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“Okay, I accept defeat. But before we go back to the table, isn’t there anything else you can tell me?”

“I know he’s really happy about you selling the bar back to Benedict Cartwright. He mentioned that several times.”

“Why does he care about that so much?”

“I’m not sure, but he kept talking about the Cartwright family tradition as if that mattered to him. He’d said all that before, when we were pulling our pranks on you, which was why I decided you should sell the bar. But . . .” She looked at him across the pool table. “Do you ever get the feeling that there’s some secret society in town?”

“Yes! Have you ever tried to walk into the lobby of Illusions, the Cartwrights’ new hotel?”

“No, why?”

“The doorman won’t let you in unless you’re a registered guest. You can’t even enter the lobby with a registered guest. Giselle tried to get me in there, and the doorman flatly refused.”

“That’s weird. Could it be some top secret headquarters?”

“I don’t know, but that’s a ridiculous level of security, no matter who’s staying there. Who restricts access to the damned lobby?”

Cynthia rolled the cue ball back and forth in front of her and she seemed lost in thought. “It does make you wonder.”

“And there’s some kind of connection between Mr. Thatcher and the two Landrys. Maybe they all belong to a secret organization and maybe not, but the three of them have something in common. I don’t know what it is, but it’s there.”

“I absolutely agree. Maybe if you find out what that connection is, you’ll find out what’s standing between you and Giselle.”

“How will I find out?”

“Keep a watch on your lady friend.” Cynthia rolled the cue ball across the table in his direction. “By the way, I’ve invited Bryce to spend the night in my apartment at the Silver Crescent.”

“Don’t tell me that you’re finally going to get chummy with the guy.”

“No. He gave up his hotel room once we set off on this adventure together, so now he needs a place to crash and it seems silly for him to book another room. We get along, but he’s still hung up on his ex, and although he’s sweet, he doesn’t do it for me, either. I’m just saying that I’ll be able to keep an eye on him. That leaves only Mr. Thatcher. I think he’s a piece of the puzzle, too, but I’m not willing to camp outside his door tonight to find out.”

Luke rolled the cue ball back across the table in her direction. “You realize we’re both talking like we’re paranoid.”

She smiled. “I know. But that doesn’t mean we’re wrong.”

“But you don’t think we’re crazy, do you?”

“No, I don’t. And whatever’s going on, I agree that Giselle’s involved in it, so stay alert.”

“Do you still think she’s the one for me? I mean, all this mystery and intrigue doesn’t sound promising, does it?”

“No.” Cynthia hesitated. “But I looked over at you two when you were dancing. You move together as if you’ve been doing it forever. As a dancer, I know how rare that is.”

“I’m not a dancer, but I know what you’re talking about. We’ve been able to catch each other’s rhythm without really trying.”

“Luke, do you believe in soul mates?”

“I . . . I’m not sure.”

“Me, either. But if there is such a thing, then she’s yours.”

Chapter 24

During Luke and Cynthia’s pool game, the three Weres had a chance to discuss their plans.

Mr. Thatcher leaned forward. “I don’t know how long before Benedict will have legal access to the playground, but shutting it down was such a rushed affair. I feel it’s most important to get in there and make sure there are no problems that could prove disastrous.”

“It hasn’t been that long since the crews left,” Giselle said. “It’s probably okay.”

“But I understand what Mr. Thatcher means,” Bryce said. “This is a situation where a little problem could turn into a big one really fast. I really want to take a look at the place, but I just agreed to stay with Cynthia tonight. She offered, and turning her down would seem strange to her after all this.”

“You’re staying with Cynthia?” Giselle pinned him with a look. “Are you involved with her, after all?”

He sighed. “Not only do you know that I’m not interested in her like that, but it seems that your fascination with Luke is the real problem here.”

Giselle recognized that he’d made a direct hit. “You’re right. Sorry.”

“Cynthia and I are that rare phenomenon—heterosexual friends of opposite genders.” A hint of vulnerability flickered in his blue eyes. “And if you must know, I can’t seem to forget Miranda.”

Giselle felt sorry for him, but he’d done it to himself, and she didn’t want to give him false hope. “I’m in no position to comment, but—”

“But you will.”

She hesitated, but she was his sister, after all, and sisters were obligated to say the hard things to brothers. “You really screwed up that relationship. I don’t know if you can ever salvage it.”

He nodded. “I realize that. But she hasn’t hooked up with anyone else yet. I checked.”

Giselle didn’t know if that meant he was willing to return and move into the alpha role or not. She emptied her mind of all expectations as she turned to him and asked.

He put his hand over hers. “I’ve done a lot of soul-searching in the weeks I’ve been gone. I had to get some perspective on the situation before I could decide if it was what I wanted or what everyone else wanted for me.”

“Before you tell me your decision, let me say that I’ll support you whatever it might be.”

He grinned at her. “Picked up a few tips from the Luke and Cynthia mess, did you?”


“Good. So have I. What I learned about myself is that family is important to me, too. And tradition. I’m ready to be the alpha.”

Giselle took a deep breath and sandwiched his hand between both of hers. “I’m happy that you decided that. Selfishly, I wanted you to, but I meant what I said. I would have been behind you either way.”

“That’s terrific to hear.” He hesitated. “And if Miranda can ever forgive me, I want her to be by my side.”

“It’s encouraging that she hasn’t found another,” Mr. Thatcher said. “For both your sakes, I’ll hold a good thought.”

“Thanks.” Bryce glanced at the butler. “As I started to say before, I can probably still go with you tonight. I’m sleeping in a spare room, so if I’m careful, Cynthia doesn’t have to know I’m gone.”

Giselle shook her head. “I wouldn’t risk it, Bryce.”

“I’m scheduled to meet Benedict at precisely two,” Mr. Thatcher said. “We won’t be able to wait for you.”

“I understand. If I think there’s any chance Cynthia would catch me, I won’t do it.” He looked over at Giselle. “Sure you won’t come with us?”

“I’d like to. But I can’t.”

“I know. Just teasing you. Enjoy your last hurrah.”

“Right.” Heat rose in her cheeks. He would have to say something in front of Mr. Thatcher. But she also realized he’d kept his comment relatively tame. He could have made it ten times more suggestive.

As luck would have it, Cynthia and Luke returned to the table before she’d regained her composure.

Luke looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

She fanned her face. “Bryce and his jokes. My brother knows how to make me blush.”

“It’s a talent.” Bryce stretched his arms over his head. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m ready to call it a night.”

Mr. Thatcher pushed back his chair. “So am I. But I’ve certainly enjoyed the evening.”