“AID,” the sergeant major said, wondering if the Galactic technology had survived. “Do you have maps for this area?”
“Yes, Sergeant Major,” the light soprano of the system answered, bringing up a local map as a hologram. The map was three dimensional, which the Land Warrior suit could only do with difficulty, and Mosovich wondered for a moment if the AID was jealous of how much more he used the human systems.
“Okay,” he said, pointing to the faintly glowing dot on the hillside that was the team. “We’re about a klick and a half from the Soque, if the ground was flat. But it’s practically vertical instead. So we get down this hill fast. Unless the Posleen react really fast we should be able to make it across 197 before they get there.”
“And if they are there already?” Nichols asked.
“We cross that stream when we come to it,” Mueller growled.
Orostan grunted as it became clear that the artillery both at his location and in the gap had ended. “It appears to have worked.”
“Yes,” Cholosta’an said. “But they still have slipped away,” he added, gesturing at the sensors.
“There are oolt moving to the far road,” Orostan said with a shrug. “Sooner or later we will box them and without communications they will not be able to call for fire on us. Then we will finish them once and for all.”
Mosovich frowned as he caught another tree to keep from falling down the mountain. “AID, can you get a communication back to the corps?”
There was a pause that did not seem to be entirely for effect and the AID answered. “I can, Sergeant Major. The Posleen will be aware that you are communicating.”
“Will they be able to find our location?” he asked. “Or decipher it? I assume it will be encrypted.”
Again there was a pause. “I calculate a less than one tenth of a percent chance that they will be able to decipher it while in the GalTech net. There is no chance that they will be able to physically localize you. However, I do not have secure entry into the military communications system; all AIDs were locked out of it after the 10th Corps blue-blue event. I can only contact the corps by standard land-line. That system is not only non-secure, it has occasionally been hacked by the Posleen. The alternative is contacting someone in the corps chain-of-command and having them set up secure communications. There is a secure land-line system, but AIDs do not have standard access to it so I can’t just connect.”
“Why don’t I like that option?” Mosovich said quietly.
“The first person in the corps chain of command with AID access is the Continental Army Commander.”
Jack Horner balanced his cheek on one closed fist as he watched the hologram. The speaker was a spare man with dark eyes. Dark pupils, dark irises and dark circles. In better days the Continental Army Commander and the commander of the Irmansul Fleet Strike Force had spent some good times together. At this point both realized that there were no more good times. That was not, however, something that they mentioned in anything other than private e-mails. Such as this one.
“With the ‘unfortunate’ loss of Admiral Chen and his replacement by Fleet Admiral Wright we might get some movement,” the speaker said. He turned to the side and picked up a piece of paper. “To give you an idea of how precisely useless it is to have us sitting here, our total actions on Irmansul for the last month were forty patrol-sized actions against unbonded, and in most cases unweaponed, normals. This is what our mutual amie would call ‘fucking bullshit.’ Not that I would use such language about our benefactors the Darhel. Wright has at least allowed the detachment of a few ‘scouting’ forces. And I am told that the armor team on Titan Base has made some breakthroughs, so there may be help available from that quarter.”
The speaker spat out an untranslatable French epithet that had something to do with donkeys. “My own forces realize that there is nothing for which to return. However, we strain at the leash nonetheless. Yes, there are still Posleen on this planet. There are now and probably always will be; there are too many wilderness areas to eliminate them all and they are in the food chain at this point. But they can be ‘managed’ by a small police force and the killersats. The Fleet won the last action decisively and with small loss, but if Earth is totally lost it will be for nothing. We must return and we must return soon. And if the Darhel do not release us, soon, we will take that signal honor upon ourselves.
“No matter what.”
“Crenaus, out.”
Horner smiled like a tiger as the image winked off. It had been clear to him from almost the First Contact by the Galactics that the Darhel were playing their own game. And that the survival of the human race was, at best, incidental to it. However, it was not until fairly recently that he realized the extent to which the Darhel were inimical to the concept of Earth surviving as a functional planet. The Galactic society was very old, very stable and, above all, very stagnant. The humans were more than just physically dangerous; the philosophies, thoughts, processes and methods that they would bring with them would be a deathblow to the Galactic society, a society that the Darhel controlled absolutely. Just the concept of democracy, true, unfettered democracy, and human rights, would in all likelihood destroy the Galactic Federation if they were allowed free rein. Thus it was imperative that the human race be turned into a non-threat.
He had begin to wonder lately why, exactly, the Darhel had waited until practically the last minute, only five years before the invasion, to contact the humans. There were a thousand and one hints that they knew about Earth long before that, from the prepared medicines to the knowledge of all world languages. Some of it was certainly “fear”; the Galactic aliens were nonviolent and nonexpansionistic and the humans were anything but.
General Taylor, the previous High Commander, had wondered some of those things aloud. Just before he was assassinated by “Earth First” terrorists. Of course, five senior Darhel were killed in that spasm of violence, so suggesting it was the Darhel assumed that they were willing to cover their actions by killing five of their own. And it also assumed that the Darhel could kill, period. There were indications that in fact they could not even order killing, much less kill someone themselves.
But that didn’t mean that Jim Taylor had gone down to terrorists, either.
It might all be paranoid delusion, but the arguments for not redeploying the Expeditionary Forces were becoming more and more specious. All the arguments were becoming more specious. And even if the EFs left Irmansul orbit at this moment, the only major country with any continuity left was the U.S.; everyone else was for all practical purposes gone. India had some significant hold-out areas and Europe as well. But the fractions that existed there were insignificant compared to the Cumberland basin.
What were the Darhel waiting for? The Americans to lose too?
His AID chimed a priority message and he regarded it balefully for a moment. The device was Galactic provided. And it was more likely than not that the Darhel could read anything sent over one, such as the last message from General Crenaus. Which Crenaus knew as well as he did. So had they already taken the hint, that the message was directed as much at them as at him? He smiled again, a sure sign of displeasure, and tapped the device to answer the call.