Alzheimer’s disease, 96
Amanpour, Christiane, 392
American Federation of Teachers (AFT), 43, 268
American Heart Association, 42
American National Election Studies, 412
AmeriCorps, 235
Ana Grace Project, 190
Angelou, Maya, 11, 29–30
anger, 10, 49, 76, 271–72, 276–79, 362, 386, 398, 442
Anthony, Marc, 95
Anthony, Susan B., 257
Anzalone, John, 65, 467
Appalachia, 263, 264, 266, 268–70, 282, 285, 425
Appalachian Regional Commission, 282
Apple, 372
Apprentice, The, 221
approval ratings, 48, 68, 73, 399
Arch Coal, 269
Arellano, Tamara, 468
Arizona, 100
Arkansas, 50, 181, 238, 266, 274, 278
Arkansas Travelers, 75
artificial intelligence, 240, 241
Assad, Bashar al-, 333
Assange, Julian, 338, 343–45, 357
Assault on Reason, The (Gore), 9
Associated Press (AP), 244–45, 385, 386, 421
Atlantic, 395
Atlantic Alliance, 332, 335
Atwater, Lee, 433–35, 436, 437, 442
Atwood, Margaret, 126–27
Austria, 332
authenticity, 121–25, 232, 463
authoritarianism, 9
automobile industry, 209–10, 229
Baker, Charlie, 467
Baker, James, 239
Balderston, Kris, 467
Balenger, De’Ara, 467
Banks, Elizabeth, 250–51
Bannon, Steve, 24, 367, 415
Bardack, Lisa, 101
Barden, Jackie, 190
Barden, Mark, 190
Bareilles, Sara, 95
Barnes, Peter, 238
Barnett, Bob, 104, 230, 468
Barrett, John, 86
Barrie, J. M., 148
Barrows, Annie, 159
Bashe, Phil, 468
Bayrock Group, 336
Beard, Mary, 126
Beatles, 112,
Beck, Charlie, 177
Beckett, Dino, 279
Beckham, Shannon, 467
Begala, Paul, 74
Belcher, Cornell, 414
Benaim, Daniel, 467
Benenson, Joel, 65, 67–68, 103, 255, 379, 401, 467
Benghazi terrorist attack, 11, 230–31, 273, 297–99, 304, 370
Berkon, Jonathan, 467
Bernall, Cassie, 181
Bernall, Misty, 181
Bernie Bros, 229, 362
Bernstein, Jared, 80–81
Better Than Bullying, 98
Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis, 101, 102
Beyoncé, 144
Bible, 440, 441
Biden, Jill, 6
Biden, Joe, 6, 53, 67, 80, 86, 120, 184, 204–5, 224, 230, 394, 395
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 43
Binder, David, 65, 467
bin Laden, Osama, 45, 221, 342, 393
birth control, 130, 131
Black, Allida, 467
Black Lives Matter, 176, 203–6, 415
Black Man in the White House, A (Belcher), 414
Blair, Tony, 235
Blair Center of Southern Politics and Society, 128
Bland, Sandra, 179
Blankenship, Don, 273, 275–76
Bleifuss, Eloy, 468
Bloomberg, Michael, 6, 51, 81, 191
Bloomberg News, 363, 405
Bloomer, Amelia, 257
Blumenthal, Sid, 467
Bly, Nellie, 14
Bon Jovi, Jon, 98, 377
Booker, Cory, 249–50
Bordo, Susan, 126
Borochoff, Daniel, 44
Boston Globe, 335
Bowling Alone (Putnam), 437
Brady Bill, 180, 183, 186
brain, 27
Bratton, Bill, 177
Brazile, Donna, 340
breath work, 27
Breitbart News Network, 349, 359, 366–68, 415
Brennan, John, 354, 355
Brexit, 50, 368
Britain, 50, 235, 335, 365, 368
Broadway shows, 30
Brooklyn, Clinton campaign headquarters in, 19, 22, 71, 224, 245, 246, 254, 337, 465
Brooklyn Navy Yard, 243, 247, 254
Brown, David, 184–85
Brown, Michael, 180
Brown, Sherrod, 271
Brzezinski, Mika, 137
Buell, Susie, 467
Buchan, John, 370
Buckingham Palace, 31
Buffett, Jimmy and Jane, 98
Burns, Ken, 77–78
Bush, Barbara, 5
Bush, George H. W., 5, 40, 123, 433–34, 450
Bill Clinton’s inauguration and, 5
Bush, George W., 4, 5, 64, 120, 123, 137, 274, 308, 322, 356, 398, 419, 450
inauguration of, 5
Putin and, 327
at Trump’s inauguration, 4, 5, 11
Bush, Jeb, 4
Bush, Laura, 5
Bush dynasty, 40
Buzzfeed, 350
Byrd, Robert, 266
Cairo, 202–3
California, 244–45, 247, 424
Cambodia, 198
Cambridge Analytica, 368
campaign finance laws, 68, 76, 97, 228, 229
capitalism, 231
Caplin, Glen, 467
carbon emissions, 239, 270, 274
Carnegie Corporation of New York, 43
Carr, Gwen, 175, 176, 179, 185
Carrier Corporation, 282
Carrk, Tony, 103–4, 466–67
Carter, Jimmy, 4, 140, 201, 229
Cartwright, Matt, 307–8
Carville, James, 74
Castile, Philando, 184
caucuses, 70, 71, 73, 245, 247
Center for American Progress, 69
Central Baptist Church, 185
CGI America, 43
CGI International, 43
Chaffetz, Jason, 11, 314
Chait, Jonathan, 318
change, 195–215, 236, 404, 409–10, 417–18, 436–37
and Hillary Clinton falsely viewed as defender of status quo, 195, 236
progressive, 53, 74, 77–79, 131, 185, 197, 201, 226–27, 229–31, 235, 422
social, 8, 10, 39, 416
Chappaqua, N.Y., Clintons’ home in, 19, 28, 59, 84–85, 293
Charity Navigator, 44
CharityWatch, 44
Charleston church shooting, 183
Cheng, Dennis, 65–66, 467
Chertoff, Michael, 308–9
Chicago Cubs, 100–101
childcare, 206, 207, 224, 236, 284
children, 98, 129, 143, 150, 208–9
with disabilities, 200–201
Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), 196, 199–201, 207, 208, 215, 350
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), 207, 209, 234
China, 132, 222, 233, 240, 277, 284, 338, 341, 371, 417
Tiananmen Square massacre in, 334
Chinese proverb, 288
Chipotle, 59–60
Chisholm, Shirley, 142
Christie, Chris, 249
Chung, Jason, 86
Churchill, Winston, 378
CIA, 342, 354, 355, 368, 406
Cillizza, Chris, 319
Ciorciari, Corey, 467
Citizens United v. FEC, 76, 228
civil rights, 113, 134, 197, 202, 205, 206, 235, 424
Sessions and, 233
Civil War, 56
Clapper, James, 326, 347, 375
Clarke, Richard, 356
Clarkson, Kelly, 2
Clean Power Plan, 274
climate change, 8, 54, 239, 240, 269, 278, 279, 366, 368, 372
Clinton, Bill, 5, 10, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 47, 50, 52, 54, 65, 68, 80, 85, 86, 89, 95, 103, 107, 123, 133, 164–65, 169, 201, 208, 239, 247–48, 254, 266, 273, 281, 320, 448, 450, 459–60, 469
Arkansas gubernatorial election of 1980 lost by, 20, 118
Chelsea and, 133, 149–50, 152, 153, 157–59, 160
at Democratic National Convention, 144, 249, 252, 378
Democratic Party and, 234–35
early life of, 111, 278
on Election Night (2016), 381, 384, 387–88
first presidential inauguration of, 5, 11
gun laws and, 180, 181
heart surgery of, 42
Hillary’s concession speech and, 18, 19
and Hillary’s decision to run for president, 40, 41, 44, 47–48, 55
Hillary’s marriage to, 157, 159–61, 168, 430, 459–60
Hillary’s mother and, 160–61