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The man looked up at him, breathing hard. His face was discolored and covered in veins.

He mumbled some fevered gibberish.

Dave was no expert, but he knew what would happen in a few minutes. He looked at the huge bite mark on his shoulder and knew that the man was infected.

The man looked up at Dave with pleading eyes.

“I-I’m not dead”, he managed to make out.

Dave looked down at him and pushed his head to the floor with the front of his shotgun.

“You’re not dead, but you deserve to be”, Dave quietly said.

He used every ounce of strength and looked at his vulnerable friend.

He looked out the window and pulled the trigger.


The deafening sound of the gun caused Jason to stir a little bit again.

Dave looked down and had to hold in the nausea he felt. The man’s head looked like a split watermelon, bits and pieces of him stained the walls, as well as Dave’s #1 grandpa shirt.

He sighed heavily and walked over the zombie that bit the man. He noticed it was motionless with a big hole in it’s head.

“Guess those video games paid off, Jay”, Dave muttered. Finding no need to waste another shell, he looked at his best friend lying on the floor.

“Come on, Jay, wake up. Please.” He knelt beside him. “Wake up. We can’t stay here too long.”

He began to sob quietly.

“Please, wake up. I-I can’t do this alone. Please, wake up.”

He knelt beside his friend, despite the shuffling noises that were closing in on them.

Over the Deep End

Matt cautiously approached the source of the noise, going slowly down the fire escape.

“I wonder if I could survive a fall from here”, he thought to himself. He briefly thought of jumping over and ending this madness. He turned his head and decided to keep going.

He heard a gentle tapping at a window below him. He had his weapon in tow, ready to strike at whatever it was.

When he arrived, he had found an emaciated young woman, trapped in what appeared to be a bathroom. There was a shower rod holding the door shut, and what looked like piles of feces scattered around. The shower curtain was bunched up in the tub, looking like a makeshift bed.

When she saw Matt, her eyes opened wide and she let out a loud and piercing scream. She began to bang on the window with her open palms. Matt looked at her, making sure there were no bite marks.

He held a finger to his lips, trying to get her to quiet down. Matt had spent so long trying to be as quiet as possible and this was the loudest source of noise he had heard in a while.

Her noise brought about the realization of Matt’s fear. He looked down and saw a few zombies responding to her noises. Also, Matt noticed the shower rod had fallen down in the bathroom.

Matt looked at her and tried to open the window, but nothing.

“I know I’m not this weak. Come on, Matty…”, he said to himself as he used every ounce of strength to open the window, but nothing.

Looking at the window again, he realized that it had been nailed shut. A hammer lay near the hysterical woman.

“THE HAMMER! USE THE HAMMER!”, Matt yelled. The noise hurt his vocal cords.

She was too hysterical to even consider using the tool.

The door behind her burst open and in came an older couple with pale skin and terrible open and festering wounds on their arms and face. They dragged themselves over to the woman.

“NO!! NO!!”, Matt yelled.

He began to punch at the glass. Feeling it crack gave him hope that he could save her.

It gave him the hope that he would no longer be alone.

The monsters descended on her as Matt was about to break the glass.

He watched them sink their teeth into her neck, blood pouring down her body, then out of her mouth. She began to choke on it and with her weak frame, unable to fight, she let herself fall to the ground.

Her hand stood at the glass briefly, Matt pressed his hand over the cracked glass where her hand was, until it dragged down to the floor.

“No…”, Matt said to himself. He began to weep quietly.

The window shattered, spraying glass everywhere, cutting Matt’s face and his hands and arms.

The second ghoul, not content with the skinny girl, shoved it’s arms through the weakened glass, tried to pull Matt inside.

Matt shut his eyes as hard as he can.

“NO! NO! NO!”, he yelled at it. He opened his mouth in pain as he felt his arm open and drip with blood.

He felt the slicing sensation burn into his mind and then into his arm. Blood poured all over the ghoul’s mouth as she tried to get his fingers into her hungry and barely toothed mouth.

Matt grew pale at the sight of all of his blood. His arm inside of the room, it was dripping all over the dead girl’s face, into her eyes and mouth. He pulled as hard as he could, but the pain was too much.

“Oh God, Oh God”, he said.

With his other arm, he grabbed his weapon and shoved it into the ghoul’s face. She released his arm as she fell backwards.

Claiming his arm back, he held it close and felt the blood drip all over him. He grew dizzy and pale with the loss of blood.

“Fuck, am I going to be one of them now? Did I…lose?”

All of the gruesome sights since the infection broke out came rushing into his mind all at once. Time stood still. He felt something crack.

He began to laugh loudly while looking at the hungry zombies trying to make their way onto the fire escape.

“FUCK YOU!”, He yelled as he slammed the head of the female zombie with his hockey stick. The force was enough to split her decayed head apart, her face peeled open like a split fruit. He saw her brain.

“DESTROY THE BRAIN, DESTROY THE HEAD, DESTROY THE BRAIN, DESTROY THE HEAD!”, Matt yelled, as he swung the stick again into her, finishing her off.

“FUCKING BITCH!”, He yelled at her. He stepped inside, smiling at the sight of the male zombie eating the girl he had just tried to save.

Matt mumbled something under his breath that even he could no comprehend. He raised the stick, and paused so that the zombie looked up at him.

He wanted to look into it’s dead eyes when he destroyed it.

He swung the stick down with enough force to break the front of it off, it was now a pointed wooden rod. The front was embedded in the zombie’s head. He slumped over, dead again.

“HAHA!” Matt was lost in himself. The thought of becoming one of them was enough to push him over the edge.

He looked at the corpse of the girl, she had not yet turned.

“It’s all your fault. I was just fine before…” He had stopped to jam the pointed end of the stick into her head. “Your stupid ass made that noise and then I had to come and be the white knight.”

He tried to remove the stick, but it was stuck in her head. Placing a foot on her head, he pulled the stick out and smiled at the sickening sucking noise that followed.

“You deserve this, NOT ME!”, he yelled at her corpse.

He made his way into the house, through the open door, dragging along his broken weapon. He passed by two more zombies in the kitchen, but they didn’t matter. They gave their shambling chase.

“FUCK YOU!”, he yelled at them. He continued walking, a trail of blood making the zombies’ chase all the easier.

He walked through the hallway banging on every door and making as much noise as he could.