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inequality in, 8, 39, 67, 78, 81, 225, 236, 239, 241, 271, 436

using shared national resources to pay dividends, 238–39

wages, 48, 50, 63, 129, 235, 236, 268, 272, 284, 417, 423

Indiana, 244

Infowars, 359, 366

infrastructure, 43, 227, 233, 235, 284, 380, 417, 443

International AIDS Conference, 42

internet and social media, 332, 350, 422, 431, 458

algorithms used in, 360

“bots” and, 360–61

Facebook, see Facebook

Russian propaganda and, 359–62, 369–70, 407

“trolls” and, 359–61

Twitter, see Twitter

YouTube, 106, 115, 331, 352

Intrepid, U.S.S., 217, 222

“Invictus” (Henley), 26

Iowa, 60, 62, 63–64, 70, 71, 73, 218, 226, 244, 384

Iran, 220, 221, 328, 338, 371

Iraq, 48, 120, 218, 221, 256, 299

Iscol, Jill, 467

ISIS, 48–49, 218, 221, 232, 359

Israel, 229, 306

It Takes a Village (Clinton), 437–39

Jackson, Andrew, 40

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, 17, 380, 385

Jacobs, Jay, 467

Jacobson, Elliott, 313

James, Henry, 428

Janelle, 95

Jaylon, 212–13, 215

Jay-Z, 144

Jefferson, Thomas, 5, 429

Joan of Arc, 121

jobs, 54, 232, 233, 235–36, 240, 263–87, 366, 380, 416–17, 423, 425

automation and, 8, 78, 240, 436

in coal mines, see coal miners

family and medical leave for, 142, 236, 284

in retail, 283

in steel industry, 240, 271, 285

training in, 227, 235, 241

wages in, 48, 50, 63, 129, 235, 236, 268, 272, 284, 417, 423

women and, 277, 284, 417

see also working class

John XXIII, Pope, 446

Johnson, Gary, 412

Johnson, Jeh, 347, 355

Johnson, Lyndon, 229, 451

Johnson, Paula A., 455, 460, 463

Johnson Controls, 397

Jones, Alex, 191, 352, 359, 366

Jones, Beth, 70, 467

Jones, Don, 430

Jones, John Paul, 468

Jordan, Barbara, 142

journalists, see media

Journal News, 86

Justice Department, U.S., 69, 179, 290, 362–63

in email controversy, 299, 300, 304, 305, 309, 310, 312–13, 315, 317

see also FBI

Kaine, Anne, 397

Kaine, Tim, 18–19, 131, 340, 395, 397, 398, 465

Kallstrom, Jim, 316–17

Kanick, Elizabeth, 467

Karp, Jonathan, 468

Kasparov, Garry, 366

Katy, 454–55

Keefe, Grady, 467

Keigher, Connolly, 89, 93, 100, 101

Keith, 96

Keller, Helen, 14

Kelley, Virginia Clinton, 160

Kelly, Mark, 189, 191

Kelly, Megyn, 137

Kendall, David, 301, 468

Kennedy, Jim, 79–80

Kennedy, John F., 342, 390

Kennedy, Robert F., 57, 196

Kent State shootings, 198, 199

Kentucky, 238, 269, 271, 272, 285

Kenya, 297

Kenyon College, 115

Kerry, John, 120, 274, 296, 393, 398, 452

Kessler, Glenn, 349

KGB, 364

Putin in, 327, 329

Khan, Ghazala, 256, 398, 413

Khan, Humayun, 256, 398, 413

Khan, Khizr, 256, 398, 413

Kim Jong-un, 334

kindness and love, 429–45

King, Angus, 369

King, Billie Jean, 55

King, Coretta Scott, 137, 233

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 57, 196, 233

Kinney, Barbara, 89, 212

Kirkwood Community College, 93

Kislyak, Sergey, 337, 357–58

Kissinger, Henry, 306

Klain, Ron, 103, 106, 139, 230, 467

Klein, Ezra, 400

Klein, Jen, 467

Kobach, Kris, 419–20

Koch, Charles and David, 326, 368–69, 372, 421

Koh, Harold, 467

Kommersant, 335

Kos, Sierra, 89

Kriegel, Elan, 65, 401–2, 467

Kristin, 143

Kristof, Nicholas, 222, 392

Krugman, Paul, 406

Kuhn, Amy, 467

Kushner, Jared, 357, 358, 363, 374

Lacy, Barbara, 87

Lady Gaga, 377

Lakoff, George, 119

Lamott, Anne, 31–32, 140

Lang, Karin, 296

Laos, 218

LaPierre, Wayne, 182

Latinos, 128, 177, 424, 442

Lauer, Matt, 217–22

Lauren, 461

Lauren, Ralph, 88

law enforcement and criminal justice, 174, 176–77, 188, 205, 206, 233

incarcerating teenagers with adults, 199–200

police officers, 173–80, 184–85, 203, 204–6, 415

Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, 204–5

lead poisoning:

Flint water crisis, 209–15, 223

from paint, 209

League of Their Own, The, xvi

League of Women Voters, 198

Leahy, Pat, 317

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Sandberg), 125

Lee-Mui, Ruth, 468

Left, 197, 226, 276, 411

Legal Services Corporation, 113

Legend, John, 95

Legislative Correspondents Association, 6–7

Leibovitz, Annie, 313

Lemire, Kristen, 468

Lenin, Vladimir, 332

Leon, Donna, 29

Le Pen, Marine, 332, 365, 408

Letizia, Marianne, 27

Let’s Move!, 42

Letterman, David, 335

Levine, David, 467

Lewandowski, Corey, 405

Lewis, John, 3

LGBT people, 10, 50, 156

marriage equality and, 156, 228, 274

Pulse nightclub shooting and, 187

Libya, 328

Benghazi terrorist attack in, 11, 230–31, 273, 297–99, 304, 370

Life, 142

Atwater article in, 433–35, 436, 437, 442

life expectancy, 268, 442

Lincoln, Abraham, 98

lobbyists, 228

Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America (Forman), 205

Lopez, Jennifer, 95

Lott, Trent, 135

Louis-Dreyfus, Julia, 87

love and kindness, 429–45

Lowenstein, Jenna, 70, 467

Lurie, Bari, 467

Lyman, Princeton, 307

Lynch, Loretta, 312–13, 364

Macron, Emmanuel, 365, 371, 372, 408

Madame Tussauds New York, 6–7

Maddow, Rachel, 372

Magnitsky Act, 374

Mahdara, Moj, 467

Manafort, Paul, 336, 345, 353, 374

Manchin, Joe, 276, 279

Mandela, Nelson, 26, 42, 153, 426

Manning, Greg, 251

Manning, Lauren, 251

manufacturing and industry, 232, 235, 240, 284, 416

automobile, 209–10, 229

steel, 240, 271, 285, 397

see also jobs

Marcia, 257–58

Margolis, Jim, 65, 103, 149, 255, 467

Márquez-Greene, Nelba, 190

marriage equality, 156, 228, 274

Marshall, Capricia, 100–101, 384, 467

Marshall, Marlon, 70, 467

Martin, Trayvon, 174–75, 179

Mauro, Garry, 467

McAuliffe, Terry, 65, 384

McBath, Lucia, 175

McCain, John, 12, 414–15, 452

McCarthy, Eugene, 22, 201

McCarthy, Joseph, 142

McCarthy, Kevin, 297, 298

McCartney, Paul, 98

McClatchy Company, 362, 365–66

McConnell, Mitch, 276, 355, 356, 451

McDowell County, W.Va., 268, 272

McFaul, Michael, 356, 467

McGovern, George, 5, 22, 201

McHale, Judith, 467

Mckesson, DeRay, 203

McKinnon, Kate, 31, 102

McSpadden, Lezley, 180

media, 48, 66, 99, 219, 372

Clinton Foundation and, 44