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He found it arousing as hell, but he couldn’t tell if she felt that way. Not at first. Then he heard little noises coming from the other end of the bed. As he turned his attention to her other foot and began licking between her toes, he realized she was whimpering.

He paused. “Are you all right?”

Her reply was slightly breathless. “Uh-huh.”

“You’re sure?”

“Okay, I’m admitting it. That feels amazing. I had no idea my feet were so sensitive. You’re . . . Luke, you’re getting me really hot.”

“Good to know.” He continued to lick and suck her toes.

“I mean really hot.”

“I’m glad.” He started working his way up her leg.

“Luke . . .” She was breathing pretty fast. “I can’t wait.”

“I still have a lot of chocolate to go.”

“Um, slippery and sticky might be fun.”

That jacked up his heart rate considerably. “Is that you talking? The neat freak?”

“Yeah.” She moaned softly. “I need you. All of you, sliding over my chocolate-covered body.”

Lust surged, hot and heavy. “Alrighty, then.” He’d planned to lick most of the chocolate off before moving to the next phase, but then again, why do that? Why not see how it felt to make love to a woman covered in chocolate?

With a groan of surrender, he changed position. His knees picked up some chocolate as he moved between her thighs. Holding her gaze, he thrust deep . . . and nearly came. She felt good, too good.

She raised her hips and wrapped her legs around his. He could feel the slippery chocolate against his thighs, and once again, he almost lost it. He tried to speak, to tell her to take it easy, but the words stuck in his throat.

He didn’t want to take it easy, anyway. He wanted to abandon himself to this chocolate-covered experience and hope that he didn’t embarrass himself by coming immediately. Lowering himself to his elbows, he drew back, and as he slid forward, he rubbed his chest against hers.

The sensation of slippery mousse and the friction of cake combined into an erotic banquet. He swore softly and clenched the muscles of his jaw. It would be so easy to—

“I’m going to come.” Her breathy announcement was followed by a high, keening cry as she arched her back.

Luke absorbed her contractions and fought to keep his own at bay. Something this mind-bending was meant to last, and he would last, by God. They were going to enjoy this together, every chocolate-smeared minute of it.

Chapter 14

Giselle sank back to the mattress and gazed in wonder at the man braced above her. One easy stroke had touched off a climax that left her limp and gasping. She struggled for air. “How . . . did you do that?”

“I think you did that. And you damned near took me with you.”

“But you held back.” She raised unsteady hands to his chest, where wide streaks of chocolate marked him like war paint and bits of cake clung to his dark blond chest hair.

“After debating the ruined sheet issue for so long, I didn’t want the fun to be over too quick.” He sounded as if the effort had cost him, though. The fight for control had left him short of breath, which made the mousse and the cake on his chest quiver.

She ran a finger over a smear of chocolate. “Is it good?”

“The sex is great. And the chocolate’s not bad, either.”

Smiling up at him, she licked her finger. “The chocolate is good. And I don’t care about the sheets anymore.”

“Glad to hear it, because we’re changing positions. Hang on.” With that, he quickly rolled over, bringing her with him. Somehow he managed to keep them connected.

She yelped in surprise. Then she wiggled, trying to settle herself more securely in her new position.

His arms tightened around her. “Don’t move for a second.” Beneath her, his chest heaved. “Let me get my mojo back.”

“Luke, if you want to come, it’s—”

“Oh, I want to, honeybunch. I want to desperately. But I also want to lick all that chocolate off your beautiful breasts, and I need to do that before I come or the shower will get the thrill of it. That would be a crying shame.”

Imagining him licking and sucking had a predictable effect on her. She accidentally gave his cock a little squeeze with her muscles, and he inhaled sharply. Deep inside her, she felt him twitch.

“Stay still,” he murmured. Then he let out his breath. “Okay. I’m good.”

“You sure are.” She was impressed. Most males she’d known would have given up the fight long ago, but obviously when Luke wanted something, he focused on it until he got it.

His chuckle was part groan. “I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t go around bragging on my bedroom skills.”

“Maybe you should. Wait—I take that back. You probably already have females chasing after you. You don’t need more.”

“At the moment, I need only one.” He stroked both hands down her back and cupped her backside. “I’m going to hold you still right here. No moving in that area just yet. But I want you to lift those truffles so I can taste them.”

“You really are bossy.”

“I told you. This is my turn. There’s another whole piece of cake left.”

“I wonder if you’ll be up for it, pun intended.”

“You let me worry about that. Now, lift up.”

“Nag, nag, nag.” Bracing her hands on either side of his shoulders, she started to push herself up and met resistance. “We’re stuck together.”

“Are we, now? Let’s see what I can do.” Drawing in a breath, he slipped his hand between her stomach and his. Then he gently worked his hand up between them, pausing to caress her along the way.

She became so turned on by his touch that she forgot his instructions. Instinctively, her hips rocked.

“Nope.” He pulled his hand out and clamped it over her fanny again. “Not yet, my sexy woman.” Then he squeezed and rubbed her there. “Now you have chocolate spread over your cheeks, too. I might have to find a way to lick that off.”

“Sounds good to me.” She was ready for anything with this guy.

“Ah, Giselle, you do turn me on, lady. Now, see if you can lift up.”

“Okay.” Moisture from their bodies had mingled with the chocolate so they were now more slippery than sticky. She braced herself with her hands on either side of his shoulders and glanced down at him. “How’s that?”

Heat glowed in his blue eyes. “Almost perfect. Can you put another pillow behind my head?”

“Sure. Lean forward.” As she balanced one-handed and grabbed a pillow, his warm mouth closed over her nipple. She gasped. “You’ll make me fall!”

He sucked once and released her with a soft laugh. “I couldn’t resist. I mean, you were right there.”

“I think that was the idea.” Reaction to his liquid caress hummed through her. She shoved the pillow behind his head and flattened her palm against the mattress again. She ignored the streaks of chocolate that now appeared everywhere on the snowy linen.

Then she looked at Luke and noticed he had chocolate on his mouth. “I can’t resist this, either.” She dipped her head and kissed those wicked lips. He tasted of chocolate and passion, a passion greater than she’d found with anyone.

He moaned and thrust his tongue deep as he pressed his fingertips hard against her backside. If he hadn’t, she would have moved against him. Her body ached for the chance to do that. Even without moving, she felt her climax build just from the sensuality of their kiss.

Pulling back, she looked into his eyes.

He looked right back, his gaze almost fierce in its intensity. “I feel . . .” He paused and cleared his throat. “I feel like I’ve been struck by lightning.”