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Tasker said, “Do you want a drink or any refreshments before we begin?”

John and I said no, Amy said, “Does your chip vending machine have those spicy Cheetos in it? I have change.”

I shot her an annoyed look but, as usual, it just bounced off her. To my horror, Agent Tasker nodded to Gibson, who sighed and with a monumental effort climbed to his feet and shuffled out of the conference room, across the vast concrete floor, and over to the vending machine. He returned and tossed the Cheetos bag onto the table in front of Amy and began the laborious multistep process of sitting back down.

Amy noisily tore open the bag with her teeth and shook some Cheetos into her mouth.

Tasker said, “Now, you are to remain silent unless asked a direct question. You are not being invited onto this call to offer your opinion and this is not subject to a vote. You may or may not be asked for information. It will be explained to you what the next course of action will be, and we will seek reassurance that you will not interfere. Are we clear?”

Amy said, “I’m sorry, the crunching is really loud in my head. I think I got the gist of it though.”

Tasker punched a button on the phone, then dialed, then entered a twelve-digit code. There was a tone, and she leaned forward.

“Sorry we’re late, I’m going to do a roll call. Utah, are you on?”

The answer was muffled clicking noises.

“Utah, I’m not hearing you.”

“We’re here, is this better?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Las Vegas?”

“We’re here.”


“We’re on, Josaline.”


An answer in a language I assumed was Thai.


Another answer in a language I didn’t recognize.

“Bernard? I understand you’re calling in from the road?”

The reply was the sound of an electronic voice announcing that Gate 34-B was boarding. A breathless male voice then came on and said, “Sorry, I’m here, I’m at the airport. Let me get to a quiet spot.”

“And do we have HQ on the line?”

The answer was a series of deep rumbles, like the sound a mountain would make if it had gotten woken up in the middle of the night by the neighbor’s loud music. I assumed it was the phone glitching again but Tasker nodded as if she could hear it clearly and said, “Yes, all three of them are here, my lord.”

I exchanged a look with John. Amy stopped chewing. Agent Gibson sat up straighter, as if not completely sure the thing on the line couldn’t see him.

Tasker, in her most professional voice, said, “You’ve all been briefed and I assume you reviewed the memo I sent out approximately twelve minutes ago. The issue as you know is that Undisclosed is in the middle of a Class G outbreak with at least one larva attached to a living host and a second now in containment, en route to this facility. Though there are no sightings as of yet, we now have reason to believe that ten more will manifest themselves, their origins already implanted in a group of human hosts. We’ve brought in the three locals discussed on yesterday’s call to talk about options for containment. They are in the room with me now, you should see their dossiers on your screens, designated 919A, 919B, and John.”

A male voice said, “Hey this is Tom in Houston, is this the budget call?”

“No, it is not, that was moved to Thursday at two. Now, as you know, the outbreak can be traced to the entity we have designated B3333B, which is attempting its second breech, via a reproduction cycle that has not previously been observed.”

Amy said, “Excuse me, can you tell me what a Class G outbreak is?”

An annoyed voice on the phone said, “Who is that speaking?”

“Amy Sullivan, I’m one of the locals. Is a Class G, is that on a scale from A to Z? If so is A the worst or is Z?”

Tasker said, “Class G is potential extinction level. Please remain silent until asked a question. Now, the method for terminating the larva discussed in the memo was tested during Incident 404 twelve years ago and the results were very, very promising. We will proceed in two stages. First, we must track and collect the larvae and contain them in one location if possible, preferably here in the field office. Second, we must create a satisfactory cover story for the termination of same. There will then be a separate operation to disrupt the breeding cycle of B3333B itself.”

Amy said, “Hi, it’s me again, but just to clarify, we’re discussing a plan for kidnapping and murdering a total of twelve children in a country where the entire news cycle catches fire over one missing kid? And the idea is to do that in such a way that nobody will care or even be slightly curious. Got it.”

A deep rumble emerged from the speaker, the voice from “HQ.” Everyone went quiet.

Tasker said, “It won’t happen again, my lord. Now, the concerns raised by 919B are valid, the cover story will be paramount. The world will believe these children have perished.”

Amy said, “Plus any parents or other concerned types who try to get in the way.”

“We will try to minimize that.”

An elderly female voice spoke up on the phone for the first time. “This is Martha, and I want to register my objection right now. I was told—assured—that first on the agenda for today would be the allocation of funds for the Miami project. We’ve been waiting on this since January, guys, this can’t wait any longer.”

Tasker said, “This isn’t the budget call, Martha.”

Amy said, “It’s Thursday. At two.”

Tasker grimaced, rubbed her temples, and said, “The cover story will involve an incident that would leave no recognizable bodies behind, for obvious reasons.”

John said, “Right, like if they fell into the ocean and got eaten by sharks.”

Amy said, “Why would they be in the ocean?”

John said, “We could have them win a contest or something? Oh! Make it a plane crash. Tell them they won a trip. Plane goes down in the ocean, in the part of the ocean where there are the most sharks.”

“So these kids get to experience the terror of a plane plummeting to earth?”

I said, “They’re not kids, and we have no indication that they can experience terror. And you don’t need anything like that. You just need to do it in such a way that the public sees it as unavoidable.”

Amy said, “How in the world do you do that?”

I said, “You say the kids are infected with some weaponized disease. Ebola, whatever. Say Nymph did it, and you’ve got to quarantine the kids to keep anybody else from getting sick. Say you’re bringing them in for treatment. Then once you’ve got them in quarantine, just say they succumbed to the infection, that it was too late. Then tell them Nymph is dead and that there are no other victims. Tie up the whole story with a neat little bow.”

There was silence in the room. The rumble from HQ sounded. Tasker looked very nervous.

Amy looked back and forth from me to Tasker and said to the latter, “That’s your exact plan, isn’t it? I don’t know how to feel about that.”

“Not Ebola,” said Tasker. “That would be a recipe for panic. Polonium 210 poisoning. Slow-acting, fatal, but not contagious. Still, the corpse is mildly radioactive and we would explain that we will be unable to release the bodies of the children, for safety reasons.”

John nodded. “Then you put the radioactive bodies on a plane, and arrange for the plane to crash right into the mine monster. The radioactive material in the kids’ bodies triggers a nuclear explosion.”

Tasker tried to pretend she hadn’t heard that. Forcing calm into her voice, she said, “Again, all we need from you is your assurances that you are not going to interfere.”

Amy said, “Wait, you’re asking our permission?”

“We don’t need your permission. There is no reason we can’t all be in agreement.”