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There was a hitch in his voice as he said that last part, and a flare of heat licked between Jo’s legs. Maybe they were on the same page after all.

“Tell me all about it,” she said, tugging him down into a kiss that was even wetter and deeper than the first.

It was a bitch move, because it wasn’t as if she gave him a chance to get much more than a word or a grunt out as she sucked on his tongue. With a hand wrapped in the fabric of his T-shirt, she tugged him along, walking backward toward his house. He got with the program fast, quickening their pace as he advanced. When she stumbled over a bit of uneven ground, he knocked her breath from her lungs by catching her. His hands slid from her sides to her hips to her ass, then lower, and she shrieked as he pulled her against him, lifted her up.

And damn but she could get into that. With a hop, she let him take her weight. Clutched her binder with one arm and clung to his neck with the other. Folded her legs around his waist to put all of him in contact with all of her, and she ground against him, bracing herself against how sparklingly, impossibly good that felt. He was hard beneath his clothes, and big, too, from the feel of it, and all her plans were back on the table.

“The things I’m going to do to you . . .” she mumbled, kissing her way to his ear, where she rasped her teeth against the lobe.

He lengthened his strides, a raw noise tearing out of his throat.

Clearly the man wasn’t a virgin. But there was something about the way he responded to her, a lack of artifice to the way he pressed into her touch, groaned and panted and made all these perfect little sounds… It made her feel like she was breaking him in. Like she was taking the cover off a cherry ride and finally giving that engine of his a chance to go.

In a feat of coordination and strength that was way, way hotter than it had any right to be, he managed to get the front door to the guys’ house open without dropping her or hardly even jostling her.

“Jesus fucking—” she started, kicking the door closed behind them.

He cut her off with a stifled laugh and kiss and muttered, “Shh,” against her lips. “Tom’ll hear.”

She didn’t really give a shit what his housemate did or didn’t hear while they were fucking, but she wasn’t the one who had to live with the guy, so she showed a little mercy, working to stay quiet while pushing her hips into his with intent. A perverse pleasure, but a pleasure all the same when she managed to make him whine, and louder than he meant to if his bitten-off curse was any indication.

He hurried them down the hall. The instant he had them in his room, he slammed her up against the door, shifting a hand away from her ass to flick on the light. She blinked hard at the shock of brightness.

The sudden vision of this man, all flushed skin and sinful lips, blond hair and eyes that she suddenly couldn’t read.

He tore her binder from her and tossed it on the floor. His forearm slapped against the door beside her head, and she startled. There was a growl to his voice as he said, “You are so… fucking…”

And she couldn’t help it. Her mind supplied all the words that should go with that. Bitchy, difficult, stubborn, such a pain in my…

“Hot,” he finally finished.

Just like that, it wasn’t any mystery at all to read his gaze. Their eyes had had time to adjust to the light, but his pupils were still huge, his nostrils flaring, and there wasn’t any mistaking the way he pinned her with his hips. That insistent hardness there, pressing exactly where she wanted it to be.

But it wasn’t just sex, the way he was looking at her. Sex would have been easy. He had to go ahead and make it tender, too.

“So sexy,” he said, his tone warm, fingers gentle as he ran them through the blue and black strands that had fallen into her eyes. “Your hair.” His hand drifted down, the broad pad of his thumb sliding across her bottom lip. “Your mouth.” He leaned in to kiss her. His teeth tugged at her piercing, and it sent lightning coursing all the way to her clit. “And this.” Stroking the tendrils of ink that crept above the neckline of her shirt, he kissed her deeper. “Teasing me all this time.”

Maybe it was a fetish. Maybe this clean-cut, all-American guy had a thing for a girl with a little bite.

But it didn’t feel like that. Not then.

The reverence in his touch brushed against something she kept locked too deeply away, and she squirmed against the way it threatened to break free. She hitched herself up higher against his hips and looked him straight in the eye. Made her tone drip sex when that was only the beginning of it.

“Maybe it’s about time it finally stopped teasing you, then, huh?”

He paused for a second, and she held her breath. But then he grinned. Warm and open as he let her deflect. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds so good.”

With a little grunt, he heaved her back off the door again, supporting her weight as he turned and stumbled the half dozen feet or so to the bed. He dropped her onto it before climbing up himself, settling his knees to either side of her thighs, bracing himself on his arms so he hovered above her. Christ, his eyes were blue, his mouth red and bitten. It’d look amazing between her legs, his chin slick with her.

Who was she kidding?

It’d look amazing just about anywhere.

Still smiling, he dipped to kiss her, drifting a hand down the length of her torso. When his palm curved around her breast, she closed her eyes, feeling her nipples constrict. Feeling the way he paused at what he found there.

“No way.” He said it under his breath, but there wasn’t any missing it. Her lips curled up despite herself. If he liked the ink and the hoop through her lip, he was going to lose his shit over this.

“Way,” she countered.

Taking it for the permission it was, he scrambled to shove her shirt up. She helped him get it off, raising her arms, pulling her overshirt and tank top away as one. He leaned in to press his mouth to the center of her ribs, wet, sucking kisses that had an urgency to them, just like the nudges of his dick against her hip. When he peeled the edge of her bra down and got up close and personal with the barbell through her nipple, he groaned aloud.

“You like?” she guessed, running her fingers through his hair as he stared.

He buried his face against her chest. “Fuck. If I’d known this was under here, too…”

She laughed. When had sex ever been this fun? When had a partner taken this kind of joy in looking? Touching? Discovering?

When had she ever let them?

Lifting his gaze, he circled the hardened peak of her tit with his finger. “Can I?”

She gestured helplessly, because seriously? Was this guy for real? “Be my guest.”

He made another little noise that threatened to turn her inside out and cupped her flesh, shifting to get his mouth on her, and Jesus. She let her head fall as heat zipped down her spine, another rough surge of wetness making her ready to move this all along already. She didn’t want to rush him or anything, but she was dying here.

Without dislodging his mouth or interrupting that thing he was doing with his tongue, she shifted to prop herself up on one elbow, reaching behind herself to undo the clasp of her bra. She flopped back down and pulled the straps off her arms, and he seemed to like that even better, helping to tug the thing off before sucking her piercing between his lips again.

She’d always been a fan of equality, though, both between the sexes and between her breasts. Her nipple was getting oversensitive, so she redirected him to her other one. He went at it with nearly the same enthusiasm, if perhaps a bit less curiosity. Arching into the warmth of those probing lips, she ran her hands down the length of his spine until she could get at the hem of his top. With what seemed like real reluctance, he separated himself from her flesh long enough to let her get his shirt over his head. But when he made to dip toward her tits once more, she rolled her eyes and stopped him, pressing a palm to his chest.