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Abram lowered the small ramp and greeted the soldiers. “Beautiful day, no?”

The guards showed no expression. One stepped forward. “What business do you have in Sherna? Are you merchants?”

Abram’s usual patience seemed to desert him. “We are not merchants-we have no cargo but ourselves and our personal items. I am Abram, and that lad there is Tarren. The man next to him is Whill, whom I’m sure you’ve heard of, or vultures don’t eat red meat. We have had a long and tiresome journey from Fendale and seek only a good day’s rest.”

The guards looked at one another, and the first man spoke again. “That man there-you say he is Whill? The one who beat Rhunis? But he is barely a man!” The guards all began to chuckle.

Whill went down the ramp, wearing a slight smile. Facing the guard, he looked him in the eye and let his smile fade. “I am a man by the same measure that you are a fool. It is true I beat Rhunis and I have the diamonds to show for it, not to mention the king’s leave to travel all of Eldalon freely. And the man you see next to me, Abram, has not three days ago slain the menacing Captain Cirrosa-a feat that the great navies of Eldalon have failed to accomplish for a decade.”

The guard stared in wonder. Whill let his smile return. “Now would it be so much to ask for us to go on our way without more pestering? We have much to do and little time. Don’t get me wrong, I respect and admire the fact that you soldiers are far from your homes, serving your king, protecting these lands. But we are not enemies of Eldalon-we are forever its allies.”

The guard was left speechless. He simply looked Whill in the eye as if trying to sense whether he were lying. At last he said, “You say that Cirrosa is dead. Do you have proof?”

“Our only proof is in our word. No longer will the Black Dragon be a menace to the great seas of Eldalon. Believe me or not, as you will, but it would be unwise to call me a liar.”

The guard eyed Whill, who stared at him straight-faced. Finally the guard smiled. “It seems as if you bring good news in bad times. The king will be very pleased to hear of this. As you must know, there is a large bounty on Cirrosa’s head.”

Abram spoke up. “I will tell the king personally soon enough. But I wonder, good sir, could you tell us what has happened within Isladon as of late? Has war started there?”

The guard’s face became solemn. “No one has been able to enter Isladon yet. The Arden navy has claimed the waters surrounding the coast. This may be something better discussed when you see the king. I am not at liberty to speak of such things to-excuse the label-strangers.”

Abram nodded. “I understand. Thank you.”

With that the guards returned to their posts, and Whill, Abram and Tarren unloaded their things from the ship and went in search of lodging.

Beyond the harbor the town spread out upon a slight hill. It was a relatively small town, with a butcher, a blacksmith, a town hall, and stables. A few small stores could be found on the main street. The buildings, including the homes, were made mostly of logs. Beyond the main street, rolling hills spread out as far as the eye could see. Many homes were built into these hills surrounding the main part of town.

There were not many people about the street, and those who were either nodded as they passed or gave no notice whatsoever. The town smelled like most port towns did; the sweet smell of the ocean was everywhere. But unlike ocean air, this smell was a mixture of land and water. It reminded Whill of Sidnell. He hadn’t seen Teera and her daughters in over two years, since he and Abram had last visited, and he had the feeling he wouldn’t see them again for a long while.

As they ventured into the heart of the town, Tarren pointed out a small Inn. Much like the other buildings it was a log structure, two stories high with many small chimneys perched on its roof. The sign above the door read HAGUS’S INN. Tarren led the way and opened the main door for Whill and Abram. Inside, the room was filled with smoke. More than a dozen fishermen sat at small tables or at the bar, drinking and talking loudly. Some of the folks could have been locals; there were a few couples within, and a group of women dancing in the middle of the room. Six Eldalon soldiers sat at one table, drinking and talking in hushed whispers as they eyed the three newcomers. In the far left corner there was a small band consisting of a fiddler and two guitarists, all singing in harmony.

By the ocean’s water or dragon’s fire

The end shall come at long last;

So light up your smoke so fast you choke

And drink your beer down fast!

Whill was familiar with the old drinking song, for he had heard it in countless other taverns and pubs. He hummed along as he looked around the room. The main room had a high cathedral ceiling; stairs on the right led to the second-floor balcony which boasted many doors and no windows. There were few large and many small tables about the main floor, and a small bar at the rear. Abram led them to the bar. As they made their way across the room, many eyes followed. Whill did not meet them but he sensed that they came from the soldier’s table. The bartender was a stout, rugged-looking fellow with a white beard down to his belt. He wore a fisherman’s cap and brown overalls with a white shirt. Both shirt and beard were filthy, most likely due to his lack of an apron. He smiled as they approached and wiped his hands on his beard. His leathery skin seemed to stretch uncomfortably as he presented a toothless grin. He didn’t seem like the kind of man who did a lot of smiling; Whill could see that it was a rehearsed version of his real smile.

“Good day, good day, friends! Name’s Hagus. What can I do for ya?”

Before Abram or Whill could respond, Tarren spoke up. “We’ll be needing a room for the night, three cots if you have ’em, and hot baths if you could.” He grinned at Whill and went on. “We been at sea for a long and dangerous haul, and need bath and good food. I can still feel the pirate scum on my skin.”

Abram laughed, and Hagus frowned. “The boy’s name is Tarren,” Whill said. “I’m Whill, and this is Abram. Tarren is right we could use all he requested. The room we’ll need only for the night, if you have one available.” He mussed Tarren’s hair.

Hagus maintained a steady frown as he pondered on something, and with the absence of his teeth, his bottom lip touched his nose. “Pirates, says you. Is the boy one with a wild and fibbin’ imagination, or does he speak true?”

Abram gave Tarren’s shoulder a slight squeeze. “The boy has a good imagination, yes, but a liar he is not. I’m afraid the tale is a long one, but if you could get us what we need, we could tell you the tale of Cirrosa and the slaves over some Dragon’s Brew.”

“Cirrosa!” Hagus yelled, catching the attention of half the room. He bent low and whispered, “You’ve seen the pirate Cirrosa? That scum hasn’t been spotted in these waters in over a year.”

Whill bent low to match the bartender’s stance, and after an animated look around he said, “Seen him we have. His blood dries upon my friend’s sword as we speak.”

Hagus’s bushy eyebrows seemed in danger of leaping from his face. “No!”

“Yes. Would you like to be the first on land to hear the story, or can you not accommodate us at this time?”

Hagus fumbled for some glasses. “No, no! No-um, Dragon’s Brew you said? Comin’ right up, and-oh. Sheria! Sheria!” he called towards the bar door which led to the back of the inn.

A woman of about fifty emerged carrying two bowls of stew. She wore a long brown dress with orange trim, and a brown handkerchief upon her head holding up her long grey hair. She was pretty, with a more natural smile than Hagus’s.

“Sheria,” Hagus said hastily, “after you’ve served those, get our guests a room ready. Make it the north room.” He poured the Dragon’s Brew from a large barrel mounted on the back wall. Sheria nodded and began on her way as Hagus burst out again, “Wait, woman, I’m not done! Have three baths prepared, and see to their luggage and horses if they have any.” He turned to Whill as he set the beer in front of them. “Do you have horses?” Whill shook his head in amusement. “No horses? Never mind, em, ah, and also have Jenna cook up the special-three orders, right, and not today’s special, the special special.”