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“I see your point. That is getting old.”

“Personally, I’d rather choose my own method of getting wet.”

She smiled. “I checked out your shower before you came back up here.”

“Then you’re aware that I have multiple jets in there.”

Her smile widened. “I am.”

“Do you like the idea of multiple jets?”

“I love it.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” He climbed out of their chocolate-smeared bed and held out his hand to help her.

Giselle was one hell of a playmate. The more he thought about taking her into that shower, the more he liked the concept. He’d fantasized about having shower sex with a woman, but other than doing it orally, he’d never been able to because of the need for the damned condoms.

But now, for as long as she was willing to hang around, he had Giselle, a woman who didn’t need no stinkin’ condoms. He would be a fool if he didn’t find all sorts of creative ways to enjoy that freedom. Once she was gone, and it sounded as if she would go, he’d be back to the little raincoats.

He needed to honestly evaluate if that bareback option, which had given him considerable pleasure, had fooled him into thinking that Giselle was the one for him. After all, he hadn’t known her very long, and a guy could be convinced of many things that weren’t true when his cock was happy.

Giselle started to put her foot on the white carpet but drew back with a squeal.

“What? A bug? A mouse?”

“No, silly. I’m not that kind of girly girl. But I almost stepped on the white carpet, and I’ll bet you didn’t get all the chocolate off my toes. I was willing to mess up the sheet and the pillowcases, but once you get chocolate on this carpet, you’ll have a real problem.”

“Then I have the perfect solution.” Leaning down, he slipped one arm under her knees and the other under her shoulder blades. “Put your arms around my neck.”

“Oh, wow. I haven’t been carried anywhere for ages.”

“Well, you have good abs for holding cake, and I have good biceps for holding you.” He lifted her and blessed all the hours he’d spent in the gym. Although she wasn’t a small woman, he didn’t even groan when he picked her up, and he didn’t stagger when he walked toward the bathroom with her in his arms.

“This is cool, Luke. Thanks. But we’re here, so you can put me down now.”

“Where should I put you?” He glanced around as he reminded himself that creativity was the watchword tonight. The marble counter wrapped around two sides of the bathroom. And so did the mirror. “I think I’ll put you on the counter.”

“On the counter? I thought we were going into the shower.”

“We will.” He settled her naked tush into the corner section of the broad expanse of marble and checked for sight lines. Very nice. “We’ll get to the shower. Eventually.”

Chapter 15

Human males, Giselle concluded, or at least this particular human male, seemed to enjoy the element of surprise when it came to sex. She’d never been plopped down on a counter and told to watch in the mirror while her partner did her. She had to admit it added quite a bit to the experience.

It became especially erotic when he hooked his arms under her knees to lift and spread her thighs. Arms braced behind her, she could glance to the side for a full view of his cock sliding back and forth in long, measured strokes. She could admire the way his tight buns flexed with each thrust.

He watched, too, and met her gaze in the mirror. “Beautiful,” he murmured. “I love how smoothly we come together. No rush. Just an easy rhythm.”

“But my heart’s going like a bongo.”

“Mine, too. But let’s see how long we can keep it slow, build up to it.”

She swallowed. “All right.” But she didn’t think she’d last much longer. Every time he pushed home, she felt a zing. It got stronger with every forward motion of his hips. “But I should warn you that I’m . . .” She moaned as he rocked into her and made direct contact with her clit.

“Ah, hell. Forget slow. I want it too much.” He pumped faster. “That’s good. Open a little more. Like that. Oh, yeah. Come for me, Giselle. I want to watch you come.”

She gasped as the first wave hit. Abandoning the mirror, she arched forward as he pounded into her and took her up, up, and even higher. With a cry, she came apart.

He rode her climax to his own, his body shuddering as he drove home. His breathing ragged, he lowered her legs to the counter and placed a soft kiss on her mouth. Then he closed his eyes and bowed his head. “Thank you. Thank you for indulging me.”

She smiled at the sweetness of that comment. He really was a nice guy. Sexy, too. “Oh, you’re welcome. Anytime.”

His head came up, and his blue eyes shone with an emotion that struck fear into her heart. “Careful. I might take you up on that.”

She considered explaining that it was only an expression, an offhand remark that didn’t mean quite what it sounded like. But then she’d spoil the moment, and she couldn’t bear to do that. He couldn’t be blamed for thinking what they’d found together could go on.

No, she was the one with all the info on that, and she felt guilty as hell. What if he fell in love with her? Or thought he had? She’d have to leave him, and without a decent explanation, too. What if she broke his heart?

She cupped his face in both hands. His chin was slightly prickly where his beard had started to grow. “I really have to go back to San Francisco when this is over.”

“I understand. You’re an important part of the Landry operation. I’m an important part of the Dalton operation. But this is the twenty-first century. We have such things as telecommuting and direct flights from here to there. Geography isn’t the barrier it used to be. And for what it’s worth, I don’t give a damn if you can have kids or not.”

Her heart wept. Sure enough, he’d been building castles in the air. She searched for an argument that would make sense, because she certainly couldn’t tell him the truth.

Learning that he’d been having cozy sex with a werewolf would likely send him screaming in the other direction. Although that would accomplish what she needed, he’d be a pack security risk. He’d be monitored twenty-four-seven, no matter how fervently he promised not to expose their secret. Life as he knew it would be forever altered.

This was why she’d stayed away from having sex with a human male. The potential problems weren’t worth the risk. She took a deep breath. “Luke, I—”

“You know what? Forget all that. Don’t mind me. I’m letting good sex convince me we’ve found this grand passion. I’m overreacting.”

She hoped he was right about that. It would make the rest of her time with him much easier. “Even so, maybe we shouldn’t keep having sex. I didn’t realize it would be such an unusual treat for you.” And that was another mistake she’d made. She should have let him wear a condom. She’d assumed he’d experienced that before in a long-term relationship and hadn’t realized it would be such a big deal.

In the heat of the moment, she’d spoken without thinking, rejecting the use of something that was so foreign to her concept of sex. But hindsight told her that had been a tactical error.

“No, please. Don’t let my idiotic thoughts louse up a good thing. Just forget what I said.”

She gazed into his beautiful blue eyes. Maybe she’d break her own heart in the process of breaking his. “I don’t know if I can forget it.”

“Bet I can make you.” He gave her a crooked grin. “Come into my shower, little girl. By the time I’m through with you, you won’t even remember your own name.”