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Darcy felt the sharp thrust of disappointment lance through him. So her warmth was only for the moment, and her feelings toward him had not changed.

Mr. Gardiner eyed him sympathetically. “If I, acting for her father, insist on it, she will not refuse to participate in an engagement, but I have some concerns about this idea. Lizzy has never been one to accept being coerced gracefully, and I fear that it would mean a very rocky start to any marriage between you. I would nonetheless insist on it, if it were not for the fact that both Mrs. Gardiner and I believe that in fact Lizzy is quite close to being ready to accept you, and perhaps it is even now only her distress over her sister that prevents us from resolving this to everyone’s satisfaction.

“Here, then,” he continued, “is my proposition: that, in the interest of your future marital harmony, we allow you a period of time to attempt to convince Elizabeth to accept you of her own accord, but if this meets no success in a few months, I will speak with her father regarding her participation. What do say you to this plan?”

The blistering pain of disappointment was still foremost in Darcy’s mind. “I accept,” he said shortly.

“Mr. Darcy,” Mr. Gardiner said with some compassion, “let me remind you that I would not have proposed this plan if I were not convinced in my own mind that Lizzy’s consent will be yours in a very short time. Perhaps we should consider ways to offer you the opportunity to court her—for example, if you will be in town, we could invite her to stay with us at Gracechurch Street.”

“As it happens, I have some plans for the next few weeks which may interfere with that, but are of concern to you, sir,” Darcy said, and proceeded to outline to Mr. Gardiner his plans for discovering Wickham and Lydia in London, which led to much vigorous discussion and planning.

*   *   *

During the hurry and confusion of the next hour, Elizabeth was fortunately kept distracted by the business entailed by their rapid departure. There were notes to be written to all their friends in Lambton, with false excuses for their sudden departure, packing to be completed, and accounts to be settled. Had she been at leisure to be idle, she would have been in an agony of uncertainty over what Mr. Darcy could be thinking of her. Her uncle had not been at all forthcoming about his discussion with him, and she could only imagine what a man of such pride would feel about the situation in which they had been caught. So she was glad to have employment to keep her thoughts at bay.

Darcy, meanwhile, awaited his opportunity to bid farewell to Elizabeth with some trepidation. He felt unsure of his reception at a time when he most needed reassurance of her affection. He tried to remind himself he had the assurance of Mr. Gardiner that Elizabeth would be prevailed upon to marry him even if he could not win her, but the taste of that possibility was bitter.

When Elizabeth finally entered, he wanted nothing so much as to fling himself on his knees before her and beg her to marry him. Her loveliness took his breath away.

“Sir, you wished to speak with me?” she said after a moment, her eyes downcast.

He cursed himself. Here was his opportunity to make amends, and all he could think of was what her lips had felt like under his. “Yes, Miss Bennet,” he said with a bow, “please accept my deepest apologies for my most inappropriate behavior earlier.”

She looked up, fearing to see displeasure in his eyes, but finding none. “Your apology is accepted, Mr. Darcy, although, as I told my aunt, I believe you may have had some provocation.” Was there just a hint of impudence in her voice? “I shall endeavor to remember in the future that your warnings should be taken with the utmost seriousness.”

Darcy breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps it was not so hopeless after all. “I hope I have not caused you undue difficulty with your family.”

“Nothing that will not pass. I am trying to appreciate the novelty of being in trouble for misbehavior of this sort,” she said in an attempt at lightness. Then, seeing the concerned look on his face, she clarified, “Truly, my aunt was quite gentle with me. And I hope my uncle was not overly harsh with you?”

Darcy gave a slight, ironic smile. “There were a few rough moments, but we eventually came to an understanding of sorts. The subject arose of my proposal in Kent, which helped to establish my bona fides, but I apologize to you, as it was something you clearly preferred to keep private.”

“I… actually, it is probably just as well that they know, and I certainly would not want them to have… the wrong impression of you. The Gardiners’ good opinion is important to me,” she said, struggling for the right words.

“And your good opinion is important to me,” Darcy replied, gazing intently at Elizabeth. “I hope I have not harmed that today.”

“Sir, I…” Elizabeth stopped. Why could she not complete a thought in a coherent manner when he looked at her like that? “Please understand that this is not a situation I have found myself in before, but… you need have no regrets.”

Darcy’s eyes kindled, and Elizabeth forgot to breathe. Just then they heard Mr. Gardiner’s voice calling Elizabeth to the carriage. “It appears it is time for our adieus, Miss Bennet. Had we more time, there is much more I would wish to say. But, as it is”—he glanced out the door, and seeing no one there, he added softly—“be warned I made no promises to your uncle that it would never happen again.”

“I shall keep that in mind, sir,” said Elizabeth demurely. “However, as you know, I am not easy to intimidate.”

Darcy’s slow smile seemed to melt her bones. “I suppose that if you do not appear at the carriage very soon, they will probably come looking for you.”

“I would imagine so, sir,” she said, feeling breathless.

“But perhaps it is worth taking the chance.”

“Perhaps so,” murmured Elizabeth, shocked at her own daring. Closing her eyes, she felt the touch of his hand on her cheek, then his lips brushed hers just long enough for her to realize that she never wanted him to stop.

“Your carriage awaits, Miss Bennet,” said Darcy huskily. Elizabeth, unable to trust her voice, turned and headed for the door. Darcy followed her to the street, then handed her into the carriage. After a glance at Mr. Gardiner, he raised her hand to his lips for a moment before releasing it.

“Good day, Mrs. Gardiner, Mr. Gardiner,” he said. “Good day, Miss Bennet.”

*   *   *

“I have been thinking it over again, Elizabeth,” said her uncle as they drove from the town, “and really, upon serious consideration, I am much more inclined than I was to judge this matter of Lydia as your eldest sister does. It appears to me so very unlikely, that any young man should form such a design against a girl who is by no means unprotected or friendless, and who was actually staying in his colonel’s family, that I am strongly inclined to hope for the best. Could he expect that her friends would not step forward? Could he expect to be noticed again by the regiment, after such an affront to Colonel Forster? His temptation is not adequate to the risk.”

“I wish I could believe it,” said Elizabeth. “But I do believe him capable of every form of neglect. He has been profligate in every sense of the word. He is as false and deceitful as he is insinuating.”