marak to the center of town. The people had built long tables with construction lumber and the tables were heaped with food. There was a merry atmosphere amongst the people and several had gotten together to play music on improvised instruments. The Torak soldiers were interspersed with the locals. With the exception of their black and silver uniforms and the weapons they carried, it would have been hard to tell them apart.

Marak made a motion with his fingers, unseen by most, but Halman and Gunta appeared swiftly by his side. He gave them instructions to have his men go lightly on the ale as they were leaving in the morning. Rejji watched as Halman and Gunta casually infiltrated each group of people that contained a Torak soldier and passed some undetected signal to the soldiers.

“How do they do that?” asked Rejji. “I have not seen either one of them open their mouth and yet each soldier is putting his ale aside.”

“When men have lived and worked together for a long time,” Marak explained, “they come to know one another well. My men know that drinking and missions do not mix. It only takes a tap of a finger from Halman or Gunta for the soldiers to know that I am requesting something of them and they know what it is. They are good men and well trained. Botal is an excellent squad leader.”

“I have learned from Botal,” nodded Rejji remembering the tripwire trick. “You seem to inspire the best in your men.”

“You do as well,” smiled Marak. “I am very pleased with Ghala and you should be too. I look forward to meeting your other people, the Qubari.”

“I hope you do not take offense, Lord Marak,” stated Rejji, “but I do not wish to take the whole squad into the jungle.”

“No offense is taken,” responded Marak. “I would do the same in your position. I do hope that you will allow Halman and Gunta to accompany us. The stress it would cause them to have me out of their sight would be cruel punishment.”

“I have heard them called your twin shadows,” chuckled Rejji. “I have planned for them to come with us. I figure a small party should be able to sneak past the hellsouls easier.”

“Our party will not be much smaller than your last,” stated Marak. “I think wading through the hellsouls will be a more accurate description. As long as you have your staff, we will be fine.”

“You are optimistic,” frowned Rejji. “There are hundreds of them and one nick of your skin can be fatal.”

“Then we shall not let them get close,” Marak said seriously.

Plesy and Copi approached Rejji and Lord Marak and the conversation changed to talk of Ghala and Khadora. The festive atmosphere continued well into the night, but the Khadorans slipped off one by one and went to sleep. Rejji retired when Lord Marak left and shut the festivities out of his mind.

Rejji awoke at dawn and found the Khadorans already enjoying their morning meal. None of the men showed any signs of over imbibing the ale. Rejji joined them for the meal and then they all walked to the corral. Bakhai and Mistake arrived to wish them a safe journey as they mounted their horses and headed for the gates of the stockade. Many townspeople had arisen and they all stopped whatever they were doing to watch the Khadorans leave.

Chapter 28


Rejji announced that they had reached their destination and Squad Leader Botal signaled for the column to halt at the edge of the Qubari Jungle. Botal dismounted and indicated that the squad should make camp.

“We will be leaving the horses here,” Rejji said to Lord Marak.

Rejji felt he was being watched and he waved in the direction of the jungle. Marak issued orders to Botal to keep the squad on alert, but ordered that they were not to enter the jungle. Rejji led Marak, Gunta, and Halman into the jungle.

“Welcome home, Astor,” Mobi called softly.

“Greetings, Mobi,” smiled Rejji. “Meet Lord Marak and his men, Gunta and Halman.”

“Welcome Khadoran friends of the Astor,” smiled Mobi as he appeared on the trail before them.

“Thank you for allowing us to enter your realm,” replied Lord Marak.

“Are you alone?” quizzed Rejji.

“I am,” answered Mobi. “Dumo felt it best if I was the only one to accompany you into the city.”

“Actually,” frowned Rejji, “there is no need for you to enter Angragar again. You have already shown your courage and skill. I merely wanted a guide to the ancient city from this direction. How is Voltak?”

“Voltak is fine,” responded Mobi. “The timing was close, but adequate for his recovery. I will show you the way to Angragar as you wish. I will also accompany you into the city unless you expressly forbid it. I do not do this to show my bravery or courage. I do it to protect the Astor and because I consider it an honor.”

“Mobi speaks wisely,” smiled Marak, sensing that the Qubari was feeling as if Rejji thought the Khadorans were better than the jungle warriors. “As Astor, you are important to your people. It took me a while to accept Halman and Gunta as my shadows, but I have never regretted it. There can be no finer warrior in the jungle than one who lives here.”

“You are both correct,” nodded Rejji. “I fear the loss of any Qubari, but this struggle is as much theirs as anyone’s. I welcome you to this expedition, Mobi, and I am glad that you made me see the faults of my thinking. Let’s go to Angragar.”

Mobi grinned as he spun and led the way down the narrow trail. Mobi stepped up the pace gradually as he sought the optimum speed for the Khadorans in their fancy outfits. He thought he would feel more distaste for the foreigners, but the sight of the warrior, who he had seen in the mural, and his understanding words, pleased Mobi. The pace he was able to maintain also pleased him. Well after the sun had set, Mobi called a halt and indicated they would spend the night in the clearing just off the trail.

“We are not far from Angragar,” announced Mobi. “We will be able to enter as the sun rises.”

Mobi prepared a meal and Lord Marak peppered him with questions about the jungle and the Qubari people. Mobi appeared pleased with the interest Marak showed and began asking questions about life in Khadora. Mobi’s eyes landed on Marak’s sword as the Khadoran lord removed his black cape.

“Is that the snake sword in the mural?” Mobi asked.

“I have not seen the mural yet,” reminded Marak as he drew the sword and handed it to Mobi. “Did it look like this?”

Mobi nodded his head and held the Sword of Torak up to examine it. “What is so special about this sword?”

“I really do not know,” frowned Marak. “It was a gift from the Chula people to me, yet I have been told not to say that it is a gift. It has great significance to the Chula. They call it the Sword of Torak, which is also the name I chose for my clan.”

“It feels lighter than I would expect from just looking at it,” admired Mobi. “So you are considered the Torak as Rejji is considered the Astor?”

“Yes,” nodded Lord Marak, “but I do not know the meaning of it. The Chula say in time I shall know. That is one of the reasons I wish to see this mural.”

“I understand,” stated Mobi. “I know much confuses Rejji as well. I guess it is for God to tell you what it means when the time comes. We only know that the coming of the Astor has been foretold for centuries. The Qubari are excited.”

“Maybe the mysteries can be solved in Angragar,” posed Marak as he took the sword back from Mobi. Mistake mentioned a large library there.”