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“Did he have those large pump containers of hand sanitizers everywhere?”

She lets out a squeal. “How did you know?”

“I just had a feeling. And I bet he makes you take your shoes off when you come inside.”

“Yes! Yes!”

“Are you seeing him again?”

“Actually I invited him to come over tonight and he asked what day my housekeeper comes. When I told him tomorrow he said he had work to do tonight but he could come tomorrow night.”

“Awesome. You sure know how to pick ’em, Elle.”

“Well at least I’m having some fun . . . and putting myself out there.”

“I’ll tell you what. Tell Sterile Stephan that you’re busy tomorrow since after work I’m coming over to change your light bulb, and I’m messy. Yeah, tell him I get sweaty and dirty when I work at your place and so it probably wouldn’t be a good night for him to come over.”

“Do you really get sweaty and dirty when you work?”

“Do you want me to get sweaty and dirty?”

“Oh, yeah. That’s hot. Hey, can you wear a wifebeater shirt and not shave so you have scruff?”

“What? Why?”

“I want to see your shoulders. I bet they’re built. Do you have any tattoos?”

“I’m not telling.”


“Anything else, Ms. Demanding? Work boots? A hardhat?”

“No, but worn tight jeans would be good. Oh, and a tool belt!”

“You’re kidding, right?”

There’s a long pause. She isn’t kidding?

“Ummm. Do you want me to be kidding?”

“Hey! I know what this is about!” I slap my hand down on the counter. “What are you currently reading?”

Another pause.

“A book,” she answers quietly.

“And the name is . . .”

Duke’s Revenge.”

“Sounds like a Pulitzer.”

“All right smarty pants. You know it’s erotic romance so just deal with it.”

“I’m dealing. And what does Duke do for a living?”

“He’s a construction worker.”

“Let me guess, and he has scruff, worn jeans and a tool belt.”


“Does he wear that tool belt to bed?”

“I don’t know. So far all the sex hasn’t been in bed.”

“Whoa. He’s a stud! Where’s the sex happen?”

“Let me think . . . in his truck, the construction elevator, on top of her desk, in the back room of her studio . . . and I’m only three chapters in.”

“Does he ever actually do construction?”

“I don’t know, and frankly I don’t care.”

“Well I hope this woman he’s screwing has a good job. Somebody needs to bring home the bacon.”

“She’s an architect!”

I laugh. “And she’s the designer of all the stuff that he doesn’t construct because he’s too busy screwing her.”

“Okay Mr. Judgey. Can you be there at six? I have a meeting that may run late but I’m sure I’ll be home by then.”

“See you at six.”

When she opens her front door and sees me her expression is crestfallen. “What?” I hold my arms open.

“Where’s the wifebeater?”

“I don’t have one. And for the record that’s the worst name ever for a shirt.” I glance down at my T-shirt from the Gap. I wore the tight white one but I guess that doesn’t cut it. I rub my chin. “Look though, I didn’t shave.”

“But your jeans aren’t tight.”

“Elle, I can’t wear tight jeans. You know why.”

She blushes. “Oh yeah. The anaconda.”

“So are you going to invite me in? I’m here to help you, so it would be nice if I could actually come inside.”

She pulls the door open farther and gestures me in. “Sorry about that. Come in.”

I glance back at her and she’s pouting.

“Oh for God’s sake, what now?”

“No tool belt?”

“I don’t need a tool belt to change a light bulb.”

She looks serious for a second and then gives me a big smile and links her arm through mine. “Come on, let’s go to my bedroom.”

We stop in the back porch for a ladder and the bulbs. “Hey, what’s that smell?” I ask, my mouth watering.

“Lasagna. I thought I’d make you dinner since you came to help me. Can you stay?”

“Hell, yes! I’m starving.”

She stops and turns toward me. “You want to eat first?”

“If it’s ready.”

Only minutes later she’s served up the most amazing looking lasagna with salad. She pours us wine and then stops mid pour.

“I better not give you too much wine. You’re going to be on a ladder.”

“Oh, I’ll be okay. I can tolerate good wine. Besides, you can catch me if I fall.”

She winks at me and keeps pouring.

I’m on my second serving and she’s barely taken a bite.

“Hey, why aren’t you eating? This is so good. I had no idea you could cook like this.”

“I have all kinds of skills you don’t know about.”

I study her. She’s right. There’s a lot I don’t know about her.

“Well, tell me. What else are you good at?”

She runs her finger along the glass. “My career.”

“Tell me about what you do.”

“As a corporate event coordinator I oversee the planning and execution of events and conventions for my clients.”

“Sounds like a big deal,” I say.

“I think it is. My job is to be on top of every detail so that things run smoothly both leading up to and during the event.”

“I bet you do a great job.”

She smiles at me. “Well, I do take pride in being able to charm even the most difficult client.”

“Well, you have charm in spades, so I bet you’re good with clients. As for the running smoothly I’ll take your word for it. You certainly seem on top of things here.” I glance around the house and take in how well designed and maintained everything is. I like her taste; it’s sophisticated yet still feels comfortable.

She smiles broadly. “Thanks. I love the home I’ve created here. It’s really nice of you to notice.”

I shrug. “It would be hard to miss.”

“Oh believe me, my ex took all of that for granted.”

“And what did I say about him the first time we met?” I take a long sip of my wine while I see her expression shift from one of disappointment to glee.

“That he’s an idiot!”

“That’s right. So here’s to you, Elle. You’re an impressive woman.” I lift my glass and take in her smile.

Her eyes soften and as we click glasses I realize that she needs to hear this much more than I could’ve ever imagined. I make note. I may not be able to give her everything she wants from me, but I can give her that.

“Careful!” she calls out as I get higher on the ladder.

I regard her with an arched brow. “You drank more than I did.”

“That thing is deceptively heavy,” she warns, pointing at the hand-painted glass light fixture.

“Don’t worry, I’m pretty strong.” I hold one hand up against the glass dome as I unscrew the base with the other.

“Well if you’d dressed as I asked I would see all your muscles and how strong you are.”

“I’m plenty strong. And if this thing is that heavy, I hope you are too because I’m going to be handing it to you in a minute.”

“I’m super strong,” she replies with a grin.

When the screw is loose enough to drop into my hand I slowly pull the dome away from its base. Damn, she’s right. This sucker is heavy.

I hold it out toward her. “Ready?”

She bites her lip and reaches toward me. “Yes.” I ease the dome into her arms and she pulls it protectively to her chest before resting it on the bed, then offers a replacement bulb up to me.

“Screw it in tight,” she says with a grin.

“It’s the only way I screw.” I give her a sly smile.

While I replace the bulb I notice her step over to the side table where she’s left her glass. She takes several sips of wine. She seems a little buzzed.

“So this Stephan dude. Is he really that uptight about being clean or were you playing me?”