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My eyebrows shot up as she pulled out a bottle of Baileys.

“I thought you didn’t drink.”

She shrugged. “I said I usually don’t. But this kinda tastes like chocolate and goes great with coffee.”

“Where’d you get it from?”

“My roommate Indy let me swipe it from her.”

I grinned and opened our coffee lids while she changed the station on her iPod. A slow and soulful Adele song came on, and to my utter amazement, Chloe reached for my hands. “Let’s dance.”

We did a toast with our Baileys-laced coffees and then I pulled her into my arms as we swayed to the moody song.

Her skin was soft, she smelled like strawberries, and I felt all the tension unraveling in my chest at having her nearer. I wasn’t sure how I was going to walk away from her after this week, and maybe I didn’t have to.

Maybe if I got things squared away with my mom again, I could ask her out on a real date.

But for now, I just wanted to be next to her. In this moment.

I looked into the dark blue depths of her eyes. “Thank you,” I said.

“For what?”

“For . . . being here for me, the last couple of nights.”

“No problem. I . . . look forward to being here . . . with you.”

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers in a heated kiss, showing her just how much I liked it, too. Within a couple of minutes our kisses became more insistent, our tongues tangling frantically as our bodies overheated.

Next our shirts came off and our bodies were molded together, chest to stomach to hips, and I was beyond turned on. I wanted to strip off the rest of our clothes so that I could feel all of her smooth skin next to mine.

“Blake,” she whispered. “It’s been a long time, but I want . . . I need . . .”

My stomach tightened in anticipation. “What?”

“I want to be with you . . . tonight.”

My breath caught in the back of my throat because I wanted nothing more in that moment than to be with her, connect with her, in that way.

I cupped her face and then deepened the kiss, my body flattening against hers more urgently. I kneeled down on the blanket and tugged her with me.

I nibbled her ear and then along her neck, making my way to her breasts. She arched up against me as I pulled one of her nipples into my mouth and then gave the other side the same attention.

“Please,” she urged, grasping me through the front of my jeans.

“Oh God, Chloe,” I rasped out. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” My mouth captured hers in a bruising kiss and we continued grinding up against each other. In another minute, both of our jeans were off and I could barely catch my breath. She was so gorgeous—kneeling there completely naked, her skin soft and glistening in the dim light.

Our hands were roaming everywhere—in hair, over chests and backsides, between legs, working each other into a panting and reckless frenzy.

She was so wet and I was so damned ready my hard-on was straining against her stomach. It’d been so long since I felt so connected to someone that I was desperate to be inside her. But I needed her to be sure.

Now, Blake, please,” she mumbled, while kissing my neck and gripping me in her fingers.

I reached for my wallet and pulled out the condom I’d always kept there, just in case.

I slid it over my very hard erection and then nudged her back on the blanket. I took my time kissing her soft lips, all the while looking deeply into her eyes. “You’re so damned pretty, Chloe.”

I positioned my head at her entrance and she shivered from the contact. I entered her partway and then paused, hissing through my teeth. She was so tight and wet and warm.

It felt incredible being inside her, so I wanted to take my sweet time.

I noticed her trembling lips and her flushed cheeks. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she strangled out. “I’m perfect. This is perfect. Please, I want you.”

I slid in farther, inch by inch, and she cried out as I filled her completely.

As soon as she became adjusted to the feel of me inside her, I began moving in and out at a solid pace, keeping eye contact with her. Everything in this moment felt so right, so amazingly fucking flawless. I didn’t want it to end.

I could feel her climax building slowly—her skin pulsing, her warm center squeezing more tightly—as I reached my thumb down to roll over her swollen nub.

She yelled out my name, trembling and grasping at my hair, and I stilled myself to watch her get her release, before pumping into her more firmly to chase my own.

We stayed wrapped in the blanket for a long time afterward, just gazing into each other’s eyes—talking, laughing, and stealing kisses. It was one of the most unforgettable nights of my life.

chapter twelve


Today was the day of the Made in the Arbor street fair and I had gotten an early start to prep for the long hours. I hadn’t seen Blake in a few days and was basically going out of my mind.

We’d never exchanged phone numbers, just always shown up at the space to work together. I figured his disappearing act had something to do with his mom, because of what he’d shared that last night we were together.

I squashed down the notion that he didn’t return because of me—that I’d given him what he’d wanted and he was done. Or maybe it didn’t live up to the fantasy he’d said he had of me. I wasn’t very skilled in that department, but he certainly made me feel like I’d been.

No matter how busy I made myself, I couldn’t get him out of my head—how his skin smelled like fresh linen or the way his lips fit so perfectly against mine.

Jaclyn seemed more than impressed with what we had accomplished at her other store. She said that it would be a shame to take it down and that she knew the sale would be a hit. She began officially calling the new space Fibers, which matched nicely with Threads.

I couldn’t help telling Jaclyn that I was concerned about Blake and that I hoped he was okay. I was sure she could see my feelings for him in my eyes, in the emotions I was trying desperately to rein in. It must have been obvious how close we’d grown over these past few weeks.

That was probably the reason why, despite her extreme privacy, she had given me a hint that his family was indeed in full-on crisis mode again. I stopped short of asking for his number—I figured when he was ready he might reach out to me. Every time the bell above the shop door jingled open, I prayed he’d step through it, but it never happened.

I was lost working at Fibers without him. There hadn’t been much left to do except attend to last-minute touches to prep for opening day, but in each corner I looked, he was there. From the filament strands wound around the pipes, the curtains that hung in the windows, to the shelves and the runway he’d built by hand, his presence was everywhere. I was lonely for him as I’d never been for any other guy.

Mom would’ve had a field day with that one. As it was, she’d been frustrated with me for being distant these past few weeks. I told her I was busy with the project and classes and felt bummed that I couldn’t confide in her about Blake—so I had my roommates to thank for trying to lift my spirits these past few days.

My mother had arrived to the sale early and was mingling with the other shop owners and Chamber of Commerce Committee members outside. She was poised and perfect and I’d always admired her natural charisma when it came to interacting with others. I usually had to work harder at it.

I’d admit it had felt good to see her utter astonishment about what I’d created, when she first stepped inside the store. And when she told me it looked incredible, my chest ballooned with pride.